Arrrghhh! enough you pompous christians!

by Aussie Oz 84 Replies latest jw friends

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    The poster you are referring to is a kind and sweet person.

    A lot of crazy people are.

  • Robdar

    What? You prefer maybe a crazy asshole? (we have those too!)


  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    There's plenty of them around too.

  • Robdar

    There's plenty of them around too.

    Oh, yeah. You and I have met quite a few throughout the years.

    Good times.

  • trevor

    Platitudes can be irritating but I would rather someone said 'peace to you' or 'greetings' than they call me pompous, patronising, sanctimonious, and self righteous.

    We all have our pet phrases and if they are used with kind intent, there is no need to take offence. Perhaps it is the message that accompanies them that is the cause of irritation?

  • The Scotsman
    The Scotsman

    I think you may be over-reacting a tad....

  • Terry

    I see it more as a man vs woman issue. Uppity women vs manly men.

    When a woman posts peaceful wishes while disagreeing with a man it makes it difficult for the man to give her a roundhouse kick to the solar plexus

    without appearing to be a brute.

    We men want to be able to strike back viciously without being seen as the aggressor.

    Women just don't fight fair.

  • trevor

    Terry has a point. I find it difficult to be as blunt and confrontational with a woman as I would with a man. The same is true in real life.

    My generation was brought up to be protective towards women. To give way on the side walk, give up our seat, open doors for them and pay for everything.

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    Out of respect for Aussie, let's all talk like we are in a Mad Max movie.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Even though patronizing and condescending language like that doesn't bother me (may I have peace dear one), I can see how it can bother some people (kindest love and greetings to you all). My dearest brother Oz (may you have peace), please try to understand (dearest of friends) that all of us (praise Jebus) communicate differently, and please my dear (peace be with you) try to exercise patience with us (slaves of Jah) who speak in this manner.

    But seriously, I don't really care about style as much as content. Shelby is all right with me. Some of her groupies can get annoying though.

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