by You Know 176 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Farkel

    : Is that it Farkel?

    Yep. That's it. Only Court Jesters like you think everyone is laughing with them and not at them.

    In your case, I understand, though. You enjoy any publicity, even the bad kind.


  • You Know
    You Know


    I thought you wanted to debate with me about something? / You Know

  • dubla


    well, i see in your last post, with nothing left to say, you resorted back to old reliable: mindless insults.......delusional, silly, goofball, and on it goes. if only these constant insults raised you to the stature you imagine they do, lol.

    So far you haven't refuted anything.

    refute: To prove to be false or erroneous

    false: Intentionally deceptive


    yes yk, many times over have i proved you to be intentionally deceptive (not to mention flat out wrong, but well stick to intentionally deceptive for now). heres a timeline for you from your wager thread (your quotes in red), proving your intentions to decieve (i already posted a longer version of this once, which you wisely ignored)......

    Sep24th, 2001:

    several of us have already pointed out that you specifically predicted the "financial system" to be in a state of war, not the u.s.

    You have got to be kidding me. That's hilarious. You are really desperate to discredit me aren't you? Why don't you explain how the financial system can be in a state of war. Now that should really be worth a laugh.

    here it is plain for all to see, that you specifically denied predicting the financial system would be in a state of war, even going so far as to say that explaining how the financial system could be in a state of war "should really be worth a laugh". i called you on this later, and in your normal deceitful tactics, you flat out denied it. here you go......

    Nov 1st, 2001:

    you now claim you did not mean the financial system, but you really meant the united states

    You have a way of twisting things around, which most apostates seem to excel at. Nevertheless, I didn't say that I didn't mean the financial system as you claim.

    oh, you didnt say that? yes you did you liar....its right there for you, sep 24th, black and white, dead to rights. explain your way out of that one....or better yet, ignore it again.

    just for more proof, heres another thread where i nailed you in a lie, which you again wisely ingored, and to this day have no answer for (look at the red print in my last long post) >>> http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=29888&page=8&site=3

    again, undeniable proof of your intentional deception, and these are just two small examples, which youve happened to ignore...............i still havent figured out if you really do imagine that i havent refuted anything, or if it would simply be too damaging to your reputation to admit as much on a public forum. my email box is open, if youd rather apologize in private.

    What do you mean that he was "shouting at the top of his lungs"?

    well, i assume when he puts his words in italics, and ends with an exclamation, that hes indicating either extreme excitement, or a raising of his voice....thus the "shouting". i suppose "shouting at the top of his lungs" might be a slight overexaggeration, but i used it only because youve used the same exaggerations many times with posters that put !s into their posts. im sure we both exaggerated for the same reason.

    No. Some things are public knowledge and other things are yet to be revealed. What's so mysterious about that?

    i caught you in another lie, and you sidestepped it once again. you specifically stated that the government book cooking is public knowledge, then turned around and said it wasnt public knowledge. there nothing mysterious about your deception, save maybe the fact that you think no one will call you on it.

    For the same reason that I am not screaming about it now, you goofball. LOL

    since you insist on poking fun, rather than answering the question, ill phrase it better for you........why has there been ZERO mention of governement book cooking in regards the benchmark revision, until now? why did you not make this claim long ago, considering the benchmark revision has been around for over a decade, and has ALWAYS been public knowledge? you see, its public....hardly fakery. again, the reason youre calling it "book cooking" now, is simply because that phrase is en vogue, so you can slap it on just about anything and catch a few ears.....no matter how ridiculous of a claim it is. i think the fact is, you didnt even know about the benchmark revision until lately, and when you saw that article on it, you immediately thought, "wow, new hidden secrets about the governments accounting practices", and ran with it.......unbeknownst to you, its been common knowledge for a decade, and i called you on it.....so sorry to ruin your little theory.


  • You Know
    You Know


    yes yk, many times over have i proved you to be intentionally deceptive (not to mention flat out wrong, but well stick to intentionally deceptive for now).

    More delusions.

    here it is plain for all to see, that you specifically denied predicting the financial system would be in a state of war, even going so far as to say that explaining how the financial system could be in a state of war "should really be worth a laugh".

    Again, delusions. You took that quote out of context. Some apostate Dubs were trying to make it seem as if I had predicted that Wall Street would go to war with itself or something absurd.

    /You Know

  • plmkrzy

    More delusions

    Just ignore this the same way you've done 99% of my earnest questions and or coments in the past.

  • Crazy151drinker

    Man, it smells like a DUMBASS around here! Oh, my bad, its just YK.....

  • COMF

    What's that date, again?

  • You Know
    You Know

    What's that date, again?

    Any day now is about a close as we can nail it down. / You Know

  • You Know
    You Know

    Let's push this one past 2,000 hits! / You Know


    YK,You care more about how many hits you get,more than the honesty of your posts.... The anointed of God....One of the chosen....Yeah right!..LOL...OUTLAW

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