Life Is On the Hairy Edge

by AlanF 87 Replies latest jw friends

  • dmouse

    Ohhhh! Sorry to hear that.
    As a parent myself I can understand how you must feel.
    My thoughts are with you.


  • Mulan

    Alan, how terrible. She broke six ribs?? Last October, I fell at the beach on some slippery rocks, and hit my rib cage with my full weight. I still have pain!! And I didn't break my ribs, only got some bruises and some twisting going on.

    A few years ago, my daughter in law's niece was in an accident like your daughter's. She broke both legs, and had massive head injuries. She recovered too, but it was a very long process. She was 14 and had snuck out with a 22 year old guy. She is less rebellious now.

    Marilyn (aka Mulan)
    "No one can take advantage of you, without your permission." Ann Landers

  • WildHorses


    I'm sorry to hear about your daughter. I'm glad the prognosis looks good.

    I keep worying when I am going to get a call about my son. He seems to think that I know nothing about life and does not listen to me.

    Please keep us posted.


    I don't want someone in my life I can live with. I want someone in my life I can't live without.
  • think41self

    ((((Alan & Family))))

    Wow, that has to be the worst thing a parent has to go through. I had a similar experience, only it didn't involve an auto accident. My boy was fine...and it sounds like your daughter will be too. Life is precious...and precarious. Why can't we get our kids to appreciate that without having to learn it the hard way? Or scaring their parents half to death? I'm very happy for you that the prognosis is good, please share that with your family for us.


  • MegaDude

    Alan, that was close. Hope she heals fast, and I'm glad it wasn't more serious.

  • SEAKEN2001


    sorry to hear about your daughter. Best wishes to you and your family.


  • outnfree

    Your post had ME on the hairy edge...
    Glad they will [all?] live?
    And wishing you, Julie, and your daughter patience and love BEYOND what you think possible to deal with the recovery process.


    It's what you learn after you know it all that counts -- John Wooden

  • waiting

    Hi Alan,

    I've worked with car salesmen for 30 yrs now. A lot of them buy their kids Big Old Tanks instead of Civics, Eclipse, etc. The reasoning? They're inexperienced and at least they're in a tank in case of any accident.

    I know of 4 salesmen who didn't buy tanks, or their kids were with other kids. In all four instances, all the kids in the small cars were killed. There is no describing the parents pain. Several of the aged them at least 10 years, two men ended up divorced. I don't think they're wives survived much better, but that's an assumption.

    I know of other accidents where kids survived, big or small cars - but it seems that tanks survive the crash better. Camaros with young drivers don't seem to survive crashes well, btw.

    I'm relieved your daughter and her friends came away so fortunately. It's still terrible to wait. Glad it worked out well.

    Take care of your daughter, she's fortunate to have you and your wife.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Hi Alan,

    What a night! I'm glad the juniper was there to catch her in its cushioning arms and that, in time, all will be well again.

    Best wishes to all.

    - Nathan Natas, UADNA
    (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America)

  • DannyBear


    You or I fly 30ft through the air.....bye,bye.

    If the expression 'youth is wasted on the young', it certainly does not apply in this instance. She will recover quickly, you on the other hand :).

    The sheer terror of waiting for news, damn!

    As if you would have snuck a peek in the emergency room...gotta watch for them pesky dad's looking for news about their daughter's...

    So happy she made it...the alternative really stinks!

    Take care Alan.


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