Who Are The Smartest Posters Here?

by minimus 95 Replies latest jw friends

  • DakotaRed

    Wow, Shutterbug. I can't say I agree, but thank you.

    As others have said, we all contribute to this board and all have seen the light and truth about the "truth," so, we all must be pretty smart.

    Lew W

  • MrMoe

    This whole question is rather silly. We cannot base intelligence of posters here by what they share with the outside world. As Lew (Dakota said) perhaps the most intelligent are those who post fluff and avoid the flame wars? At least they are emotionally intelligent. Intelligence is not actually based upon a person's educational background, it is based upon their comprehension ability as well as memory retention for things they learn - you know, it is called a sense of logic. Sometimes people don't know things for the simple fact that they were never educated in that particular area. Now, to say who contributes the most here... well that is different. But a post such as this is comparing apples to oranges. Some people are emotionally intelligent, some are book smart, some have a wonderful humorous wit. There are different stroke for different folks, and just because one aspect of intelligence outshines another does not make one person's intellect superior, just a different type of smarts. Amanda *of the dullard lacking a college education class*

  • blondie

    I agree with you MrMoe. Comparisons should be left behind with the WTS. But I still like waiting's posts a lot. Yours too. I learn so much from everyone here.

    Blondie (who can excel in being a "smart" ass)

  • Xena

    Good call Moe!

    BTW blondie I have to admit to being a bit partial to waiting too

  • waiting

    wow............as soon as I saw this thread, I thought "me." But I figured if I posted it, the outright rude laughter would just hurt my feelings, eh? I can accept giggles, however.

    But then!

    vote for waiting, she always seems to pull the right answer out the bag.


    I've actually succeeded in deluding Blondie! giggle. giggle. - I'm showing This One to my husband (who does an excellent eye roll btw). He'll be soooo un-impressed.

    There are a lot of smart posters here - but not to diminish the value of posters who can see both sides of the discussion....or all 10 sides.

    And of course, Simon. That babe *might not* be the smartest - but he sure is The Most Long Suffering. Well, his wife really wins that one....but he's second.

    Oh! Blondie gets MY vote as The Smartest..........for obvious reasons


  • kelsey007

    Well I am sure I would get the most smart ass votes-

    There are many smart people here and that is why I keep coming back to read the post!

  • ApagaLaLuz

    I personally really appreciate Mulan's posts. She is intelligent and brings alot of class to the board. Many times she has to make up where I lack. But I have learned so much from so many people on here. I appreciate the research that so many of you do, so lazy people like myself don't have to. The way the organization has flipped flopped on certain rules such as the reaction to rape, are things I found on this board. I used such inconsistancies in a letter to my parents. The UN controversey. Hell I even learned that Biolumineces (whatever, the glowing molecules produced by some sea life) isn't toxic, and can be used in drinks.

    Some people make me laugh, others make me cry, others make think, others make me pissed. But that's the beauty of it all.

  • bluemoon

    Everyone has had their moments when they have been smart and when they have been, well just darn stupid. I have been in the latter more often than not, so I will be the first to say it is not me.

  • kelsey007

    bluemoon that makes you the smartest!

  • bluemoon

    Thanks kelsey. Maybe I should retract my last post. lol

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