Customers arrested for trying to take their money out of Citibank & Bank of America

by flyphisher 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • james_woods

    OK, topic regained.

    But, I think the new FF looks far more alien.

  • botchtowersociety
  • james_woods

    See? - just look at that maniacal grin...

    BTW - I met the owner of Denver Ferrari/Bentley on the Rolls Royce Owners Club Colorado fall tour a couple of weeks back.

    He told me that Ferrari has strictly instructed dealers that the FF is NOT a replacement for the 612 - it is an "all-new performance Ferrari".

    At least one of them has caught fire during a test drive (Germany) and thus we are now admitting that it is a "real Ferrari" after all.

  • botchtowersociety

    I don't like the FF. Much prefer the 599 or the 458.

  • james_woods

    Same here - particularly that hunchbacked rear end.

  • botchtowersociety

    Speaking of hunched backs, IBM's numbers don't look too good this afternoon.

  • sinis

    I've been telling you for quite some time... its coming...

  • botchtowersociety
  • Violia

    I watched the videos too and it looks like the group was trying to stir up trouble by coming to the teller in a large group to withdraw funds. I would feel afraid too if I was the bank teller.

    This looks like someone is trying to provoke a run on the banks. Can't wait to exercise my right to vote, and y'all can keep the " change".


  • wha happened?

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