by You Know 176 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Crazy151drinker


    The greatest irony, though, is that the whole cycle is about to repeat itself, only on a much grander scale. What I mean is this: Last year at this time the financial system was on the verge of a meltdown.

    Ok Dumbass. Put your wallet where your fat shit spewing mouth is. $1000 bucks says your wrong. Pick a date. Right now. Pick a date. Post the date. "is about to repeat itself" I presume you mean this year or the next. Please post the date. $1000 !! Back your bullshit up.

    There are rumors circulating that there are some big derivatives players in a world of trouble. So, that's why you have the incessant talk about invading Iraq

    And where did you hear these rumors?? Some crackpot website?? You make it sound like you have some inside source at the Defense Dept! LOL Dumbass

    And then, though, on the other side of the coin, a large scale war in the Middle East would probably send oil through the roof, which would certainly be the final proverbial nail in the coffin of the moribund American economy.

    Wrong, or did you forget that we already went to war there and oil did not go through the roof. Prices did not go above $2 a gallon. You are wrong once again.

    Incidently, some officials are telling the Saudis that the U.S. is going to seize their oil fields

    Once again, what is your source for this bullshit?? Crackpot websites are not legitimate sources dumbass. Are you now claiming to have Saudi sources?? More Bullshit!

    WWII started off with a bang and then stalled out for a period, which was called the Phony War at the time, before it recommenced with a vengence

    This is totally out of context. We are not at war with Iraq right now. We have not invaded any of Iraq's neighbors. A 'war' before a 'phony war' hasnt taken place. Once again you take something out of context and proclaim it to be proof of your great knowledge No doubt you will try to claim that Afghanistan [poland] is the start of the next great war and that Iraq [france] will be the next victim. If that was the case I would think you would be supportive of the U.S. since you were so supportive of Hitler.

    Now you have got giant economies like Brazil threatening to default on hundreds of billions of dollars of debt

    Wrong Dumbass! The debt of Brazil is aprox. 232 billion (2000) This is not hundreds of billions like you claim. Why do you continue to mislead your readers? Once again you puff up your figures. I already caught you on this last time, havnt you learned????

    in that it allowed them to drastically cut short term interest rates, for one thing, and the government bailed out the already failing airline industry

    Whoa! Wrong once again! Here we can see the profits of the Airlines in 99 and 00. Yes they went down but a $3 Billion profit is hardly failing. More misleading doom and gloom from YK. If you can read (YK can you read?) you will see that Revenue actually went UP! Sure expenses went up also, but increased revenue is- once again- a far cry from 'already failing airline industry'

    Dollars in thousands



    Airline Industry

    Operating Revenue



    Operating Expense



    Operating Profit (Loss)



    Net Income (Loss)




    Operating Revenue



    Operating Expense



    Operating Profit (Loss)



    Net Income (Loss)




    Operating Revenue



    Operating Expense



    Operating Profit (Loss)



    Net Income (Loss)



    Is Larouche your source for all of your nonsense?? How sad that one paranoid idiot influences your entire life. But then again your still a JW so your used to it.

    United States declared war on terrorism and went and blew up Afghanistan.

    Wrong again! The U.S. has in no way 'blown up Afghanistan'. We are not bombing the cities, and industry. We are just attacking small bands of terrorists. This is not a war.

    So you are simply an ignorant buffoon if you are saying that there is not a state of war

    No, you are an ignorant buffoon for saying that there is a state of war. Desert Storm, Korea, Vietnam, WWI, WWII- those are WARS. The invasion of panama, haiti, greneda, somalia etc etc were not wars. YOU obviously watch too much TV and buy into all the 'war' chest puffing. YOU are a week minded fool. Obviously, since you are still a JW.

    I just had my finger up to the wind and made an educated guess that something had to give

    Wrong Again, you had your finger up your ass! OUTLAW was right, you lost the bet and you owe him $100.

    Face it APOSTATE, you dont now what the hell you are talking about.

  • dubla

    sim (and all)-

    yes, hes making it sound as if thats what he meant all along, that the financial system would be in a state of war.....but in fact, his story has changed in order to claim victory. heres some proof, yks quotes in red:

    Sep.24th, 2001:

    several of us have already pointed out that you specifically predicted the "financial system" to be in a state of war, not the u.s.

    You have got to be kidding me. That's hilarious. You are really desperate to discredit me aren't you? Why don't you explain how the financial system can be in a state of war. Now that should really be worth a laugh.

    so here we see yk specifically stating that he never predicted the financial system would be in a state of war, even making such a notion sound absolutely preposterous, and that explaining how a financial system could be in a state of war "should really be worth a laugh" (dont worry, he goes on to explain it himself later, lol).

    Sep.24th, 2001:

    You said the financial system would be at war, and we've been questioning you ever since how that could even be possible.

    If you think that's what I meant you are more of an idiot than I even imagined. But the case could be made that the financial system is in a state of war in that it is reacting to the future prospects for war...

    so now we see yk once again claiming that its ridiculous to assume he meant anything about the financial system being in a state of war, but in the same breath explaining how in fact that could be possible......the story starts to change already, see?.......

    Sep.25th, 2001:

    Other more mentally challenged individuals claim that I meant to say that the financial system would go to war with itself, that I didn't mean to say that the markets would be in a state of war because the world would be in an atmosphere of war.......

    OH OF COURSE....now hes implying that he meant the markets would be in a state of war, because the world would be in an atmosphere of war.....okay, i got it now i think........

    Sep.25th, 2001:

    The reason I inserted the caveat about the financial system being in a state of war....


    ah yes, this brings us up to date with his final implication, that he said all along the financial system would be in a state of war....of course, duh. isnt it funny how in only two days, he went from specifically stating what a preposterous idea this was, to embracing it as what he meant all along? that wacky yk........always good for a laugh or two.


    Edited by - dubla on 6 August 2002 14:27:48

  • You Know
    You Know

    Outlaw, I think I understand what the problem is here. 
    It seems that you have some sort of basic remedial literacy problem. 
    I didn't say there would be a war as a result of a financial collapse. 
    Reread what I wrote, carefully. 
    I said that there would either be a collapse or a war. 
    Get it? EITHER/ OR 
    You seem to really be taking this thing pretty hard. LOL / You Know
    I am breaking for lunch now boys 
  • Crazy151drinker

    Whoa!!!!! I think I hear sirens! Yep, YK got busted again!


    YK,I have already answered your post that you have just repeated.It is on the previous page.Feel free to reply,I have caught you once again,in a lie..prove me wrong...OUTLAW

    Edited by - OUTLAW on 6 August 2002 14:32:59

  • Crazy151drinker

    Hah! YK has painted himself into a corner and now all he can do is post the same message. What a Dumbass LOL

  • You Know
    You Know

    Crazy Drunk, in case you didn't understand the implications of what I meant when I said that you should consider yourself flushed, it means that I am done with you. Your boasting about sodomizing me is just over the top. I don't want to encourage that sort of vile nonsense. I don't bother reading your posts and I am certainly not going to respond. I consider you to be a mere bestailized dog. And I think a brother put it best when we said that we don't have time to kick at every dog that barks. / You Know

  • Crazy151drinker


    And I think a brother put it best when we said that we don't have time to kick at every dog that barks.

    So are you saying you are tired of being kicked?? If thats the case stop posting all of your doom and gloom bullshit. Once again, you have been proved wrong! Dont cry! It will all be okay! I KNOW YOU are all upset! Its OK! Its not YOUR fault YOURE an APOSTATE!!

    Your boasting about sodomizing me is just over the top

    Dont get all bent out of shape! Its not my fault your toilet is possesed. And please, I understand that as a JW your a little sexual oppressed, but dont turn a joke into something it isnt.

    Crazy Drunk, in case you didn't understand the implications of what I meant when I said that you should consider yourself flushed, it means that I am done with you

    Well guess what! Im not DONE with YOU. As long as you continue to spew out all of your lies I will continue to shoot them down and point out what a total dumbass you are! Deal with it!


    Hey dubla,you are correct YK did set the perimiters of his bet quite clearly.He asked me to reread his bet.I did,now I find he lied about there being a military war in his posts on this thread.Do`s this guy ever stop with the lies? I am waiting for his reply...OUTLAW

  • You Know
    You Know


    another attempt at discrediting me through outright lies. i have never made this statement or implication about "wall street...going to war with itself" as you have so many times accused me of.

    I was using "you fools" in the collective plural sense. Back in October and November several apostates were apparently stunned by the turn of events and tried to spin it that I had said that Wall Street was going to war with itself. You are apparently in agreement with that sort of nonsense.

    thats just nonsense you toss around that i dont think any of us actually said.....its your little invention to make everyone else sound preposterous. the fact of the matter is, no one knew exactly what you meant by the "financial system" being in "a state of war"

    Okay then, You admit that you dont know. So I am telling you what I meant. Deal with it. LOL


    like i said though, either way it wont matter a year from now when your financial meltdown scenarios will only look that much more ridiculous.

    Apparently you havent been keeping up with current events pal.

    what you originally meant by the financial system being in a state of war, we may never know.....nor will we ever care, lol.

    Evidently you do care though. You have spent untold hours dealing with my little wager.

    the guy has been behind numerous attacks (perhaps youve been sleeping under a rock), and his whole organization is constantly being watched.......identifying and tracing the hijackers back to bin laden isnt exactly a lengthy process.

    I know. They left their ID in cars parked at the airport. I am not saying Bin Laden isnt a terrorist. I just dont believe he runs the outfit. The financial oligarchs do. Most terrorist groups have headquarters in London, which various world leaders have protested to the UN about. Bin Laden is just a patsy. Thats how the Devils world operates.

    what i love is how larouche still contends that bin laden is an invention that had nothing to do with the attacks, and thats even after bin laden himself took credit for the attacks, on video


    You are lying. LaRouche didnt say Bin Laden didnt have anything to do with 9-11.

    oh yes, im sure the anglo-american establishment staged the video, with actors reading lines....no better yet, bin laden himself acting out the part, and then going back to work in his f.b.i. office, no one the wiser.

    That's simply incredible.

    Like I said. You are the sort that believes everything they see on TV. LOL

    it really doesnt make a lick of difference what reason larouche gave after
    1997 came and went, proving his ridiculous prediction to be rubbish. the fact is, he put his name on the line, and flat out said that 1997 would not come and go without financial meltdown...

    It wasnt ridiculous. The fiancial system has never really recovered from the so-called Asian Crisis. It has just staggered from one crisis to the next, and now stands poised for the Big One.

    why do you insist on trying to decieve the average reader out there every chance you get? is it just because you know most people will merely skim over your comments, without actually researching them? it is not "public knowledge" by any means that the government has "cooked their books".

    No its not. Just like it wasnt public knowledge that Eron and World Com and the rest were doing it. But now it is. I have decieved no one. I merely am telling you the way it is.

    if you are referring to the benchmark revision again, let me reiterate that revisions in gdp and economic data have been going on long before you and larouche ever started screaming about book cooking.

    So you admit that the fakery has been going on a long time?

    and many of these revisions have been downward revisions. (why was there no great outcry of "cover up" when the gdp was revised downward in 1992?) it has nothing to do with uncovering government book cooking as you imagine.

    Sure it does. The numbers are revised down so that present numbers appear to have a percentage growth over prior numbers. Then down the road the present numbers will be revised down to make the future numbers look good. Thats how that game works.

    he said this before y2k? what was the date on this article, where he made this statement about y2k fraud? im just wondering why you didnt jump on his bandwagon, if indeed he had it figured out way before it ever happened.

    I dont know if any of that is on his web site. There is a lot of stuff in the EIR magazine thats not on the web site.

    / You Know

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