Todays WT study illustration of Jesus doing away Capitol Hill and Obama - a statement of the WTS?

by Gorbatchov 101 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kahlua

    My first thought was boy, Jesus got old!! He has white hair now. Didn't think that was supposed to happen in heaven

  • AGuest
    So essentially Satan's system of things consists of a world of tanks, floating money, Latinos mugging Asians, black presidents, Sam Spade shooting at meteors, strung-out cigarette-smoking gamblers with bimbos, fast cars, dudes walking in Dutched angles, black helicopters, Capitol Hill, the stock market......and NOT MUCH ELSE.

    In other words, dear Leolaia (peace to you!)... my Lord's coming to destroy... New York. Of course.

    Peace to you!

    A slave of Christ, who isn't going to destroy anything... because he doesn't have to...


  • AGuest

    Oh, and the "photo" that is supposed to be my Lord is all wrong (may you all have peace!). His hair is white, yes, but long (very)... flowing (like wool cleaned and "carded", not tight like a mini-afro). He doesn't have a beard (and certainly not one all trimmed up!)... and his eyes are glowing orange (Really. That's why Daniel and John described them as "fiery" - Daniel 10:6; Revelation 1:14, 19:12).

    And where is the double-edged sword that protrudes from his mouth? (Although, that is rhetorical and symbolic - the "sword" is merely truth, which can be a two-edged sword, depending on who and what it's being wielded upon. Like, for example, the WTBTS - the truth is really going to be a two-edged sword for them...).

    Nevermind. Don't mind me. I just get a tad irritated when I see them trying to make my Lord "human." When he isn't at all. He did that gig a long time ago. Next time, he will appear just as he is... and he ain't human. He's a seraph.

    Okay, I know, I know... movin' on...

    Peace... and God's offering of goodwill to mankind (which He showed by sending... and then giving... His Son)!

    A slave of that Son, Christ,


  • loosie

    I think Obama shuld get a copy of this magazine. Then maybe the Wt will be investigated for sedation or maybe they will be at least audited by the IRS

  • SixofNine

    Then maybe the Wt will be investigated for sedation

    But it's only pictures like those being discussed that can keep anyone awake (!) during the meetings.

  • poopsiecakes

    I was thinking the same thing, loosie. I'd love to be a bug on the wall if the secret service visits the 'art' department.

  • Leolaia
    In other words, dear Leolaia (peace to you!)... my Lord's coming to destroy... New York. Of course.

    Makes sense, since heavenly New Jerusalem is New York as well:

    (The view from Bethel)

  • GLTirebiter

    No, it isn't just Obama and the Democrats. WT is an equal-opportunity organization; they don't respect any authority figure besides their Governing Body. (Compare to 1 Peter 2:13-16)


    Always Dress nice for Church Burnings and Armageddon..

    Bring the Kids!..


    ....................... ...OUTLAW

  • carla

    That is supposed to be Jesus with a neatly cropped beard? headband? white hair? has He aged in Heaven? what the heck? Can someone translate the words next to the pic?

    Looks like jah/wt jesus has a smoke hanging out from his fingers to me. So this family in the backround ...hmmm, brother and sister (fleshly?) are disturbed by it and the parents are just fine walking along a beach with little Susie on their shoulder? they don't look very united to me.

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