Customers arrested for trying to take their money out of Citibank & Bank of America

by flyphisher 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • james_woods

    William Cooper told us this very thing was going to happen.

    Kennedy tried to warn us - and look what happened to him.

    Reagan was going to warn us - but he recanted after he was shot and so they let him live.

    This is serious business. I think I am going to draw all my money out of BOA via random use of different ATMs.

    They will never catch me at that.


  • botchtowersociety

    And then we can take over the WORLD!

  • james_woods
    And then we can take over the WORLD!

    And then we can reveal the secret plan of the GREYS!!!

  • botchtowersociety

    James, I plan on walking into your place of business and disrupting it along with my fellow greys. Don't call the cops, because it is our right to do so.

  • james_woods

    We have a right to throw you into IBM jail, too.

    Don't imagine that we don't have one.

  • botchtowersociety

    Isn't that next to the location where they study alien artifacts in order to reverse engineer them for the next generation of mainframes?

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Wow, extremism from both sides in a JWN political thread? Who'd have predicted that?

  • james_woods
    Wow, extremism from both sides in a JWN political thread? Who'd have predicted that?

    William Cooper. He told us the aliens would have us arrested if we tried to draw our money out of the bank.

    Now I pronounce everybody completely off topic.

  • james_woods
    Isn't that next to the location where they study alien artifacts to reverse engineer them for the next generation of mainframes?

    We have a sentient being inside Deep is silicon based.

  • botchtowersociety

    Isn't the 458 based off an alien scout ship's hull? See? Back on topic.

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