Who Are The Smartest Posters Here?

by minimus 95 Replies latest jw friends

  • Reborn2002


    Allow me to make a few points painstakingly clear for you.

    1. You can stop calling me by my first name. First name conversations are reserved for friends and good associates. You and I are neither. I would respectfully request you refer to me by my username.

    2. Please do not refer to me as "your boy". If this was meant in terms of age, I am not your child and do not appreciate such a tone. If it was meant in slang, I am still not "your boy". (weren't you an elder previously? If so ironically your condescending nature is oozing through.) Please reference:


    3. When I was referring to groups, I meant comfortable little niches people build in order to feel as though they belong, or immature categorizations people create to stroke their own egos or console their frail, delicate personalities.

    As I have said before but you conveniently avoided, to label and categorize people reeks of Dubdom. I for one find it annoying and childish. Do you comprehend now? Or shall I break it down further to 2nd grade English?

    edited to add since I ran out of posts and I read minimus post beneath my own here:

    Since you have no respect for the request someone else has made of you, and you obviously did NOT grasp what I said the first time or you would not open your mouth and insert your foot so often, I am doing what I should have done a long time ago since you like to spam the board with your useless polls and rantings with thousands of posts in a short time span. I also specifically request you not refer to me by my first name or as "son" or "your boy" in a condescending tone yet you do so anyway, so KMA MINIMUS

    The ignore feature is a wonderful thing. Adios 7-Up Spot!

    Edited by - Reborn2002 on 13 December 2002 2:16:30

  • minimus

    I knew exactly what you meant the first time. You might not like me to use your name for your stated reason. I might use Reborn or Jason if I so desire. So so touchy,son.

  • ozziepost

    Be nice, gentlemen!

  • Prisca

    uhoh, Ozzie has spoken!

    I don't think that there is any particular poster who is smarter that than everyone else. Not even a group of posters who are smarter than others. There are some here who may present great arguments in debates or write essays, but are emotionally stunted. Some may have PhDs, but lack the social skills to make lasting relationships, while others left school at 15, and have made a successful life for themselves.

    I think MrMoe summed it up best:

    This whole question is rather silly. We cannot base intelligence of posters here by what they share with the outside world. As Lew (Dakota said) perhaps the most intelligent are those who post fluff and avoid the flame wars? At least they are emotionally intelligent. Intelligence is not actually based upon a person's educational background, it is based upon their comprehension ability as well as memory retention for things they learn - you know, it is called a sense of logic. Sometimes people don't know things for the simple fact that they were never educated in that particular area. Now, to say who contributes the most here... well that is different. But a post such as this is comparing apples to oranges. Some people are emotionally intelligent, some are book smart, some have a wonderful humorous wit. There are different stroke for different folks, and just because one aspect of intelligence outshines another does not make one person's intellect superior, just a different type of smarts.
  • onacruse

    Prisca: Yep, yep, quadruple yep.


  • Robdar
    Jason, you're just angry that you weren't picked "best" anything


    This is not true. I have Reborn on my most caring poster list.



  • Trauma_Hound

    smart ( P ) Pronunciation Key (smrt)
    adj. smarter, smartest

      1. Characterized by sharp quick thought; bright. See Synonyms at intelligent.
      2. Amusingly clever; witty: a smart quip; a lively, smart conversation.
      3. Impertinent; insolent: That's enough of your smart talk.
    1. Energetic or quick in movement: a smart pace.
    2. Canny and shrewd in dealings with others: a smart negotiator.
    3. Fashionable; elegant: a smart suit; a smart restaurant; the smart set. See Synonyms at fashionable.
      1. Of, relating to, or being a highly automated device, especially one that imitates human intelligence: smart missiles.
      2. Manufactured to regulate the amount of light transmitted in response to varying light conditions or to an electronic sensor or control unit: smart windows.
      3. New England & Southern U.S. Accomplished; talented: He's a right smart ball player.
      4. I think there are many users that fit that bill on here.

    4. Mac

      Quantum physics.........wow, you guys are exhibiting some "quarky" behavior!!!

      mac, of the particle accelerator class

    5. SYN


    6. hippikon

      I'm a smart Arse - will that count?

    7. Share this
