Life Is On the Hairy Edge

by AlanF 87 Replies latest jw friends

  • Farkel

    Damn, Alan and Julie,

    At least I'm relieved to know she's going to be ok. I'll bet waiting to find out about her prognosis was really tough on you both. I send my best wishes for her quick recovery.


  • Eric


    Och, rotten news, but glad to hear the prognosis is positive. Tough, young body indeed.

    An area of health care that has come a long way since the days when I had a tough, young body is post-operative physiotherapy. Pinpointed, controlled and monitored exercize designed to maximize the recovery from injury. This field of therapy owes a great deal to the sports industry, where maximized recovery and speedy healing can mean millions of dollars.

    There are charlatans operating in this area, and there are dedicated professionals. Though you may be vulnerable at this moment Alan, I have no doubt that you will engage your bullshit detector and select an appropriate administrator for your daughter's care and recovery.

    With empathy and respect,


  • Dutchie

    Kids! Everytime one of mine goes out the house I worry until they come back again. of course, you can't tell them that but just the same, I never draw a peaceful breath until they are all where I can see them. I am so glad your daughter is going to be okay. Unfortunately, we cannot protect our kids from the experiences that life brings them, but luckily for you, your little girl will still be around to worry about her own kids. That'll show her!

  • Tallyman


    Just opened this thread.

    So sorry, man.

    Key Phrase:
    "Prognosis good; tough young body..."

    Ahh, the resilience of youth.
    THAT is definitely going to be going for her.

    Best Wishes to her,


  • Hmmm

    I didn't open this thread sooner because I thought it was a fluff piece about shavers (hairy edge... don't ask, I don't know myself)

    Add my name to the list of well-wishers for daughter and parents.


  • belbab

    My thoughts are with you Allan, Julie and daughter.

    Life on the hairy edge, this too shall pass, pass on to the better, I pray,


  • orangefatcat

    Alan I so happy your daughter and her freinds will be alright. You are one cool dad. Man when my son fell of a bicycle and hurt himself I was hysterical. I hope her recovery is fast and she is back to her old self again. Wishing you and your family all the best.

  • Doc_jedd

    I hope your daughter recovers nicely with no set backs. Allan and wife my thoughts are with you folks, keep up your strength for the long haul ahead.................Jedd

  • gravedancer


    Sorry to hear about this...if you need anything you can contact Amazing or Farkel and they can find me.

    Wishing you and your daughter all the best as she recovers.

  • AlanF

    This is Julie, posting from Alan's account. I just came home to get a bite to eat and let the dog out; Alan is still at the hospital. Thought you folks might like an update; there were a number of messages on the answering machine, too, when I got home--thanks to everyone for their kind thoughts.

    Julie's four friends are all OK--a bit bruised and shaken up, but no broken bones, no major injuries. Julie got the entire brunt of the collision. She has compression fractures in three, maybe four vertebra in the middle of her back. This injury will cause her the most trouble and pain and recovery time. She'll be in physical therapy for a long time.

    Her broken ribs are also very bad. They're all on the back side, not the front. One is broken is three places, one is broken in two places, and a third in one place. All of these breaks are serious(can't think of the terminology--I'm too tired--but they're misaligned). The other three ribs are cracked, but in place. She also bruised her liver and lung, got a nasty cut on her head, and is covered with road rash (she got thrown onto the street and rolled pretty far). She's getting morphine every hour, but she's still in quite a bit of pain. She's been really brave--stoic really. She told me not to feel sorry for her because she didn't deserve it after doing something so stupid. The poor kid. :-( The girl who was driving is just beside herself; we almost feel more sorry for her than for Julie.

    Anyway, Julie will be OK, but she's going to be out of commission for quite a while. We don't know yet when they'll let her come home, and she'll be out of school for quite a while.

    Alan can tell you more later. We're spending most of our time at the hospital, so if you leave a message and we don't return your calls, that's why. Thanks again to everyone for their love and concern.

    The uninjured Julie

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