How much before a person snaps?

by MrMoe 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dutchie


  • outoftheorg

    Hi Mr. Moe.

    You don't know me and I don't know you. But I do know what you are describing and it is very difficult to deal with alone. It sounds to me that other than the ones on this site you are alone in this time of trouble.

    You owe your daughter your protection. You also owe yourself your protection. You are a valuable human and deserve the help you need. In times of severe mental strain the best course is to get professional help.

    If you can not afford it there are sources for this help anyway. Your local department of health can direct you to the proper professional help.

    Please look in to this. Seeking this kind of help at a time like this is not a sign of weakness it is the sensible thing to do.

    If what you describe to us is truly your present state of mind. "please" seek out this source of help.

  • Crystal

    What is important is what you now do. If you feel you have wronged your daughter ...tell her.Let her know that you will never let it happen will be amazed at how smart children really are.She knows that you did not intentionly let her get harmed.
    You owe it to your little girl to really really be happy within yourself.She will know if you are faking it.
    Nothing makes me happier than knowing my mother is happy and guilt free.
    She can only be truly happy if you are truly happy.
    Most of all forgive yourself!!
    Think of what has made you happy in the past ,things you havent done in a long time. Be a child again with your daughter.Go out and play!!

  • MrMoe

    Why does my heart
    Feel so bad?
    Why does my soul
    Feel so bad?

    These open doors

  • MrMoe

    red rain is coming down
    red rain
    red rain is pouring down
    pouring down all over me

    I am standing up at the water's edge in my dream
    I cannot make a single sound as you scream
    it can't be that cold, the ground is still warm to touch
    this place is so quiet, sensing that storm

    red rain is coming down
    red rain
    red rain is pouring down
    pouring down all over me

    well I've seen them buried in a sheltered place in this town
    they tell you that this rain can sting, and look down
    there is no blood around see no sign of pain
    hay ay ay no pain
    seeing no red at all, see no rain

    red rain is coming down
    red rain
    red rain is pouring down
    pouring down all over me

    red rain-
    putting the pressure on much harder now
    to return again and again
    just let the red rain splash you
    let the rain fall on your skin
    I come to you defences down
    with the trust of a child

  • lauralisa

    Peter knows....

    Gabriel understands.

    Edited by - lauralisa on 25 July 2002 22:49:32

  • siegswife

    (((Amanda & Emmie)))...Kids are resillient and with your love and support she'll get through this. She'll get through it and possibly even forget about it one day. I know that's hard to believe, but it's something that's not going to continue, and I'm sure that you'll do everything in your power to make sure she's as minimally affected as possible.

    I feel so bad for you both!

  • Nanoprobe

    Dear Amanda

    I am sitting in front of this computer today (and not at a Kingdom Hall) because of another beautiful little four year old girl.

    Terrible things did happen but today she is six and happy and healthy in every way. She will be fine because the situation was handled correctly and because of the strength of her mother. Those websites list the worst case scenario's . . . . be determined that you will beat the odds, that your daughter will not suffer any dire outcome. My friend, Lorraine, made it true for her daughter. It will be true for you, too, you are the kind of mother that will make it true.

  • not interested
    not interested


    Speaking s someone that did snap i can say that it builds up and before youknow it, it just happens

    then you have to spend time in counceling and taking prozac or a equivelant drug, so if youir feeling that way try to get help befor the break down trust me it isnt fun


  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    get help befor the break down

    moe, you're not going to have a breakdown. don't even think like that. i have felt many times that i could break under the weight of life like a twig, but you're stronger than you realize. i know you have friends who are probably helping you even as we speak. i hope you know that everything you read here isn't just empty words... there's sincere support behind them. you could email me right now and i would give you my number and you could call me and i would listen to you, and i'm a perfect stranger. aaargh i wish there were something i could do! you know, i have talked myself down from many a tall building (figuratively speaking) and surprised myself at my abiltiy to do that.


    Edited by - Incense_and_Peppermints on 25 July 2002 23:35:40

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