by Dansk 61 Replies latest members private

  • Ron1968

    My jw sister tried 3 times to kill herself this past year. She is bipolar and was having a hard time getting the right medication combination.

    The jw's did not help matters either. She thought Jehovah had left her and that someone she let God down. She also is way too wrapped up in that cult. She doesn't have to work and spends a LOT of her time in field service or studying the literature or at meetings. Her only friends are also jw.

    She has never really been taught to think on her own either and the psychologist she saw recognized this. The jw women are supposed to not think too much for themselves it seems.

    She is now out of the depression and learning to think more on her own which is the good part.


  • flower

    ((((((lyin eyes)))))))

    I'm not at all surprised at the number of suicides or attempts within the organization. I think the numbers would be astonishing to the world if they were ever reported and calculated.

    Its pure luck that I am not one of the statistics after an attempt at 16 and another at 25. After I had my son at 27 I all but told my judicial committee that i was suicidal and they promptly ended my meeting and told me to "go home and get some sleep". I would not have resisted the urge to slam my car into a building on the way home had I not had a 3 month old baby waiting at home for me. After that night I never set foot in another kingdom hall again nor answered the door when they came around looking for me to continue with my 'punishment'. It didnt take long before they df'd me i'm sure they were just pissed that I refused to take their calls, answer the door or meet with them anymore.

    I'd be surprised if I dont know at least a handful of people who have attempted it including my own family although no one would ever admit to such a thing.

  • Dansk

    Welcome, Nazgul.

    Also, welcome Rabbit (sorry I?m late!).


    They were profoundly shocked and said that something like that would NEVER happen in England, not in THEIR congregations.

    They were talking baloney! They must be living a very cocooned life if they believe that. Or, as my friend is fond of saying, they?ve got their heads stuck up their rear ends.


    The acknowledgement of mental illness in the general population is a serious problem, which is made worse by the WTS unofficial stance towards treatment. People do not want to be labeled mentally ill and have everything they say and do filtered through that, JWs or not. The issue with JWs is that instead of their "enlightened" scriptural background helping them rise above the labeling in the world at large, they make it worse, make people even more afraid to seek treatment.

    This is spot on!


    it will be a real challange gathering the needed stats.

    Absolutely, which is why Watchtower has got away with it for far too long!


    OTHER religions have pastoral counseling. OTHER religions have programs and nursing homes for the elderly. OTHER religions have programs and activities for the young people. Yep, Witness love is like no other religion -- it's nonexistent!

    Yes, JWs think they?re the only ones with true love ? when, in reality, they haven?t a clue what love, compassion or really caring is!


    There are more and more studies being done and statistics have started to appear on Mental Health among JWs -- their depression rates are very high as are schizophrenia , bipolar/manic depression etc -- I am sure statistics on suicide will also start to appear - -and once there have been one or two documentaries world wide (like the child abuse) it will be another nail in the coffin of the WTBTS

    That?s incredibly interesting ? I have a hammer at the ready!


    I know of quite a few.

    How many?


    what is needed here is a paper trail, a suicide note that directly mentions shunning as the reason for the person taking their lives.

    Agreed ? but I wonder how many notes that damn the witnesses never come to light!


    What if that cult, which should be serving as a safety net, is actually an entangling morass of guilt and obligation that exacerbates negative emotions? What if the actions it suggests as displacement activities, like service and meetings, are actually negative, exhausting experiences that result in greater tension and reduced resistance to impulses? Is it possible that a disease like bipolar disorder could become worse and worse under such conditions? I think so, based on my own life.

    I agree. Whilst not being a bipolar sufferer I can identify with the amount of negativity. I felt this more and more before I exited.

    It is a fact that elders are not competent to give counsel or advice to those suffering depression - they have a tendency to make matters far worse. From a person feeling just a little browned off, after speaking to elders he/she could end up being totally depressed and even suicidal. The downward spiral is greatly exacerbated by these spiritual leaders morons.

    Over the years I have noticed many JWs are hiding behind a veneer of well-being. The truth is, they are utterly frightened to death! I have seen this again recently. When I walked towards an elder?s wife the utter fear in her eyes when she saw me was incredible. I?m convinced she felt I was possessed and, therefore, too dangerous for her because she wasn?t strong enough to counter Satan!

    Remember, they would cite the scripture that says "Probably we will be saved" not ?Definitely!? So, we?d go out and try and do more, more, more ? and still always feel we hadn?t done enough.

    We also had to contend with "knowing" Armageddon was on its way and millions would be destroyed. But, just prior to this, the nations would turn upon us, the JWs. Many would suffer and die. Many would be raped and murdered, including children. But one must keep their integrity to Jehovah to be saved!

    I well recall one sister telling me how a speaker said: "What would you do if you were captured and they held your tiny baby over a vat of acid? They then say to you ""If you don?t renounce Jehovah, well drop your child into the acid."" Would you give in to save your child, or would you stand firm and keep your integrity to Jehovah? This could really happen so we must build up our faith!"

    No wonder so many Jehovah?s Witnesses are neurotic. They are told to do more in Jehovah?s service, that probably they may be saved and that during the great tribulation they, or their loved ones, could be treated abominably before being killed (but not to worry as there?s always the resurrection!).

    I know exJWs who have been out of Watchtower for a number of years and they are still fearful of elders. Personally, I took the decision that the only way to rid myself of their hold was to come right out into the open and let them know exactly how I feel. I don?t fear any of them and I go where I jolly well like. They?ll move out of the way before I do!

    For me this has worked ? but I accept others are fearful of losing loved ones and friends and so they either "stay" in the organisation or keep a low profile after exiting. The truth of the matter, however, is that the majority of JWs are running scared. They are fearful of the future and they are fearful of anyone who stands up to the organisation. I believe we can use this to our advantage.

    I believe it was Scully or Blondie who said that the best way to beat Watchtower is to be seen to be happy. I agree. I?ve heard that JWs in my old congregation expected us to return. Next month we celebrate a year?s exit ? and we?ve shocked them! We held out against everything they could possibly do, including the emotional blackmail of having our own daughters shun us. And guess what - we're still not DF'd (just shunned)!

    By being as we are we genuinely feel we are helping those who are weak in the congregation; those who would like to break free but are too afraid. Those, indeed, who could be the very next suicide victim.

    Yes, we need hard evidence such as a suicide note that we can present to the authorities. We need conducted research on depression and suicide amongst Jehovah?s Witnesses. We then need to release the information to the world.


  • shamus

    Suicide is a terrible thing, Dansk. Feeling like killing myself and having a family member kill themselves is quite different. I don't know how I would feel if someone I knew killed themselves. In all honestly, it would make me want to do it more.

    There was a study done on some religions... I don't know if the dubs were one of them.. and it had to do with suicide rates per religion.

  • Purple

    Me! The lack of love drove me to dispare. Well there were a few other things happening outside the troof but yeah it all added to it.

  • Nazgul

    Everyone: Thanks for the welcome. You have all been instrumental in helping me, and by extension my wife, get out of the cult.

    Blondie: Yes, my wife is undergoing treatment and counseling, she's more stable now and has told me that her suicidal thoughts have diminished. At one point she was able to get on the phone with her father and confront him and later on her mother about the abuse and the way she was treated, something which she had never been able to do.

  • blondie


    At one point she was able to get on the phone with her father and confront him and later on her mother about the abuse and the way she was treated, something which she had never been able to do.

    I'm happy to hear that. Confrontation is not always possible, the person may be dead or it is too dangerous. It doesn't mean it will be "fixed" but it is a way to move on as an individual. My parents still deny everything, but my siblings and I know differently. It is good she has you to support her. My husband has been a gift to me, helping me to learn how to love in a healthy way and be loved.


  • gumby

    I.......was like Lying Eyes mother. I was addicted to pain med for quite awhile. I went to counciling to find out WHY I did this. I told the councelor of my dub backround and he shook his head. I asked him why he shook his head. He said he had MANY in the same boat I was in with pcycho problems that were ALSO dubs. He had DUB patients and that blew me away! I thought at the time that I was the only "can't tow the line" dub on the planet.

    The amount of witnesses on medication to deal with life is staggering.

    Why would people who have a hope nobody else has.........a people who live in a "spiritual paradise", even need to take meds unless it was a physical problem? I can think of more dubs on meds.....than not.


  • stillajwexelder

    These are just heartbreaking stories - - I can feel the pain even in cyberspace

  • cruzanheart
    I think that the cult is responsible for exacerbating these conditions to pathological thresholds. Most people have ups and downs, but under the exhausting regime of boredom and oppression that the JW's offer, the bipolar condition can fester and grow like a blister that keeps ripping open and getting infected.

    Spot on, czar. Jehovah's Witnesses and other high-control groups and cults survive by drilling into their members the idea that they have the only way to salvation and any deviance means death. That effectively isolates the members of the group from any outside help they might need. And I remember the real phobia Witnesses had about talking to any type of mental health professional, so it would be doubly hard under those circumstances for someone who is severely depressed or suicidal to listen or absorb the "worldly" advice being given.


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