WTS successfully counters claims it is a "false prophet"

by trthskr 87 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Crisis of Conscience
    Crisis of Conscience

    LOL punkofnice!! It seems like he has!

  • Terry

    The contrast between GUESSING and being GUIDED and directed couldn't be more stark.

    Have you ever been in a car on a trip with a driver who THOUGHT they KNEW how to get there?

    Would it not become clear from their excuses, reassurances and from NOT GETTING THERE the driver wasn't being honest with themselves?

    They may not be lying to you directly. But, they are lying to themselves.

    The Watchtower religion has been lost on the road with a roadmap they drew themselves.

    There are so many erasures that holes have been worn in that map.

    They've been driving down every side road, surfaced highway and winding trail for almost 98 years!

    They refuse to stop and ask for directions. You ask them why and they get upset and insist the map they drew is the only true map.

    If you squirm in your seat and ask why they keep doubling back over the same stretch of highway they'll kick you out of the car.

    If you get kicked out of the car you're better off walking!

  • moshe

    JWs are finding it pretty hard to find many new passengers for their road trip to nowhere, Terry.

    This roadtrip would have been in 1952- Calfornia to Chicago- Ma, we''ll never have to worry about gettin' a new car, 'cause Amageddon will be here any day now-

  • Terry

    How many miles on that car today, Moshe?

    Great photo!!

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    If WTS isn't a false prophet, then nobody is a false prophet.

    False prophets are like bigfoot, some claim to have seen bigfoot, but everyone denies that they are bigfoot.

    In conclusion, WTS is the bigfoot of false prophets.

  • moshe

    Terry, the oldtimer JWs from the 1930's,"religion is a snare and a racket" , sure were a dedicated group. But, 1975 pretty much ran them into the ditch. It was kinda sad watching the 80+ year old JWs realize they were going to die like everyone else after all.


  • Terry

    I know such persons!

    They privately decry the excesses, mean-spirited, doctrine-changing arrangment of today and say things like "They'll have to answer to Jehovah

    for what they've done".

    But, they allow themselves to be Loyal and Guided anyway!

    How is this different from puffing on a cigarette and saying, "I know it's bad for me but...."

    It isn't denial. It is persistence after an investment of their entire life in a crumbling enterprise.

    The "I can't stop now or I'll lose what I've put in so far..." thinking keeps them with their butt in a folding chair.


  • Merkaba

    The difference between the average Joe saying something false, and the WTBTS saying something false is that the average Joe's comments doesn't affect 7 million people's lives.

  • blond-moment

    It kills me, I used to use the "they never claimed to be inspired" "they are imperfect" and the vomit inducing (now, because they don't) "at least they admit their mistakes" arguments myself. The bible is clear on this. It does not say inspired. It says. if they are from me, this will happen. If they are not from me, it wont.

    I used to twist myself into a pretzel to see it their way, and defend them. The truth is so much easier haha.

  • Tater-T

    If THEY don't feel they are inspired!!!!! then WHY? do they tell people they HAVE to die on the Blood issue.. their interpertations alone, resposible for life and death issues In the NOW.... but claim we are just Bible Students seeking gods will!!!

    COWARDS... `double talk double talk...grrr

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