My two week consulting trip to Bethel (the beginning of the end) Part 5

by seven006 105 Replies latest jw friends

  • StinkyPantz


  • myself

    (((((((Dave))))))), that (all 5 parts) was quite an experience. It just blows me away that so many of the rank & file will continue to allow the guys at Bethel continue to pull the wool over their eyes and continue to walk the same line because they are afraid to see life in any other way. I wondered through the first four parts why it wasn't shared with your Mom or with Korin, but at the same time I can understand. I would love to share it with my brother (an elder) who is still in. Unless they are in a questioning mode they don't want to face the reality of it. It is hard to give up what little relationship with them that you have. I have already been threatened with not bring up the "apostate propoganda stuff" again.

    I know bringing up the painful part of the past in part 5 had to be rough. It seems like living it all over again sometimes. Thank you for sharing that.


  • doodle-v


    Thanks for sharing, that takes a lot of guts to open yourself up to so many people.


  • think41self


    Out of EVERYTHING Dave said in response to you, you pick out a few words and base your next rant on that? Have you ever heard the terms "projection" and "denial"? Because both of your posts on this thread are practically screaming them!!

    Why don't you slow down and actually read what people say...and maybe NOT presume that you "know" them and what happened in their marriages by a few words on a computer screen?


  • berylblue

    What an amazing story, eloquently written. You had me on the edge of my seat. Thanks.

  • gumby

    Poor panda....trying hard to eclipse Daves story with her own and can't seem to pull it off.


  • Yerusalyim

    Write a book.

  • bebu


    You are a terrific writer. Get yourself a secretary, and forget about the dyslexia problem. I agree with Yeru, write a book!!!! Or, can you give it a website, so that lurkers can easily be directed to and find the whooole thing? I wonder how many ex-Bethelites will suddenly wake up from their sleep of denial, if they read it...


  • Angharad

    Thanks for taking the time to write this out Dave

    Looking forward to part 6 !

  • LeslieV

    Thank you for allowing us to see your life in detail. You are a great writer..keep writing, there is alot of healing that takes place when you write it done. I am looking forward to finding out the REST OF THE STORY.


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