by minimus 122 Replies latest jw friends

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    wrong ladies. Don't u ever read my posts? Or do u just jump on them because you're lacking in other areas and have to compensate. I voted REPUBLICAN at the last election. Both of u need new material.

  • botchtowersociety
    wrong ladies. Don't u ever read my posts? Or do u just jump on them because you're lacking in other areas and have to compensate.

    Well, it's not like they are memorable or anything.

  • minimus


  • leavingwt

    Rick would like you to help him pay for his campaign debt. I guess he's now a Socialist.


  • Sic Semper Tyrannis
    Sic Semper Tyrannis

    Suspending a campaign means it's over. They use the word "suspend" so that they can continue to fundraise to retire their campaign debt. No one ever "terminates" their campaign. By law it would mean that they would have to close up shop and settle all debts right then and there.

    I keep on hearing all these snide remarks about "magic underwear". If this is the best they have against Romney, then Obama is really in trouble.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    yes BS, I suppose posts that aren't hateful apparently are not memorable for u.

  • slimboyfat

    Magic underwear a cheap shot?

    When he was a deacon in the Mormon church he told a young woman, a member of his congregation, who had a child out of wedlock, to give up her child for adoption or face expulsion. How's that for giving you a measure of the man?

  • Flat_Accent

    'Rick Santorum pulls out.'

    There's a joke in there. Somewhere.

  • botchtowersociety
    Bring it on Mr Magic Pants.

    If a Muslim candidate were standing for office, calling him Mr. Towelhead would mark one out for charges of Islamophobia (and rightly so).

    I think we are going to see the Democrats soil themselves this election season from a bad bout of Mormonophobia.

    The cognitive dissonance will be delicious to witness.

  • NewChapter

    bye bye Santorum. Thanks for you input. Romney is seriously lagging with women voters in swing states. (I think by 20 votes) The republican war on women, headed by that Santorum creep, and supported by the rest of them has sullied them all. Even some important Republican women are getting angry---oopsie.

    Should be some interesting debates. Women already are not voting for Romney, and will be fun to watch him and Obama discuss things like birth control.


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