abortion vs holocaust

by unstopableravens 692 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • unstopableravens

    jh: im in a cult, lol na christianity is no cult

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    well katewild, i'll in no way defend a holocaust denier, but i know a few people i grew up with are among those and i know they've never done any harm if that's what you are talking about. you seem to confuse holocaust deniers with participants in the holocaust. that said, i am not deluded by them, i think they are ignorant and i also tell them. but this is getting way off topic, the point is that dawkins did NOT make a holocaust comparison, unlike unstopableravens.

    abortion is an emotional topic, because many people want to apply the love they had for their unborn baby to a completely different situation. it's not like people run around and say, hey, let's have an abortion just for the fun of it.

  • KateWild

    but this is getting way off topic-J.Hoffer

    agreed love Sam xx

  • unstopableravens

    jh: okay yes i am making a comparison of abortion to holocaust based on this both have needlessly taking millions of lives by other humans(differnet motives) abortion is legal till week 24 so took at some pictures of dead ppl at the holocaust and look at dead babies from 8 weeks to 24 tell me if you see any differnce. i dont think to will see anything differant. that is why i make this comparison. my issue is this is still going on! how many babies after 8 weeks will die today.(i am saying 8 weeks so we dont get side tract about cells etc.) come on guys the problem starts with our view of abortion and until we as a society will see it for what it is ,it will not change.

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    in most countries abortion is a choice up to week 12-14. in almost all the world laws against abortion are not enforced if a woman's life is in danger. do you think there may be any good reasons for abortion?

    do you see a difference between the holocaust and an egg farm?

  • unstopableravens

    jh: usa and uk i believe are both 24, stop avoiding my question, we can play this game by your rules, it does not matter you say 12-14 weeks look at pics 12-14 weeks, and look at the holocaust what do you see?

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    it just doesn't compare. yes, an (intentionally or unintentionally) aborted embryo is nauseating to look at. menstrual blood clots or an amputated leg isn't something i like to look at either. that doesn't mean it compares to the horrors of the holocaust.

  • BU2B

    I really dont have the energy to devote to this discussion, but I agree with unstoppableravens. I would like to say that I have notice the pro choice (pro death) crowd always uses the straw man argument bringing up deformaties and rape as examples. In those cases I do not argue against it. However a VERY small percentage of abortions are for those reasons. If that is really your argument, why not support legislation that limits abortion to those two situations. If a mother is not prepared for a child, too young, etc.. there are places the child can be dropped at and left at, also the staff at the hospital can be told that you do not want the child and they will take it off of your hands.

    I feel this is not a atheist/believer issue but another kind of issue. Why does a human being not have rights just because of its location? Most abortions are not given when there are just 12 cells, but when there is a heartbeat, organs developing and so on. Some are done in the late term, and nurses report the infant actually screaming in pain as scissors stab the base of the skull and the brains are vacumed out. For those that say "when does it become a life? The ethicists at Oxford University are now arguing that killing babies is no different than abortion and calls children up to age 3 morally irrelevant. They argue that like fetuses, newborns are not "actual persons", but "potential persons". They argue that killing newborns is no different than the abortion already practiced.

    I cant cut and paste on my browser but the name of the article is "Killing Babies is no different than abortion, experts say" 2/29/12 telegraph.co.uk mabye someone can post the link.

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    "Killing Babies is no different than abortion, experts say": http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/9113394/Killing-babies-no-different-from-abortion-experts-say.html

    now that's a more ethically challenging topic.

  • caliber

    do you see a difference between the holocaust and an egg farm?

    It is not differences but the similarities that is troublesome.. someone gets to choose who will live or die

    Why Did Hitler Kill 11 Million People?

    Hitler had a vision of a Master Race of Aryans that would control Europe. He used very powerful propaganda techniques to convince not only the German people, but countless others, that if they eliminated the people who stood in their way and the degenerates and racially inferior, they - the great Germans would prosper.

    Someone gets to choose who will live or die

    based on things out of your control , your sex, your race, , sexual preference .. timing of your birth .. mental abilities

    All these factors would interfer with the quality and dreams he had for Germany to be strong & prosper & be feel burden free

    If we freely decide who is entitled to begin life... what about the at the end of life, will we freely decide who of the sick or infirmed

    gets to continue living ?

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