Life Is On the Hairy Edge

by AlanF 87 Replies latest jw friends

  • jst2laws


    Wow! Joy2bfree and I know what it is like to wait in the hospital for hours for the doctor to come and report the gravity of the situation. Especially when he walked into the room and did not tell us are son was OK but started with the statemen "Let me explain the nature of our problem". I am so glad your news was more positive. Ours turned out good and I'm glad to hear your family is going to make it intact as well.

    Now many hours visiting the hospital until she can come home and the long road to recovery. Give your daughter and your wife a hug from us. Tell your daughter if we can come through Colorado this summer we will come by and tell her some jokes.


  • sf



  • AlanF

    Julie again here. I just went back and read through your posts. My boys are raised now (23 and 26) but I still worry about them a lot. With Julie it's been different, though. I know she's more vulnerable, and I've tried to be a stickler about friends and cars. She's not supposed to ride in a car with more than one friend. She herself doesn't even have a driver's license yet (she's had a permit for more than a year, but we don't think she's ready yet) and we would never even consider letting her have a car until she goes to college. But almost every one of her friends have cars. And almost every one of them has been in an accident. Just last year, two of the girls who were in yesterday's accident had an accident; one of the girls had a ruptured spleen from it. ARGH!

    For teenagers, owning a car is a status symbol. The girls told me today that kids who don't drive and have their own cars are looked down on. The street where the accident happens is on one side of the high school Julie attends, and there are accidents on that street every single day. I just cannot understand why 16-year-old kids need their own cars. When I was a teenager, we had ONE family vehicle and I rarely got to drive it. Even as an adult in my 30s, when I moved to this town to go to college, I rode my bicycle everywhere or took the bus. You don't need a car in this small city. Every street has a bike lane.

    OK. I'm done spouting now. :-) I think Julie will now understand why I tried to make so many rules about cars and that I was just trying to protect her. Unfortunately, when you're young, you often have to learn these lessons the hard way.

    To all of you whose children haven't reached driving age yet, DON'T let them have their own cars.

  • Earnest

    Thanks for sharing, Alan. As one father (whose hair is rapidly greying) to another I can well imagine the emotional roller-coaster you must have gone through. Very glad that your worst fears were not realised...and she now has a story to tell her (future) teenage daughter to keep her safe. That is, of course, God's little joke on us wayward youths...that we become parents ourselves one day.


  • Ranchette

    (((((Alan & Julie))))))

    Oh no!

    So sorry to hear this news.
    You guys are living out one of my worst nightmares but I guess you could say it's every parents nightmare.

    Hang in there!
    We are thinking about all of you and sending love your way.

    Please keep us posted.


  • Had Enough
    Had Enough


    What a shocker to read this!!! I am so sorry. This has to be a parent's worst nightmare. I am so glad to hear Julie will pull through, but it will be a long haul getting back on her feet.

    My kids are now in their 20's but I still worry about them on the road. When my son was a teenager he had a couple of minor accidents through his own inexperience and I'll never forget the horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach when I got that phonecall.

    That experience can't possibly be even close though to what you must have felt at the hospital. How parents ever survive their kids' teen years, I'll never know. There's never a dull moment or rarely a sane one, it seems.

    Just know that I am thinking of you and your family at this time and I know you are strong stuff. I'm sure Julie knows this too and will come out of this a stronger person.

    Tons of best wishes coming your way.

    Had Enough

    "Never doubt that a small group of citizens can change the world.
    Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
    ...Margaret Mead

  • Introspection

    Sorry to hear that Alan, glad to hear she'll be alright.

  • safe4kids

    ((((Alan, Julie, and Julie)))

    Wow, I just read the thread and found out about the accident. Kids and cars are a scary thing, I don't know how I'll survive my kids' teen driving years.

    I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter's injuries and the fear that you both must have experienced. Seeing one's child in pain, and knowing what a close call it was, isn't something I'd wish on my worst enemy. I'm adding my wishes for a speedy recovery, although it sounds as if that's not going to be the case. Thank goodness that she and her friends survived the accident!!!!


  • seven006

    Leave it to Alan to try and simplify his life by marring a woman who has the same name as his daughter. Makes yelling out "hey Julie get me a beer" a lot more efficient.

    Thanks for the call woman. You know I love you guys, (well, except for Brian).

    Cars and kids........what'ta ya gonn'a do?

    Big hug


  • ros

    Alan and Julie (Jukie):

    So sorry to hear about this! I know and sympathize with what a close call this was. I have a nephew who is quadraplegic from a similar accident and being thrown from a car. (You met his mother.)
    As bad as this situation is, and what you and she will have to bear in the months ahead, thank goodness it wasn't worse.

    Alan, you sound pretty shook. Hang in there.
    Julie (Jukie), you're a gem.


    "A religion that teaches lies cannot be true"--The Watchtower, 12/1/91 pg. 7

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