Why do you have to pray to God to beable to understand the Bible?

by Number1Anarchist 77 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • BurnTheShips
    Wow, you went from staunch witness to whatever floats your boat. I guess you can just bounce around from church to church and not stay there long enough to know anything about there church doctrines or just ignore them altogether. what strange faith indeed.

    Heck, I've even been to a local synagogue a few times. I have some pretty definite ideas, but I am not going to judge someone just because they sincerely disagree with me. As for me personally, I am currently finding a home in Catholicism.

    I can't profess to the church buffet and pick and choose what i believe and what i don't believe that's total nonsense in my book. If i don't agree with all of it than i would never enter that building.

    Then you will never belong to any group, since no one see the world in the exact same way as you do. Your perspective is what makes you unique. Things are seldom so black and white as we thought they were when we were Witnesses.

    That's why we left the Witnesses because it did not have truth along with the high control BS.

    I left the Witnesses because they were not a Christian religion, and yes, "the high control BS."

    I guess if you can just ignore any paganism that the church supports. Sounds all easy and simple to you but for me it's disturbing. Read in the old testament did God allow other gods to be worshipped in his temple allong with his worship. You cannot deny the Paganism in all churches. That's is why you will never see me attend.

    Have you been to many Churches in order to know that they are all pagan? I think you need to do a lot more studying and learning. I also think you still retain some mental baggage from the Witnesses. It is hard to get rid of. As for this so-called paganism, what is it exactly to you? It sounds like you retain the JW ideas on the matter.

    Just stick to the gospels and forget everything else believe in Jesus

    For a Christian, at the end the of the day, that is justenough.

    I guess the God you worship is the one that's not jealous and doesn't mind a little paganism as long as you have faith in his son.

    The God I worship is Love, and not Jealousy. He knows who is trying real hard down here, and I am sure he is making allowances.

    That's why i'm about to throw my bible out the window you guys are proveing my arguement.

    On the one hand you rail against what you think is paganism, and on the other you want to throw your Bible out the window. Take a deep breath, you are not being consistent.

    Go out meet different groups, different people, different religions, it might be good for you. Try not to judge too much from the outset, Jesus said we will be judged as we judge.


  • Number1Anarchist

    I appreciate your responses BurnTheShips. Ok so all i have to do is look in an encyclopedia and see where most holidays come from and there history. That has nothing to do with the Witnesses. To deny the roots of paganism is up to each individual. Is that holding onto Watchtower teachings? Like Catholics in mexico when they were converting the natives they addopted some of the native customs to recruit new followers and guess what there still celebrating those same pagan customs to this day.

    They have weaved paganism with christianity. i guess that's true Christianity in your book and the Watchtower are not true Christians? That's the part i don't get you did an examination of the Watchtower and said that's not truth and there not Christians but make excuses for the rest of Christianty and call that true Christians as long as they believe in Jesus. That's not my point i'm not searching for religion i want nothing to do with it. You're telling me i'm not consistent i'm absolutley consistent while you are not.

    I don't know who you think you're trying to fool to deny that there is no paganism in Christianty. The Catholics hold the torch on weaving paganism and Christian doctrine. Looks to me like you don't care as long as they believe in Jesus . I don't know everything about every religion but i can guarantee that if i did research on it i would find it has paganism in it or some man mad nonsense.Paganism in the Catholic religion i could find in two seconds along with all its man made doctrines all i would have to do is google it.

    All this tells me is your faith is Shakey at best and built on the same foundation as the Watchtower. If you're happy with that so be it. I'm not judgeing individuals i'm judging entire institutions and have proof. Prove to me the Catholics have no paganism and get back to me. Didn't the bible speak about being lukewarm and vomiting that person out of his mouth and that it was better to be hot or cold. Well if that's the way Christians think that's is about as lukewarm as you can get.

  • lalliv01


    there is no church on the planet that is a true worshiper and teaches truth

    I believe you hit the nail on the head with that statement.

    I also don't believe there is any religious group or organization that has or teaches the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.


  • Number1Anarchist

    lallivo1 thx. I never will understand running off to Christianity after leaving the Watchtower.

  • jaguarbass

    Why do you have to pray to God to be able to understand the Bible?

    It's a book of confusion given to us by the custodians so we can easily be divided and conquered.

    Also it gives us an enemy, the Moslems, who have the same God the same ancestors and parts of the same book.

    But consider us infidels worthy of death.

    Also it gives us another enemy the communist who have no God and must be destroyed and eliminated.

    Also it gives another enemy, Humanist who are trying to help you.

    I've read it, the bible, cover to cover quite a few times.

    If you want to believe you can believe,

    Youll have to be a mental gymnist though. With a 1 minute memory like an alzhimers patient.

    To specifically answer your question.

    You have to pray to understand it to self hypnotise yourself.

    You have to pray to understand it so that it you submit to the custodian Gods will and not your will.

    Everytime you come across kaos and nonsense in your biblical readings, you say "your will God, not mine."

    That little mantra will keep you in your hynotic trance like state through this emobodiement of your spirit in the flesh.

    Maybe next time youll come back as a worm, because you squanderd your conciousness.

    But if you come back as a worm, its not that bad, its a short ride.

  • Number1Anarchist

    Jaguarbass i have never been a conformist even in the Watchtower i was an ousider who never progressed in the religion. I totally agree with what you say i just love to talk about the way a Christian thinks that you have to pray to understand a book is rediculous. I find it absurd that's why i asked the question. I have said this in the past that calling the bible the word of God is Satans biggest deception. I probly will always believe in a creator but that book has divided more people than it has ever brought together. I did enjoy your comment and it made me laugh and i can totally agree with what you said. thx

  • jaguarbass

    Hello Number1Anarchist. I think you agree with some of what I say.

    In all the bibles I have read, the devil is the good guy.

    He has always been the one who was trying to tell us what time it is.

    He has always been the one to tell us we are being sold down the river.

    He has never been as blood thirsty or destructive as his the being who is describes as his exact oposite.

    If there is a God he is not in the bible, he had nothing to do with writing the bible and nothing to do with Christians.

    Which leads me to believe in reincarnation and that we are God, we are conciousness and we keep coming back trying to find ourselves, for various reasons, largely because this is the only game in town.

    Also the Christians took out Jesus teachings on reincarnation out of the bible so they could keep man blind and stupid like sheep.

    Jesus was like a guru, he probably studied in India during his young man hood.

    The custodians the same people that are running the world today,needed someone with a good character to prop up and put forth as a spiritual leader so he, Christ could be pitted against, Mohomad, and Moses and Comunism.

    That way a war can always be stired up for shxts and gigles and proffitt.

    The dooms day end time prophecies of Jesus and the bible, Revelation by John, are applicable to anytime in history and the bible even says the Christians thought the world was ending back in Jesus day.

    The Gods of Eden is a good book for anyone coming out of the tower who is trying to figure out what is going on.


  • BurnTheShips
    To deny the roots of paganism is up to each individual. Is that holding onto Watchtower teachings? Like Catholics in mexico when they were converting the natives they addopted some of the native customs to recruit new followers and guess what there still celebrating those same pagan customs to this day.

    And what is your point? The celebrations are divorced from their original context. They are not dedicated to pagan Gods, but rededicated to the Christian one. Even the Jewish festivals in the OT are suspiciously in synchronization with harvest festivals (which were of course clothed in a religious context) of surrounding peoples and the decoration of the tabernacle and Temple was similar in style and theme to what would have been found in a Persian Temple or a Babylonian one. It has long been suspected that the Temple of Solomon was designed and built in the style of a Phoenician temple, under the auspices of King Hiram--a pagan. A thing can be cleaned and rededicated to God, and we even see this in the festivity of the Rededication, Hannukah, which even Jesus celebrated.

    That's not my point i'm not searching for religion i want nothing to do with it.

    Then don't! Throw your Bible out the window and live your life as you see fit. No one is forcing you here. Honestly, if you hate religion so much, why do you care about this incipient paganism that angers you so much? Why should you care? It's all a bunch of crap...right? Move on then! And please, don't try to lecture me on Christian history and the external cultural influences upon how it is practiced. Some here on this forum are certainly capable of lecturing me, but from what I have seen here, you aren't one of them.


  • Number1Anarchist

    Jaguarbass that was funny once again and way out there at the same time. There is no way to take what you said but if you ever wanted to start your own religion that could make a great foundation. Try it you may become rich one day.lol

    BurnTheShips you sure have been offended with facts if you want to gloss over them and believe whatever you want by all means do and have fun doing it but don't go around preaching to people and trying to explain anything about the bible because you know nothing about it. Your just as lost as the next guy so do the world a favor and find yourself before you go around trying to save others. You jumped head first into Christianity and believe all there nonsense. I'm sure whatever God you worship would be proud you take a pagan holiday and recontitute it into a day to worship him, hahahahhahahahaha that is rediculous nowonder i'm not a Christian. If you are offended that's your problem but i speak the truth while you speak utter nonsense. Thx for the good laughs at how rediculous Chritianity truly is. Jaguarbass is looking for somone to convert you may look into the church of Jaguarbass sounds about as rediculous as your beliefs. Have fun!

  • BurnTheShips
    BurnTheShips you sure have been offended with facts if you want to gloss over them and believe whatever you want by all means do and have fun doing it but don't go around preaching to people and trying to explain anything about the bible because you know nothing about it.

    Anarchist, I am not offended, and I've glossed over nothing. You have not engaged any of the specifics I brought out in any meaningful way. Your entire line of argumentation is identical to what the JWs used on the subject. Therefore, for most of us it is old hat. However, if feeling superior is what you need to get through the day, then please go ahead, I won't try to strip you of your talisman.


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