Has anybody ever reported you to the elders?

by Iamallcool 59 Replies latest jw experiences

  • confuzzled777

    OH MY GOODNESS YES!! But it was not just ME specifically. It was a WHOLE group of witnesses that had gone bowling the night before Thanksgiving 2 years ago. Because of 1 person going to the elders about the over drinking and actions (apparently we were having a bit too much fun) that took place that night, 6 people were reproved and 4 (including myself) were disfellowshipped. My announcement came 2 weeks after the rest of them as I appealed the decision and lost : (

    Amazing how people you thought were friends would throw you under the bus to save their own ass. When my hubby and I were asked if we thought anyone was drunk that night, we told them that it was not our place to say because it is something that is subjective. If only our "friends" would have done the same. But NO they were guilted into naming the names of those they "thought" were drunk after being read a scripture stating that they would share in the sin of their brother if they knew of someone but were not saying anything.

    Any other "wrongdoing" by ME was confessed by ME as I tried to be a good JW and follow the rules.

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    I was reported to have said that I wasn't happy with the idea of 6 billion human beings being executed at armageddon

    I was also reported to have said that I was questioning the governing body as god's spokesman

    They called me in for a preliminary meeting to find out if I really said these things and they told me who reported them two different sisters and one of the elders choked out that if I did it would be apostasy.

    My husband and I left at that point because we were under suspicion and realized we were not going to shut up about these things.

  • aquagirl

    Constantly.For strange stuff,like stealing sterio systems out of drugstores{wtf???} and driving around w/carloads of worldly people{well},going braless,being in a band w/'men',it was endless.After I left,my dad,an elder himself,got turned in,by my sister,for going to my last wedding.Amazing.I think it might have started him on that slippery road to doubt tho,which is ok w/me.My mum got reported for having been seen having lunch w.me at a restaurant..AND for having a gazing ball in her garden{which I bought for her"...lol

  • undercover

    I got "reported" for silly, insignificant things. Things that even as insignificant as they were, they were hard to deny or defend. That's where they get you. If they can buffalo you to the point of controlling the color/design of your necktie, then they can pretty much control everything else.

    The more serious stuff would be easier to cover up with lies. "You only have their word? Against mine? No two witnesses? Sorry. Wasn't there. Didn't do it. Don't know what you're talking about."

    I was lucky...I never got caught...or confessed...to any of the more serious things I got caught up in. Not that anything was over-the-top scandalous. Just your normal teen/young adult trying to test his boundries and experience life a little.

  • aquagirl

    The necktie,omg,I remember when my friend got called in because he had a paisley design in his necktie.They said it was hippie like and set a bad example.....bwahahahhahahaha!!!Id forgotton about that!!!!!

  • jookbeard

    although I spent a good 3 years "double lifeing" when I married I had a supergrass of a wife who would regularly meet with the elders to complain of the jeopardy her spiritual welfare was in , I refused to meet with them after the 2nd or 3rd visit( I was inactive by then) then came the big whammy of friends and family informing during my descent into apostasy! then came 2 JC's and an appeal.

  • undercover

    I remember when my friend got called in because he had a paisley design in his necktie

    I hated ties. Despised em. So when they started putting cartoon characters, sports team logos and product placement on them, like Jack Daniels or Tabasco, I started buying those. Funny enough, the product placement and sports ties didn't cause a stir but Bart Simpson and Yosemite Sam did. I got called in on the carpet and found out that people were complaining to the elders about my grooming.

    It was my experience that people who ran to the elders to complain about silly crap were usually severly insecure, overly jealous, mentally unbalanced or hiding their own secrect sins. The normal, everyday, struggling JW didn't have time to worry about other people or what tie they wore, or how many doors their car had. They were just trying to do what they needed to do get by and hopefully be approved by Jehovah the organization.

  • aquagirl

    I agree,like didnt it get boring,as an elder,to have to hear about all of that crap?

  • MrFreeze

    I confessed to looking at porn (i was very guilty about it) to my mom. She also caught me playing poker for money. She never reported me though. One person I thought was a friend reported me to the elders for playing paintball and another time for cracking a joke about him. Besides that I stayed under the radar.

  • Morbidzbaby

    Speaking of ties...

    I witnessed an Elderette counselling a Ministerial Servant about HIS ties! Like undercover, this brother liked to wear interesting ties with cartoon characters, animals, etc. Nothing offensive, just cute and interesting.

    This sister had the OVARIES to counsel him in front of a bunch of people and tell him "You know, you really shouldn't be wearing those on stage. It brings reproach on Jehovah and makes a mockery out of the spiritual food that we're being given". But yet...her family and their huge house and brand new expensive cars that they could barely afford DIDN'T? Completely doing the opposite of "keeping your eye simple" isn't making a mockery of the "spiritual food" and bringing reproach according to their beliefs??

    Pardon me, Sister Stick-Up-Your-Ass, you have a rafter in your eye... Fucking moron.

    Incredibly, later on I had some choice words about this elderette because she's friggin' nosy and uppity and likes to counsel everyone else and acts like she farts rainbows and glitter... My own mother YELLED at me and said "Don't you talk about MY SISTER like that!"... Yeah... your "sister" who treated you like a leper until your husband converted. Yeah, that's someone to defend...

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