Has anybody ever reported you to the elders?

by Iamallcool 59 Replies latest jw experiences

  • AvocadoJake

    Yes, many times.

  • trueblue
  • iCeltic

    Yes, for getting a kitten. I kid you not. I had two elders come to my house to ask if I had a kitten because they had 'heard' that cats weren't allowed in my building...

  • nugget

    Had my own cyber stalker. They had no life obviously.

  • ProdigalSon

    Yeah, when I was 19 I was dating this hot chick that looked like the Jordache girl. We fooled around but I was afraid to have sex with her.. she got pissed and reported me.....

    .....just one of my numerous public reproofs....

  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.

    HELL YES..............

    Seemed when I was a Teenager Every FU***G DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Even when I was in my 20's I was under the glass and Questioned all the time.....

    What A FUCK**G WAY TO LIVE!!!!!!!!!!! An Adult and having the Gestapo watch you!!!!!!

  • sspo

    Yes, my sweet ex wife after i started questioning the doctrines and GB.

  • blondie

    I'm one of those people that gets mistaken frequently for someone else, can be good, can be bad.

    I was approached by 2 elders and accused of visiting a df'd person (someone I never heard of even). I asked when this happened. After Elder Pompous told me and assured me the time frame was accurate, I got his wife and asked her where I had been during that time. She said, "with me on a bible study, in fact I took you home and dropped you off." Brother Pompous looked at his wife and me and stormed off leaving Elder Confused to try and smooth it out. It seems Sister Big Gossiper had seen a blonde woman and assumed it had to be me. Don't be surprised that no one apologized.

  • NCO

    When I was between 16 and maybe 19 or so, reporting me to the elders was the main passtime of our congregation. When the "cottage industry" was at its peak, I was in an elders meeting literally every Thursday night. And the stupid thing is, it was all over vague complaints and innuendo that had no basis in fact because back then I really wasn't doing anything.

    Getting reported is just another method the JW's have of maintaining control through fear. No different from the way the Nazis and East Germans and every other dictatorship throughout history has turned citizens against each other to maintain control.

  • shepherd

    I got reported by my son. The irony was he was stealing from the congregation contribution boxes yet for some reason felt pure enough to report me to them.

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