What does 100 calories look like?

by jgnat 94 Replies latest social entertainment

  • jgnat

    Here's a perfect food for you; Edamame. I found it through the Nutrition Facts website. It is a nearly perfect combination of fats, protein and carboydrate. It is satisfying and it stays with you. Break open one end and suck the beans out.

  • LisaRose

    LisaRose - just shows a little bit of creative thinking and a tad bit of preperation and you have healthy snacks.

    Thank you. yes, none of these take very long to make. The difference is they are real food, not just white flour and sugar. Go into a grocery store sometime and think about how many store shelves are devoted to things that have absolutely no nutrients whatsoever, chips, cookies, soda, candy, ice cream and you will realize why we spend so much money on health care. I used to eat fairly well, but I had a cookie addiction. Then I found out I am gluten sensitive and goodbye cookies, I have had to give that up, and I am probably better off for it. I have to make them myself if I want them, and sometimes I do, but it is a rare, occasional treat now. But there are so many things that taste better and are better for you. When you don't eat a lot of sugar, your taste buds get more sensitive, and you can taste the natural sweetness of fruits and veggies. I can eat a whole red bell pepper, raw, dipped in a little ranch dressing, and it tastes sweet to me. And no bread made me get creative with other grains. I already used Quoina, its a great rice substitute, higher in protien. Now I also use buckwheat, it can be cooked like rice, or made into pancakes, yum. There is polenta (corn grits), rice , amaranth.

    There are so many great foods out there that we don't eat because we are so focused on wheat, and the truth is, a lot of people are not able to digest gluten, and they don't even know it. Looking back, I realize I have been gluten sensitive for ten years. And even though I went to the doctor many times because chronic intestinal issues, not one doctor suggested this might be a problem, they just don't know. And It is hard to change the way you eat, but once you give up all the junk, you don't crave it anymore. And real food is satisfying, in a way junk food is not. If you have a small handfull of raw nuts, you will find that it tastes good, but you are not going to go into the kitchen and devour the whole bag, as you might with chips or cookies. Real food is just not as addicting.

  • LV101

    question for lisarose --- below.

    jgnat you are right on about those fats/nuts and weightwatchers. All that fake stuff they sell/advertise scares me although I think it's a healthier diet than some having freedom to choose your own foods. I force myself to measure the nuts out and cheat on most days but find they really satisfy/help me. I'm so hypoglycemic and eat something nutritional every hr. (or try) and I find the nuts so convenient.

    Edamame is so good --- glad you popped this one out there. Reminds me to thaw some out.

    Anyone eating the cacao --- tiny bits of the real deal that has more antioxidants than anything? including the best red wne. They sell at Whole Foods and apparently it sgenerate cell renewal. I don't know but they definitely taste a tad healthy. I think they're sugar free.

    The steel cut oats are nutritional, too.

    I buy the Kangaroo pitas (whole grain, low fat) and toast then shake cinnamon --- trick my mind w/a toss of real, granulated sugar (I know, poison) but then I shake/tap it all off on days I want to dream of french toast. Usually I just shake a tiny amt. of Stevia (love that stuff) on. It's the sweetest stuff in the world, zero calories, but have to shake in my palm first then toss onto pita, very gingerly or it's sickeningly sweet. Apparently, Stevia is healthy stuff but I can't stand it in the packets but like the "Better Stevia" in shaker form.

    Lisarose --- love her idea about those figs. Do you buy them dried/natural? Not sure I even like figs but family does --- I like them candied/BAD!!

    I need something to take the place of Fritos and Flaming Hot Cheetos at night time. Used to eat the Rice Chips (yum) but they have a boatload of calories/fats --- but healthy. If I could just treat myself to a couple.

  • LV101

    lost --- I agree but something about those nuts really helps the appetite ---all that nutrition.

    The potatoe (white, my fav) doesn't make me feel sugary but I eat rarely because they're not nutritional --- so sad. I keep trying to like yams/sweet potatoes -- yuk. I just don't like them.

    I don't like doing this but pick up the bagged veggies (carrot, broccoli, cauli, etc.) and throw on a cookie sheet, mist with a tad of olive oil (you really need to use that special oil spray thing I forced myself to order or pick up at houseware store) and throw in preheated oven at 375 degrees for 20 - 25 minutes. So good and healthy. I usually intersperse mushrooms, pea pods, bell pepper --- whatever you like. It's best to just toss your own fresh veggies but if you're busy and don't want to make a mess it's convenient.

  • Glander

    First time I ever saw edamame was at a beer hall in Tokyo. They served the beer with big bowls of them. I was hooked.

    My wfe makes up a trail mix with almonds and dried fruit that is very good. contains a little sugar from the fruit. I have no idea of the calorie content of a fistfull but I think it would be pretty low.

  • jgnat

    LV101, I've learned from my hypoglycemic friends that we have to eat the same, for the opposite reasons. Your sugar dips too low (overeager pancreas), and my sugar goes to high (sluggish pancreas). Balancing act, here we come.

    glander, I have to break it to you that natural trail mix with dried fruit and nuts is high in calories (and nutrition). One tablespoon is 100 calories.

    LisaRose, I hear you about real food flavours. Once we cut back on sugar and salt, we started to really taste the food. If it isn't fresh, it tastes gross! I take much more care on what I eat. I have acquired a taste for edamame, so good.

    I have one of these ceramic vegetable slicers. They are perfect for making vegetable chips. Always use a finger guard. I donated a tip of my pinkie when I let down my guard.

    Vegetable Slicer

    For a crunchy high-protein, low-fat snack, try roasted chickpeas (garbanzos).


    What's wrong with white potatoes? All the nutrition is just under the skin, so learn to enjoy them unpeeled. Try Yukon Gold.


  • LisaRose

    Lisarose --- love her idea about those figs. Do you buy them dried/natural? Not sure I even like figs but family does --- I like them candied/BAD!!

    I use dates, not figs, although I like figs too. I use dried dates, you just open them, pull out the seed, then stuff, it's easy. You can stuff with cream cheese, for a non sugar sweet. I also stuff with blue cheese and wrap with proscuito. Blue cheese is too rich for me, but the dates add sweetness while cutting the richness, and the proscuito adds a little smokeyness. Very caloric, but what a treat.

  • Glander

    Do not, I repeat, DO NOT even try one candied strawberry.

  • LV101

    Good info, jgnat, about hypoglycemia/diabetes. I appreciate. Long time since I'd read or heard that.

    Oh, here's a great snack-e-poo: Popcorn. Loaded with fiber, more polyphenols (an antioxidant that may lower risk for heart disease and certain cancers) than many fruits and veggies. Better to make you own than the boxed commercial type that is loaded with junk. The organic popcorn kernals are best --- and just throw them in a brown paper lunch sack/bag, fold over the top couple times and microwave (fold side up) for 2 - 3 minutes until the popping slows. You can then mist it with olive oil if desired or eat plain.

    The great spray gadget is called a Misto sprayer and runs around $12. Money well spent. I tried using a regular, plastic, sprayer and not a good idea -- doesn't work.

  • LV101

    Yukon gold potatoes? These are nutritiously sound? Thanks for sharing. These might save me.
    Thanks for sharing.

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