Our hall is asking for money...

by thedepressedsoul 75 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • wozza

    "When He who says: ‘All the gold and silver of the mountains are mine,’ fails to provide necessary funds, we will understand it to be time to suspend the publication.” (Zion's Watch Tower, August 1879)

    No wonder they are trying to bury the past and Russell

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    I bet with all this money grabbing by the WT corporation going on a lot of account servants are going to start grabbing some of this cash for themselves. Expect more pilfering of congregation funds as a result.

    Hey if I was an account servant and started having serious doubts about giving all this money to a bunch of frauds I have my hands in the cookie jar if you know what I mean with out a guilty conscience.

  • Quarterback
    This matter about contributions will be discussed till the cows come home. The GB thinks that there is an unending supply of publisher funds. They have just begun to hit that brick wall. It will be interesting to see how all of this plays out.
  • kairos

    So, let's see here.

    They only want your money... ( and it's a cult )

  • OnTheWayOut
    This whole pledge thing is going to back fire on them big time and dry up any desire to give as the unconscious of even the more devote worshipers moves them to give less and less.

    I so disagree. You are somewhat correct in that members will give less and less as they realize they don't have to. It happened with literature and it will happen with donations just for the good of the worldwide work they think they are giving to.


    Watchtower already took tons of money and all the Kingdom Halls. They already won. Some congregations will give more than they think they need to and many will give barely what they think they need to. Sure, the rest won't give as much, and as time goes on, this monthly amount will go down. As the money goes down, they can simply not remodel Kingdom Halls and the local members will do their best to keep up the place without LDC. They will close halls that they feel are not profitable.

    Personally, I look at Scientology and see Watchtower going the same way. Scientology has the money and is not really concerned about retaining and recruiting so many new members. Watchtower will keep the money and suffer with less members.

  • hoser

    LL Having a wonderful day, in my own, girl made paradise. lol

    Good for you lois lane. Live your life to the fullest.

  • hoser

    I'm glad I can see through the bs and am only a marginal member.

    I don't subsidize millionaires(billionaires). They don't need any more of my hard earned money so they can live in a mansion by the lake.

  • stuckinarut2
    Put in a slip asking how much the congregation or org wishes to pledge to my family!?!?
  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Our body of elders devised a program on the local needs part of the Service Meeting to call attention to the numerous Household Financial Surveys families in our congregations had filled out and committed to a year ago but that were not being honored. The COBE and the Secretary of the congregation played-out a skit on stage to discuss (while the rank & file listened on) the shortfall our congregation is currently having. The whole 10 minute part was about badgering family heads into following through with forking over the monthly amount that they had agreed to pay.

    I remember a year ago I put down something like $200 that i could contribute/donate to the cause. Then about 8 months later we were asked to fill out another survey on which I raised it $250. I had no intentions of ever giving the congregation a dime and never have. And apparently most other family heads haven't followed through on their pledges either!

  • smiddy

    I think it`s a great idea that the amount of money pledged is grossly exaggerated and then not given , and nobody should feel guilty about it.

    The Watchtower has never apologized for any of their deceptions which have been many these past 130+ years so why should we.View it as theocratic warfare ...a war that they started.

    And rubbing in what C.T.Russell printed in Zions Watchtower about never soliciting for money should always be brought up..

    As I have said before when it suits them WT speaks out of both sides of their mouth.or as the American Indians would say "they speak with a forked tongue "


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