by minimus 122 Replies latest jw friends

  • botchtowersociety
    Glander is so funny. Never a real comment, just lots of random insults. No worries on the voter fraud though---the pubs have made sure that many eligible voters won't be able to vote---so we can hope the 3 fraudulent voters get caught up with the millions disinfranchised legal voters.

    Why don't you go back and address the responses to your posts on the voter fraud thread? You repeat your comments here but they have been debunked hard there.

    Romney might pick Portman for VP, by the way. If so, Obama can kiss Ohio goodbye.

  • BizzyBee

    Women are able to focus on more than one thing at a time, believe it or not. Pointing at the economy ("look! over there!") while taking away their civil rights isn't going to wash in November either.

  • botchtowersociety
    Women are able to focus on more than one thing at a time, believe it or not. Pointing at the economy ("look! over there!") while taking away their civil rights isn't going to wash in November either.

    Last I checked Romney isn't taking away anyone's civil rights, or proposing to. We already know Obama has.

  • designs

    What is the highest position a woman can attain in the Catholic Church- Mother Superior, and in the LDS missionary? These candidates have some baggage to explain to the public.

  • botchtowersociety

    More than 20% of the country is Catholic, it is only baggage because you want to make it baggage. Most of the country is religious. This will only work with dead enders that will vote for Obama no matter what. It won't work with the swing vote, or with Republicans. I thought Obama was supposed to be a uniter, that is what he ran on. Now they are going to engage in Mormonophobia? Great, let's play that game. Obama is like shooting fish in a barrel with his past. Good luck winning with your base alone.

  • NewChapter

    Republicans are underestimating just how important these issues are to women. Oh---they would like to talk about the economy now? After months of quietly stealing our rights in state after state and then taking it to the national stage? They have tapped something deep---the young women are waking up, and they don't like what they see. They thought this was the crap of history books---and now they understand. Since I have a daughter, I have been informed on what these young women are thinking. They are fired up. Romney sold out. Perhaps his past policies were more women friendly, but he won't be able to shake this etch-a-sketch. Young woman are absolute pros at youtube.

    Nice Botch. Glander can jump on and make his snide little irrelevant comments, but you jump on me about voter fraud. I've already said my piece. Millions will be disinfranchised for the fake voter fraud problem, and it's not fooling anyone. I can repeat it over and over, but it will make no difference. If the majority of voters affected were pubs, you can be sure you'd all be singing a different tune. So that conversation is a dead end.

    And also don't presume to know where Ohio stands. There is a lot of voter remorse over that Kasich idiot, and I've meant plenty of republicans that won't have anything to do with Romney. Polls show that if he were to run against Strickland again, he would lose by a landslide. I do believe this will spill over into the national election.

    Let's all keep our young women activated. They've really been using facebook to vent their frustration. And a lot of them are already registered, so efforts to suppress their votes will not work on them.


  • designs

    The President will not call out the Republican candidate on his Church's position, you know that. Suppression of women by the RCC for centuries and the LDS position are becoming known, it will be baggage for Mitt and his VP as they try to convince women voters that they have their interests understood.

  • 144001

    Incumbents have the advantage, and Obama is no political slouch, notwithstanding his record. Obama's record is also the Republican's record; they do not come to the table with clean hands. I think it will be a close race between Obama and Mitt. Mitt is electable; he has a moderate record and appeals well to the middle. If I were to bet on it today though, I'd bet on Obama.

    It's unfortunate that more conservative republicans did not support the only real conservative in the race, Ron Paul.

  • designs

    Ron Paul is still in the race, you never know what can happen at the RNC.

  • botchtowersociety
    It's unfortunate that more conservative republicans did not support the only real conservative in the race, Ron Paul.


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