What does 100 calories look like?

by jgnat 94 Replies latest social entertainment

  • ShirleyW

    Jgnat - wheatgrass juice is excellent ! i don't drink it everyday but it's extremely good for you, if you don't like the taste just mix it up with some juice, but some folks drink it like a shot.

  • jgnat

    It's not the ingredients that put me off, it's the portion. Drinking it like a shot is good.

  • jgnat

    I mistrust food scares. Frightened people make bad choices.

    Do you know why the women had so many children? Because not all of them would make it to adulthood. They had to hedge their bets. Also, before managed pensions, those children were the only pension fund the parents had. There is very solid evidence that as health care and financial security rises, parents have fewer children.

    Those local demographics I looked at in 1911, only one widow lived alone without adult children. She had two children under the age of twelve. She made buckhide to survive.

    People used to die a lot, from lots of things that are curable now. The demographics don't lie.


  • *lost*

    forgot to add; up there in North america, you recall back in the day, the massive wolf culling that went on. Arsenic poisoning, everything and everywhere was laced witht he stuff, killed every wolf and everyother thing in the eco food chain, devastated the place.

    See you got to factor in things like that when it comes to health. in the big cities, where there was abject poverty, there was poor health and babies and people were dropping llike flies, toxic environement, once the government got active with housing etc health improved.

    London had smog so bad and poisonous back in the day, people couldn't see in front of their faces.

    consumption was tb. cholera was water( I think ?)

    Mixymotsis in rabbits. the peasants lived off rabbits. the bstard landlords introduced mixy, decimated the rabbit populations, so cruel to the rabbits, the suffering. the rabbit industry was a big earner for poor folks, meat ( one of the healthiest you'd get anywhere, herb fed, free range ) pelts etc.

    Factory farmed chickens for eggs, god love em, poor things, chickens are so intelligent. you produce your own eggs from your own free ranging hens, and the difference is unreal. yolk colour, taste.

    In africa you got men riddled with aids .. they are raping kids and even babies, cos their voodooo shit tells them if the have sex with a virgin, they will be cured, fking nuts, the RCC wont advocate the use of condoms, so Aids is rampant and spreading. Few of the carribean places are the same, riddled with AIDs.

  • jgnat

    The arsenic wolf cull happened in the sixties, and still happens today. In 1911 this was raw wilderness.

    It is possible to die from all sorts of horrible diseases that are "natural". I listed a whole bunch of them above.

  • *lost*

    jgnat the women had so many babies cos they were catholic. It is the way of the church, the more women breed and throw out kids, the more numbers for the church, baptised in at birth, one RCC always RCC, lol. passed on down to every generation, nothing to do with God.

    Just like the Islamists, big families, breed out the infidels. take over.

    Are you talking about the likes of India, pakistan etc. - then yes I agree. I have this argument with my boyfriend, lol, trying to get him to undersand why they have lots babies. yep, the kids are pretty much slaves, just like the women, similarities to the Irish, but not the same, with the catholics. totally different.

    Are you talking about like,the pioneers over there. who hadn't been there long.

    True about diseases, yep I'm not disagreeing. Polynesians, awful situation there when the white man landed, diseases. No immunity.

  • jgnat

    That lovely swedish researcher I referenced has proven (I know about the Catholic angle), that economics wins over religion. Regardless of the religion of the country, as security and income rises, child birth rate drops.

    I can guarantee a good look at your family tree will reveal a few hale and hearty centenarians, some infant and child deaths, and a much earlier death rate for most as compared to what we are used to today. The cause of death will be for things we have a ready cure for today. Let's not forget the potato famine.

  • LV101

    "lost" -- thanks for add'l info about "Sister Anna's Recipes." I do appreciate and the last thing I need is another book around here but what's one more!

    Here's some info I picked up the other day that made me sideways. "A diet high in lectins -- a nutrient found in healthy foods like grains, beans, some vegetables, and plants belonging to the "nightshade" family, incuding tomatoes -- has been tied to the weakening of blood vessels, an early sign of heart disease." Article indicates this may be another endorsement of the Mediteranean diet." Seems I also heard the cancer word thrown around when I watched the video last week but not sure. There's also a video on salad bars and what to avoid (as if we haven't heard a thousand times). I dunno anymore but you can hear the researchers on the video at --- ok, it's lower case, "everydayHEALTH, Wednesday, May 1, 2013. Also, some insightful info about using oils (the right ones) on your salads, greens -- apparently, oil is a required fat (required) to influence absorption of the nutrients and fat is healthy.

    Don't know if I want to eat much meat especially after comments above --- omigoodness/scary. Recall one time in London after one of the madcow scares and it was difficult ordering dinner. Couldn't wait to fly to Portugal for safe food. The English were telling us Portugal is known for their beef/meat. Don't know but tried to eat very little.

  • Pickler

    I'm late to this discussion, but, anyway....I did something called the Whole 30. For 30 days you eat only meat, vegetables, fruit and black coffee/water. It was amazing. It made me realise how much of my snacking was just because I craved sugar/salt.

    Since that time I've added sourdough bread & pasta/rice back into the family diet. But that's it. If you are making meals with food, real food, fresh, not things in packets, then you can't go wrong! Unless your portions are too big of course, but, just use the same plate & serve up the family & freeze leftovers.

    This worKs really well, I can honestly say I'm never really hungry, and my weight is good. The experience made me realise that eating junky food puts you in a kind of destructive cycle, the more you eat it, the more you want it. Better not to have it at all!

    Oh, and my daughter has a metabolic syndrome where she requires a high fat, high salt diet! You should see what she eats.....but, she hates it & wishes she could live on salads. I have to find sneaky ways of adding calories to her food!

  • *lost*

    LV - lol. if you found the info helpful, I'm glad I shared.

    The point is - quality.

    Good old fashioned values on quality, not quantity. think about it, if some one is making and throwing out burgers for like 2quid for box of six, they are going to be dodgy.True?

    Factor in, if you go into your butchers and have a ganzy at the price of beef stake, notice the difference. it's all about economics and profit margins, money, money, money ( the love of money - sound familiar, lol )

    It's knowledge. Knowing what your eating, what's in it and where it has come from. Big retailers and corp business has put the little buthcer out of commission, everyone trusted their little butcher in the community who sold good meat, and he knew who his supplier were and were it was coming from, good people will deal in quallity, not shite. yes ?

    Pay peanuts, get monkeys. Better to eat less (smaller portions)less often, proper diet (NOT lose wieght starving diets, balanced diets) better to have less junk and spend a bit more on decent good Quality food. Spend less on clothes, nails, hair, and fake tan, lol.

    Grow your own veggies and herbs.

    Did you see over there in USA, when Jamie oliver went over to work with school to get kids onto healthy food. cos of Huge obesity, man I mean FAT, obese kids, parents.

    He got them to load up the food shop onto the kitchen table, shite, shite, and more shite. We were here, like OMG, r you kidding me. No wonder they are like Supa obese. Unreal.

    well Jamie had a right tuff time of it, they even made him cry, he was so frustrated, cos he loves people and kids, he's a good person and done loads for kids, he took on the british government, re;school dinners. ( I have followed him since he was a young un starting out. he's dyslexic i think)

    The dinner ladies gave him grief, everyone, it was awful. EVEN THOUGH HE WAS RIGHT. Most people don't care, most people are just too lazy, and most people just odnt have the energy, cos they too tired and depressed. It's a vicious circle.

    But balance, in everything, balance is the most important rule of thumb and it should be a guide for everything.

    KKEP IT SIMPLE another good mantra. De-clutter, de-stress.

    The most important stuff is to learn the basics, and work up from there, thus not getting buried under millions of useless books that you will never use ( I have done that, lol) that's what sister anna's book is aimed at, sick people who need simple stress free effective nutitional info and meal plans to help them cope.

    Food is not just food, it's medicinal too. Health, physical, mental, emotional. Are all affected / altered by food.

    I never stopped eating, beef, eggs, milk, ham, chicken. If i buy beef burgers, i buy proper burgers. remeber the rule you get what you pay for. I'd sooner spend an extra 2 or 3 quid on free range eggs and have good healthy eggs, than facory farme, pumped full of anti-biotics to fight didease, living in shite conditions eating a false diet, hens. and I have the knowledge I am not contributing to animal crualty.

    I have kept my own hens. if you have a little room there, get two. they are amazing creatures, and will convert your houshold scraps into healthy nutritous eggs for far less expense than buying them from a shop. People have forgotten about self-sufficiency. Herbs and stuff. we have been dumbed down.

    Take Magnesium. Prevents muscle cramps. and is vital for mental health. Fights depression. When under stress, many people increase thier coffeee consumption, tobacco or alcohol. But they should consider if they are getting enough magnesium. Magnesium supports over 300 different enzymatic processes in the body.


    and zinc are known to contribute to the maintenance of hair, skin and nails.

    The list goes on and on. We don't educate ourselves to trace elements, vitamins and minerals. we have trusted the food producers to provide us with healthy food. all they care about are profit margins.

    Dandelions - blood cleanser. they grow for free in the garden. lol

    A good thing that came out of the recent horse meat scandal, it put a lot of business back int the shops of local butchers.

    sorry, I'm rambling. lol. it's all so fascinating, but so very simple. stick to basics and keep it simple. lol.


    I haven't read that yet, I will do, jsut got other things bouncing about in my head at the moment, lol.

    If she is saying economics wins out over religion. How does she explain the facts of the last ooh, lets say, 100 yrs of economic poverty inflicted on Irish nationals under church rule, by the church? In theory maybe, in reality, no. It's education and knowledge that forces the changes. Education and knowledge strips away the power the religion once wielded. people then rebel, they force change. they lose their fear. They start to 'breed' out the doctrine.

    In the 70's miscarriages and infant death was for some reason very common. My mother, aunts, friends mothers, it was common yes. Prem-births are still very comon, but the survival rates are higher, modern medical advancement maybe ? My first child was 8 wks early.

    the potato famine, gosh, how could we ever forget that. the devastation, mass emigration and starvation of millions at the hands of their English slave-masters.

    The English raped the country and the food was shipped over seas to feed the british soldiers. Sure the blight didn't help, but the people were so stripped by then and weak, they had no other resources to counteract the loss of potaotes to the famine. They had nothing else. My Uncle was a Coeliac, he told me, many Irish suffer from it, cos the brits took the corn/wheat and the Irish weren't used to eating it. (like the chinese? and dairy)

    As an Irish friend of mine once said, to the priest, no priest ever died in the famine did they father. lol. True.

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