The dubs at "Witness World" are discussing UN involvement!!!!!

by somebodylovesme 150 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • somebodylovesme

    Looks like it's wrapping up. Damn. The suggestions posted here are good, but I don't think I should post them there, since I rarely post there. Would probably be obvious. Ah, well. Another day.

  • somebodylovesme

    Well, looks like the mods there did delete the post. And brucejw is no longer registered... hmmmm

  • undercover
    Well, looks like the mods there did delete the post. And brucejw is no longer registered... hmmmm

    That right there is as good a reason to distance yourself from this crazy religion as any. No negative, independent thought process allowed. No dissenting opinions allowed. No disagreements allowed.

    As soon as non-conforming, negative, questioning viewpoints started to be posted, the topic was squashed and the messenger was killed. Maybe this guy was an infiltrator, but he did not post anything "apostate". He posted factual information without condemning or accusing anyone of wrongdoing. Factual information, despite its origin is still information and knowledge. Just because it "might" come from an unapproved source does not change what happened. The WTS has conditioned its followers to not listen to anything negative from any source. In doing this, its followers are sticking their head in the sand when it comes to what's really happening around them.

  • Elsewhere

    Ahhh yes, they put forth an excellent witness for all the world to see...

    I'm going to bookmark and copy this thread so I can show people how JWs behave when confronted with dissenting opinions.

  • Nosferatu
    Well, looks like the mods there did delete the post. And brucejw is no longer registered... hmmmm

    Perhaps we have "Witness World" lurkers here?

  • Gerard
  • Gerard

    JWs "discussing" the UN issue:

  • xjw_b12

    LOL at Maverick. Good one, you sneaky apostate you!

    somebodylovesme. I think I love you. Most fun I've had in while reading that thread, and the posts from "Witless World", all the while drinking my Coca-Cola.

    PamelaDO Moderator: No doubt this is a letter started by some apostate org. and it can easily be found false.

    Okey Dokey then!

    Jzero: If it turns out to be a copy of a legitimate registration, then I am confident that the Society and their lawyers have done so with out compromising the integrity of the scriptural requirement to remain neutral.

    Well of course they have.

    PamelaDO Moderator: That letter certainly did seem to me to be something an apostate would dream up. It seems as though, instead it's something that an apostate twisted around.

    Keep digging that hole girl!

    Savita: We are going to have our faith tested by a lot more than a letter as we get deeper into the time of the end.

    Oooh Boy are you!

    Savita: I have seen before the tactics of apostates infiltering a board and posting this kind of thing to cause doubts and questions about the organization. My purpose in joining a board is to make friends and enjoy an interchange of encouragement not to have to defend whether or not the organization is stepping over the line when it comes to doctrine.
    I have nothing more to say on the subject.

    Translation: You're scaring me, and I do not know how to defend the organization.

    endver and brucejw obviously pulled an end run on Savita. She just painted herself into a corner. shelby and Tsunami I couldn't quite figure out. PamelaDO a moderator didn't put up a very good fight, and Polly Pan an administrator, didn't sound very convincing in her rebuttals either. Maybe the whole site is a "cess pool of apostates" hahahaha

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    To me, it would seem that if one doesn't want to get "singed" by the fire, then you shouldn't get close. If you don't want to totally get burned up, then one shouldn't jump into the fire. The JW's have always taught that this is the "wild beast" of the revelation. For years, they have printed that this instituation was evil, in touch with Satan, symbol of all that was worldly, licentious, disgusting, and dirty. Yet, they "flirt" with the beast, by signing up as NGOs, when they should be not be getting near to it, avoiding it at all costs. To me, if you are smart, you wouldn't even get NEAR it, much less sign up for the ride on the dotted line!


  • somebodylovesme

    DAMN IT. I got kicked off. I messaged the mod and asked why brucejw had been kicked off. She wrote back and said they had checked his ISP and saw that he visited an "apostate" site. I knew then I was screwed... sure enough, and hour later, I'm "temporarily suspended".

    Bastards. :) No more fun for me.

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