"Feeling sorry for yourself" about being hit by your husband is not Christian 2/15/12 WT Page 25 P 12

by yourmomma 449 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • insearchoftruth

    I hope this issue builds,,if enough, hopefully could go to media level

    Was pleased with a response, I have also sent the information to our local news paper as well as the Chicago Tribune, since the Tribune Company owns our local paper.

    As Mary had also suggested, I will be sending a letter and copy of the article to Women's Study Program faculty members in this area. As you said, hopefully can get just one person or paper interested to making an issue of this in the media.

  • NewChapter

    It wasn't rape in that scripture. I got sick of hearing about it so I looked it up... it was "defiling her" as in taking her virginity.

    Okay---then tell me. What was the penalty for raping an unbetrothed virgin? (although I do dispute your understanding of defiling, as many religious people understand it to be rape, and many translations use rape, but just for the discussion)


  • RosePetal

    The penny has just dropped sorry for being dense. Thank you sabastious for your honest apraisal or [insult] i have broad shoulders, i have been call many things but never pious, i like a man who speaks his mind .Yes i am a man who is driven by my love of the creator and his will not mine but i also enjoy Christian freedom i never had as a witness. sorry you have lost hope and faith in scripture what drove it out of you? If you are a victim of the watchtower cult that explains a lot and you have my emphathy. Paul is an easy target for many believers and non believers as he was in the first century. As Rosepetals husband i do not post often, now you know why.

  • sabastious

    RosePetal's Husband: I have good things to say about Paul's writings as well, but this thread is about the objectifying of woman of which Paul was very guilty of despite having reason not to be. I have my own faith in the Bible and Jesus. I didn't really mean to offend or insult, I just believe you have an embellished view on the New Testament's take on women. It's plainly obvious that the society that Jesus left behind didn't "get" the way he treated women as they just continued on with a new flavor of the objectification of them. Paul lead that charge and his failure in that regard should not be minimized.


  • Bella15

    "We should scan this page and forward it to as many Women's Rights groups as possible. Something tells me they wouldn't take too kindly that millions of women in one group are being told that they should stay with an abusive husband because he might convert one day."

    I thought the same ...

  • ShadesofGrey
    Okay---then tell me. What was the penalty for raping an unbetrothed virgin? (although I do dispute your understanding of defiling, as many religious people understand it to be rape, and many translations use rape, but just for the discussion)

    Good question. I am not sure how I reasoned that one. I was wrong.

  • Mary

    Here's another statement from a previous Watchtower in 2007 which is also encouraging women to stay with abusive husbands:

    "....Similarly, Peter indicated that some unbelieving husbands-even those who are abusive-will become Christians after observing the submissive conduct of their wives. We have seen evidence of this happening today."-----w07 2/15 p. 20 par. 12 Wives-Deeply Respect Your Husbands

  • blond-moment

    This is the reality of what they are teaching. Warning graphic images, if you have abuse triggers you may not want to watch.


  • juni

    Here's another statement from a previous Watchtower in 2007 which is also encouraging women to stay with abusive husbands:

    "....Similarly, Peter indicated that some unbelieving husbands-even those who are abusive-will become Christians after observing the submissive conduct of their wives. We have seen evidence of this happening today."-----w07 2/15 p. 20 par. 12 Wives-Deeply Respect Your Husbands

    I left the JW organization in 1991 so I've been out of touch w/what they have been teaching. It's disturbing and nauseating to read that they are still perpetuating abusive behavior for the sake of "winning over" a mate into the religion. I know for a fact from what we were taught when I became a JW in 1970, and what I had seen first hand - women were to stay in the marriage even though there was physical and/or mental abuse going on in the marriage. These sisters would come to the meetings in tears and some with bruises. Often times they were afraid to go home not knowing what they were going to face. One husband sabotaged his wife's car while she was inside the Hall for the meetings. He was a known abuser and this was one way he would instill fear - she had to come home sometime! Another lived with a husband who intimidated her with guns. She would get in her service time for the month very carefully so that he was unaware of what she was doing. Another sister who had an extremely tolerant nature put up with many years of silent treatments that would last for a week at a time, a husband who was "mad" at her a lot for no apparent reason (another control tactic and abusive) which left her confused and unhappy. She was shown very little compassion when sick and other bizarre behaviors wore her down. She had told me that she wanted to leave so many times, but knew it was her place to stay and keep up the Christian example as one day he may "come in the truth". I could keep going on here with other situations, but it's upsetting recalling these memories. Again, they were ALL counseled to stay with the marriage mate for the sake of the "truth" in order to win over that mate and thereby be a faithful witness for Jehovah. Thinking back.... this is just sick.

    Anyone who has researched or personally knows from therapy how an abuser operates is aware that an abuser DOES NOT change unless he/she gets professional help. It's also a long therapy procedure as there are deep seated issues (often from childhood) and extreme low self esteem issues with that abuser that need to be addressed and helped with. Just as with diabetes, heart, COPD, or any other medical issue - there needs to be a medical plan of action - not a bible study.


  • Joliette

    Blaming the victim . Its what the watchtowerâ„¢ does best!

    As long as they keep printing articles like this, I'm gonna keep doing my youtube videos.

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