"Birthdays rob the glory of God"

by sabastious 202 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sabastious
    How does anyone know if Jesus and his disciples celebrated birthdays or not?

    I know the logic is so faulty it hurts to read someone stand behind it.


  • Darth plaugeis
    Darth plaugeis

    All these things we were taught about True Worship to Jah.

    Jehovah is really Stuck up isn't he.

    Our day of Birth we should ignore.

    Our Children's BD's are wrong also. You would think God would encourage the Celebration of Life.

    No all he wants is....... To Celebrate Death!!!!

    What a fun sounding God huh?


    Jesus didn't celebrate Birthdays (despite being fully aware of them! His cousin being beheaded at one)

    So we Christians don't celebrate Birthdays. It is as simple as that. It wasn't till the third century and again

    under the heavy influence of Rome that Christians started celebrating pagan inspired Birthdays.

    We can be unique without needing an annual marking of time passing by which would be irrelevent

    to God anyway who is beyond time......Debator/Reniaa

    You could go into the Guiness World Book of Records for saying "Stupid Shit"..LOL!!..

    Jehovah`s Witness`s "DO" Celebrate Birthdays..

    I`ve never seen them "not" Celebrate the Birth of a Child..

    Due to the Stupidity of WBT$ Rules..

    Jehovah`s Witness`s do not celebrate the Anniversary of Birthdays..

    Although they Celebrate other Anniversarys..

    Even though John the Baptist got his head chopped off at a Birthday Anniversary..

    The WBT$ makes up Stupid Rules..


    Stupid People follow those Stupid Rules..

    You have Publicly Stated you don`t follow WBT$ Rules you don`t like..

    Real Jehovah`s Witness`s don`t have that option..

    ........................ ...OUTLAW

  • sabastious
    You would think God would encourage the Celebration of Life.

    To encourage a slave to celebrate life? That's just distasteful.


  • Bitch on Parade
    Bitch on Parade

    I'm celebrating my first birthday in 8 long years on December 9th!

    Even when I was still somewhat fleeced by the WT, I never fully understood or believed in this stupid rule.

  • debator

    A birth of a child is an event and a beginning for a family. Not a yearly birthday. No comparison. The Bible shows both Jews and Christians happily recognising Birth as the beginning of life but not translating this as an excuse to take up an annual marking of time for that person.

    Four Gospels and none of them give a date for Jesus's Birth it must be annoying that those Jews and Christians didn't celebrate these events you hold so dear and so ignored a need for a date for those that want their annual observances of getting older.

  • sabastious
    not translating this as an excuse to take up an annual marking of time for that person.

    "EW! Why would anyone want to "annually mark" the time of their children's date of birth.

    That's just gross."


  • Darth plaugeis
    Darth plaugeis

    Oh but we must Celebrate his Son's Death every year. SELFISH SELFISH SELFISH

    It's all about him.

    You can't remember your Own Birthdate or Childrens or Parents.....

    Except the day they actually are Born??? LOL

    Keep your eye in the sky then. Praise that Selfish SELFISH GOD!

  • sabastious

    Is debator EVER on topic? She amazes me sometimes.



    A birth of a child is an event and a beginning for a family. Not a yearly birthday.

    No comparison. The Bible shows both Jews and Christians happily recognising Birth

    as the beginning of life but not translating this as an excuse to take up an annual marking of time for that person.....Debator/Reniaa

    How many Actual Birthdays does a person have?..

    Only one..

    After that it`s a Birthday Anniversary..

    Jehovah`s Witness`s celebrate Birthdays..

    But not Birthday Anniversarys..

    Give Guiness a call..

    I`ll bet they don`t even have a Stupid Section yet,in the World Records..

    ........................ ...OUTLAW

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