Customers arrested for trying to take their money out of Citibank & Bank of America

by flyphisher 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    Naturally those who support right wing control methods would discredit these videos. So you think the banks will treat YOU fairly and give you a fair share if the economy crashes and a run is made on the banks like in 1929 ? You think these huge corporate billionaires will be as fair to you as you are to them if banks close their doors in our time ? Think about it. How do you stage you-tubes like these ? Pretty blatant videos- yet you are saying it didn't happen

  • botchtowersociety

    Naturally those who support right wing control methods would discredit these videos.

    You think the video is BS? You support right wing control methods!

    What a horrible way to paint anyone that disagrees with a very nasty brush.

    Nobody gets arrested for closing their bank account--and you know it.

    But go walk into a bank and raise a ruckus and watch what happens.

    Go walk into any private business and do so and you will have LEO or private security called in to remove you.

    So you think the banks will treat YOU fairly and give you a fair share if the economy crashes and a run is made on the banks like in 1929

    Four letters: FDIC.

    All Federally chartered banks are required to carry insurance on deposits with the FDIC amd accounts are guaranteed up to 250k. There can be no bank run like in 1929. The funds are guaranteed. We've had hundreds of bank failures since the beginning of the recession and no depositor has lost a cent. They liquidate the banks. I've picked up a lot of computer equipment at FDIC auctions when they do so.

  • flipper

    " Nobody gets arrested for closing their bank account- and you know it ". Perhaps in the past - but today is today. The times are a changing apparently

  • botchtowersociety

    Perhaps in the past - but today is today. The times are a changing apparently.

    Find me one case of someone walking into a bank to close their account without riot-like behavior getting arrested. Just one.

  • flipper

    BOTCHTOWER- Well, I hope you are right about the banks ALWAYS returning funds - even in future worst case scenarios. For your benefit, my benefit, and everyone else- I do HOPE you foretell an accurate future in how banks will act. But if worst case scenarios happen- I wouldn't bet my life on fairness and justice by the powerful elite

  • talesin

    Please define "riot-like behaviour".


    drrrrrrrrrrr.......... is that the new euphemism for 'gathering in a group to defy the power-brokers'?

  • james_woods

    Find me one case of someone walking into a bank to close their account without riot-like behavior getting arrested. Just one.

    Perhaps some moderater can save some storage space by merging this thread with the one on "William Cooper was not a crackpot".

    They both seem to make about the same amount of common sense.
  • botchtowersociety

    Then keep your money in a mattress.

    “A large amount of protesters entered our branch at 555 La Guardia Place around 2:00 PM today. They were very disruptive and refused to leave after being repeatedly asked, causing our staff to call 911. The Police asked the branch staff to close the branch until the protesters could be removed. Only one person asked to close an account and was accommodated.”

  • flipper

    In the first video- I didn't see ANY riot like behavior. People were just standing in a group and the cop dragged the lady away with police aggressively surrounding her wielding baton beating sticks ! Is it considered " riotous behavior " to gather as a group near the entry of a bank ? I don't think so. Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • botchtowersociety

    That is because the video omits what happened before or it is out of sight. It lacks context. Moreover, those people were inside the bank, not out on the sidewalk.

    I worked at a finance company in the late 1990s. We had a person that would come in and try to pay a loan with a five gallon bucket full of pennies while screaming at the customer service rep and everybody else. We told him to pay in the mail, and that if he came in again, we'd call the cops.

    These people walked in wanting trouble. They got what they came in for.

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