How much before a person snaps?

by MrMoe 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • LyinEyes

    Oh my dear Amanda and Emmie, I understand what your pain is all about now. I have no words to say I understand how you feel, I havent been thru that . But I can imagine how I would feel, and it would be an extreamly hard thing to go thru . This has been going on since Tuesday and you have made it this far, that speaks volumns about your strength and love for your daughter. I wish I was closer to you to hold your hand, I hope you can find someone to talk to , to cry with, you need to be able to let your hurt out too, just as much as Emmie does. I am just sick to my stomach at what is going on in the world towards the children. I hope that your daughter will get the help that see needs, thank God you are no longer in the borg, they would sweep it under the rug and the child would never get the help she needs. You are doing the best thing and you are a great mother by doing all you have to help her. I still wish my little Kelly and Emmie could play together and have a fun day,even thou it wouldnt make what she has been thru go away, maybe it would be good for her to be able to be a child , away from all the questions the poor girl must have to answer. I can just imagine you holding each other and I know she will get her strength from you . My thoughts are with you two all day. Please let us know how she is doing, I would love to mail her a barbie doll or something, a teddy bear, what does she like??? Email me your address, if you feel comfortable with that, I really want to get her something, Kelly would like to draw her a picture and she would love to have a penpal. I don't want to intrude by asking that, but I really would like to send you a card and her a toy. I love email ,but a good ol handwritten letter , is still one of my favorite things.

  • teenyuck

    {{{{{Amanda}}}}} {{{{{Emmie}}}}}

  • MrMoe

    Lyin -- Thanks - sure Emmie can be her penpal -- drop me a line -- my new e-mail address is:

    [email protected]

    I am taking today through Sunday off, although starting Monday things go back to my working 6 long long long days a week with only Sundays off and I don't get home until midnight and posting at work is not very often.

    Today feel very numb, seeing her interview and hearing her words sent her and me both into shock again. Emotional rollercoaster ride.

  • MrMoe
  • MrMoe
  • invisible

    Here is my telephone number, whether it be 3, 4, 5am in the morning, I don't care, if you need someone to talk, share with, I'll be there for you to offer what support I can (+44) (01326) 314080 / [email protected]

    Healing vibes being sent your way as we speak!!

    Celtic Mark, Falmouth, Cornwall, UK

  • MrMoe
  • MrMoe
  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    MM -

    My heart goes out to you and I'm just sorry that I can not offer words of confort as good as those that have preceded this post. I do want you to know that it will get better the further away in time you get from it. My 5 year old nephew was molested in a movie theatre bathroom. I won't go into the emotional details but to say that he is now in his 20's and is a very wonderful guy. We noticed around 9 or 10 he did not recall the incident at all....I'm not sure if this is normal or what, but like a poster above said, children are so resilient.

    You need to take some time for yourself and just rest....don't try to be strong or try to be this or be that, just BE - if just for a brief time. Don't try to overthink and disect everything. Do things that are positive and that you enjoy. Indulge yourself. Sometimes answering internal termoil with "WHATEVER" and momentarily mentally 'moving on' can redirect a lot of negative emotions. Remember, a lot of people care about you and are thinking good thoughts for you. This "moment" in life will pass and somewhere down the road you'll look back at this time with a lot more clarity.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Just saw the picture of MARISANDRA. Do you know if Southwest Airlines goes there?


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