Has anybody ever reported you to the elders?

by Iamallcool 59 Replies latest jw experiences

  • NewChapter

    Nope. I was a confessor too.

  • sizemik
    cyberjesus, did you do some french kissing while in field service? . . . allcool

    You like to have details allcool? . . . were tongues involved? . . . that sort of thing?

    You have the makings of a good elder.

  • finallysomepride

    nope, and I never confessed anything, just stay under the radar

  • Balaamsass

    Yes. My first wife "For being a lover of Violence". The crime...watching the superbowl and Old John Wayne Movies. The brothers told her they would "look into it" and had a laugh fest after. Heard about it sometime afterward from the brothers.

    Ohh.. almost forgot..in High school for Necking with a sister. Humm there was an embarrasing talk..about pararts need to supervise kids better..afterwards all the brothers gave me a wink.

    Now..all the time...but no one has followed through to mess with us.

  • 3rdgen

    Like cyberjesus I got caught kissing. My crush and I snuck behind the KH after the service meeting. (we were only 13) We thought we got away with it but someone must have seen us and told my

    my mother. To my surprise she took it pretty well. Knowing my father and the other men in oversight would probably overeact, she kept it between us. After a suitable lecture and some restrictions

    the whole thing was over and I never did it again. To my knowledge nobody else has reported me to the elders for anything.

  • N.drew

    Yes, but aren't you two too cute for fessing up? Found Sheep and NewChapter! LOL!

  • lilbluekitty

    I confessed for my major sin (living with my husband before we got married) but before I moved in with him, a girl I thought was my friend (who turned out to be a pretty nasty slut masquerading as a good little speeeritual sister) told on me that I had an online boyfriend (the same guy who's now my husband) to the elders. They didn't form a JC exactly but they sat down and talked with me about the dangers of dating worldly guys and such and marrying only in the Lord and all that. I was pretty set on my relationship with him so the Watchtower articles they photocopied for me ended up in the trash or buried under papers and never read by me. I was pretty pissed off at that girl for telling on me. =/

  • truthseeker1969

    I was reporeted for being a "gay bar" frequenter.

    As you know from my previous post I was actually the architect who was re-designing a vacant 'gay bar' which had been closed for weeks.

    What puzzled me was how this brother knew it was a 'gay bar"!

    I refused to meet with Elders as they knew that I was a married brother who was a brother in good standing with a good reputation but they believed a sensless moron above me who I am told like to dabble himself!

    My brother who married a sister in another congregation was brilliant! He dated her for months in secret using my sister who was her firend as the excuse for her visiting the congregation and her brother as his friend for visting hers. He never told my sister they were dating nor she her brother so when the elders snooped they got nothing, end result they married in a registrars office and nothing could be done.

    So they snoop but hey ho, I am out of it so could care less.

  • vivalavida

    My son after I said that the elders had absolutely no power over me!


  • clearpoison

    They should have, many times, but for some reason they always promised to keep my participation out of discussion in their own hearings. I have no clue why that was so.


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