by still thinking 778 Replies latest jw friends

  • LV101

    WOO --- RIGHT ON and good for you. You've obviously escaped the normal demands of life if you truly live in the bush (i assume this means outdoors in fresh air?).

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I doubt he's gone walkabout LV101...He wouldn't pick up internet very well...LOL Although they are quite sophisticated in the outback these days...

    Even the Koalas have phones...

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I know...I've derailed my own thread least it's not someone elses for a change..

    Someone please bring it back on topic...

  • sizemik

    Can we talk about the bush again?

    From a young age I spent a lot of time alone in the bush . . . days, weeks, months. While I was still at school I'd be up at 4.30 to go and clear traps every morning in the hills above our house. I made a living culling possums and goats and rabbits for a while.

    When I first went into the bush I felt very small and alone . . . now it's a place of comfort. Outside of my family, all my friends are in the bush. Everything good can be found there. I'd be happy to live . . . and die, in the bush when the day comes. I've not seen God there . . . just the bush.

  • mP


    You must have some large women there to have rabbits, possums and even goats in their bushes.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    LOL mP....don't talk about us kiwi women folk like that

  • sizemik

    I wasn't talking about that kind of bush . . . I may still find God in the other kind. I'm trying hard to find something.

  • Wizard of Oz
    Wizard of Oz

    @LV .....I am very very fortunate to have had the opportunity to live completely alone to contemplate how a lot of the suggesetions of how we are meant to exist here on earth and how they personally resonate with me keeps me in my state of grace Truly truly blessed

    @Sizemik .......your young life sounds like mine and I don't regret a second of mine; then or even now.

    @mP ....(LOL)

    @ still thinking ......lik wot sis....Im off on walkabout, nid to chill for cipla daze.

    Im iff tull Sindy ervo....catch up sometime then eh!

    luv'n'thorts woz

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Have a lovely time Wizzzzzz....don't harrass those cute wombats on yer travels....they don't like to share their burrows. ***I was going to say holes, but I know what you lot are like***

    LOL Wizz...I don't understand half my daughters text messages.....don't mess with my head.

    Sizemik...ignore the ridiculers...share your spiritual experiences in the bush.

  • cyberjesus

    bush is rare nowadays

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