"Birthdays rob the glory of God"

by sabastious 202 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • thetrueone

    If my recollection on JWS history serves me the BD ban came about the same time the Christmas ban was instituted.

    The correlation between the celebration of Xmas and the personal celebration of BDs happened at the same time.

    One has to wonder though if John the Baptist himself was celebrating birthdays why was it not said then that this

    is a sinful act displeasing to god ? Historical evidence suggests that the celebration of BDs may have started with notable

    Egyptian Pharaohs, but it appears that some of the Israelites did practice this annual celebration as well.

    The total ban on BDs by the JWS was overtly connected to Christendom's pretentious false dating of the birth of Christ.

    Personally I think they should have left it up to the individual to decide within their own conscience on the matter,

    that would have been fair and appropriate, since there are no words in the bible to suggest that celebrating someones birthday was a sin.

    But as we all know religious institutions are places of empowerment for corrupt men out to heighten their self image of themselves so

    things like this occurring are not surprising.

    Who says the WTS never go beyong what is written !

  • TheListener

    Birthday party - Who are the gifts for? Who gets the attaboys and congratulations? The person whose birthday it is right? Witnesses say birthdays are pagan and wrong.

    Anniversary party - Who are the gifts for? Who gets the attaboys and congratulation? The individuals who got married a certain number of years ago - Witnesses say this is acceptable.

    Bridal showers - Who are the gifts for? Who gets the attaboys and congratulations? The individual(s) getting married - Witnesses say this is acceptable.

    Baby showers - Who are the gifts for? Who gets the attaboys and congratulations? The gifts are for the ones having a child to use with/for the child - Witnesses say this is acceptable.

    Wedding receptions - Who are the gifts for? Who gets the attaboys and congratulations? the gifts are for the newly married couple (the gifts are not for the 'marriage arrangement') - Witnesses say this is acceptable.

    If you feel that giving honor to a person or being other than Jehovah is wrong then actually live by those ideals. Don't pick and choose what is acceptable and what is not.

    My question to my witness friends is this: Why are you constantly training your conscience if you aren't allowed to use it? Ooops, except when you're told it is ok to use it. :)

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Okay, I haven't read most of the 10 pages. But I wanted to point out that birthdays are small potatoes in offending God. There is something that is a greater threat to true Christianity. Earliest records date this to before Christ and have it associated with non-Christians and soldiers. There was no allowance under the Mosaic Law to get involved with this. And we know from the Bible that Jesus never wore pants. So, Watchtower needs to cut the crapola and get right down to the truth:

    Pants rob the glory to God!

    And Jesus never ate French Fries, so it's reasonable to conclude:

    French Fries rob the glory to God!

    Jeez, God sure is insecure.

  • miseryloveselders

    Sometimes it takes humor to illustrate how insane some WT doctrines are, and this thread does the job. I had a lotta fun reading the last couple pages of this thread.

  • sabastious
    Sometimes it takes humor to illustrate how insane some WT doctrines are, and this thread does the job. I had a lotta fun reading the last couple pages of this thread.

    Indeed, this forum is unmatched, imo.


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite


    Let me know if my jokes are getting old. Whenever the topic of birthdays comes up, I automatically wonder if I should take off my pagan pants. And when the subject of 607-1914 comes up, I start searching for new photos of the great pyramid of giza.

  • miseryloveselders


    Let me know if my jokes are getting old. Whenever the topic of birthdays comes up, I automatically wonder if I should take off my pagan pants. And when the subject of 607-1914 comes up, I start searching for new photos of the great pyramid of giza.

    Your alright dude LOL. To think all these years we took all this bull shit seriously? I got all high and mighty defending my some eccentric weirdo's views on birthdays. I stuck my chest out and looked at my classmates and teacher and said, "I'm one of Jehovah's Witness! We don't celebrate birthdays!" The only thing I was, was a complete jackass LOL. Humor is the thing that makes it easier to swallow. So keep the jokes coming!! The day I stop laughing about what this loony religion has done to myself and others, might be the day I start investing in ammunition.

  • sabastious
    So keep the jokes coming!!

    Ok... so a rabbi, a JW and a muslim walk into a bar that is dimly lit.

    The bartender says, "Shouldn't you guys hate eachother?"

    The Rabbi says, "no profit in it really."

    The Muslim says, "can't even walk into a bar without someone spewing sterotypes!"

    The JW says, "No that's not what Jesus taught, he said love your neighbor"

    The bartender turns up the lights slightly brighter.

    The JW blurts out "Holy! I didn't realize I was hanging out with friends of Satan until you gave me that new light!" and runs out of the bar.

    (sorry litterally a joke off the top of my head)


  • Mary
    Reniaa Debator said: The validity of Baptism is that it was biblically recognised as an act that commits you to your belief of a particular faith whichever you choose.

    Oh pu-lease. Do you have any braincells that are actually firing in there? The fact that you cannot deny is: baptism was from pagan origin, yet the early Christians had no problem whatsoever with adapting it for their own culture. The fact that you say it was "biblically recognized" proves that the earliest Christians did not have the same paranoid view that JWs do today regarding birthdays.

    Therefore why do we have celebrations from Pagan practices made over to Christianity?

    For the same reason we have Pagan baptismal practices made over to Christianty: because it doesn't frigging well matter where it originates from.

    Pagan celebrations are condemned, Birthdays were and still are Pagan celebrations. That is the bible principle involved

    This just goes to show how little you know about the subject matter at hand. All of the commandments that the Israelites and early Christians were to follow had to do with directly worshiping other false gods, by "yoking" direct worshipers of other false gods, who had harmful and immoral practices. They did not apply to a Israelite who obeyed Jehovah's Mosaic Law, yet followed various non harmful pagan customs, as can be seen by many who worshiped Jehovah, yet continued to maintain the practice of keeping teraphim statues throughout their living quarters and daily routines. Enbalming also has its roots in pagan customs, yet we know that many bible figures (such as Jacob and Jesus) were embalmed.

    When a pagan custom or celebration became harmful to others, it went against the Mosaic Law, and the Christian law of love, and thus against Jehovah. For instance, many Israelites were sacrificing their children to the false god Molech by burning them in fire to please God. This pagan custom went far beyond a mere celebration-it was directly against God's law and subject to His punishment.

    When Moses came down from Mount Sinai, he found the Hebrews partaking in an Egyptian celebration which ended up costing 24,000 people their lives that night. Was this for simply singing and dancing according to the Egyptian pagan customs? No, what they did went far beyond a mere celebration of pagan customs. Not only was there a complete lack of appreciation of God's saving acts for them, but there was direct worship of a golden calf statue, as well as the Egyptian practices of immorality, selfish domineering and abusive lust. 'Pagan origins' were not the issue but rather the harmful and abusive practices that accompanied the worship of other gods is what they were punished for.

    When a family gets together and celebrates dinner over the death and resurrection of Christ, or simply gets together for the sake of getting together and eating and enjoying each other's company such as on the national holiday of Thanksgiving, does it have anything to do with what went on thousands of years ago with Baal and other hurtful pagan worship? When parents have a cake and some presents for their child to celebrate the anniversary of their birth, is anyone beheaded? Of course not. Birthday celebrations that modern families have today bears absolutely no resemblance to the crap that went on thousands of years ago and it is absurd to suggest that one has anything to do with the other.

    And you still have yet to answer my question: If birthdays are so displeasing to Jehovah and since they were known in ancient times, why are they not condemned anywhere in the bible?

    The rest of your words were just an ad hominen attack. Do you think that stuff would upset me? I find it simply indicates a personis resorting to insults from a losing postion.

    Yes, I guess that's about what you would see Renia-bator. Unfortunately for you, your posts on the subject have been hilarious as you have not been able to scripturally defend why the Society bans birthday celebrations and have resorted to bizarre statements that don't even make any sense. Then again, it's you so why would I expect anything more.

    LOL! Better luck next time!!

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Pants are way more paganer than birthdays. Especially as we get nearer to the festive Pantsmas holiday season featuring Panta Claus (or Father Pantsmas in some countries).

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