The Sigh Thread

by Farkel 156 Replies latest jw friends

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Without you Farkel, I would have never known what a "dipf*ck" was.

    I feel your sigh.

    Thanks for everything.

    Ya dipf*ck.


  • Vinny

    Who's Farkle?

  • seven006


    Alan F has not dropped off the face of the earth, he is alive and well and at this very moment using up all the hot water in my upstairs shower. He and his wife “Alan F’s Ho Julie” are vacationing here in Oregon and for the past week or so and have graciously decided to invade my space and time with their presence and forced me to drink scotch and gag down some sticky mooshy pasta dish Julie made with six tuns of garlic and what seems to be a dash of dehydrated cat piss.

    Any way he has read this thread over my shoulder and has come to the same conclusion I have and that is Doug needs some nasty time with some poor unsuspecting middle aged ex-disco queen with a drooping bust line and smokers breath.

    Alan (as he was looking over my shoulder (again) and spilling milk on my head from his bowl of Co Co puffs wanted me to add that he posts on JWS and Richard Dawkins board.
    (like I give a rat’s bummy where the hell he posts)

    this is from both me and Alan, “bitch up and go find your nuts”. You know we love you but neither you or Madonna are going to be at the top of the charts any more. Accept the fact that you did a lot of good, made a lot of people think and laugh at the same time, as well as spawned a pretty smart little puppy. Look at all the good you have accomplished in your life and then shut the hell up!


  • minimus

    Don't you be so mean to my Farkel, you brute!

  • purplesofa

    Alan (as he was looking over my shoulder (again) and spilling milk on my head from his bowl of Co Co puffs wanted me to add that he posts on JWS and Richard Dawkins board.*****

    great, but what kind of topping does he like on his ice-cream?


  • Dogpatch

    Hi BizzyBee,

    Yes, Free Minds, Inc. is a 501 (c) 3 and has been since 1993. We are funded mostly by long-term friends who are contributors. All donations are tax-deductible in the U.S.

  • Dogpatch

    Hi BizzyBee,

    Yes, Free Minds, Inc. is a 501 (c) 3 and has been since 1993. We are funded mostly by long-term friends who are contributors. All donations are tax-deductible in the U.S.

  • Country_Woman

    Most of the time I don't give reactions, but given the amount of reactions on this topic, a lot of people do find your question important.

    What is your favorite ice cream topping?

    whipped cream with chocolat sauce and advocaat (some sort of egg liquor)

  • Dogpatch

    sorry for my posting faux pas. :-))

    007 sez,

    He and his wife “Alan F’s Ho Julie” are vacationing here in Oregon and for the past week or so and have graciously decided to invade my space and time with their presence and forced me to drink scotch and gag down some sticky mooshy pasta dish Julie made with six tuns of garlic and what seems to be a dash of dehydrated cat piss.

    Oh well that figures! Damn Julie, I do good pasta, come visit down here! My favorite recipe is below. Haven't seen you guys in over 20 years. :-))


    El Porto Fried Rice (randy’s absolute favorite)

    If’n you like fried rice, sit down because this will blow your sox off, guaranteed!

    PREPARE DAY BEFORE (skewers and rice are used as a meal the night before, so these are leftovers; make sure and make plenty! Clem gets bitchy about meager cookins’.

    · 4 cups white parbroiled rice (cooked night before in white onions, butter, salt and oil only)

    · 1 each beef and chicken skewers with red/green peppers and chipped red onions as follows:

    beef skewers from Ralph’s, marinated overnight in chipotle barbecue sauce

    chicken skewers from Ralph’s, marinated overnight in lime juice and cilantro (preferably key limes!)

    Chop the fools up. Then have these here things ready:

    1 cup peanut oil.

    bunch fresh cilantro (no weak stuff!).

    6 eggs.

    4 tbsp chili oil.

    1/2 cup soy sauce, specifically Kikkoman (others often suck).

    4 tbsp sesame oil.

    two bunches green onions, sliced thin.

    1/2 cup early frozen peas

    chipotle barbecue sauce.

    4 cloves garlic. (more if you're Julie)

    pepper grinder.

    ginger to taste.

    Heat up iron skillet until very hot, coating with peanut oil.

    Stir in onions and garlic, as well as other oils and seasonings,

    and fry until onions R clear

    add rice and peas and stir, coating evenly with oil.

    crack eggs in empty side of skillet and fry, scrambling tight

    mix in peas, meat and pepper combo, cilantro, everything in at once.

    fry it blindingly!

    Don’t let any of the kids or varmints get this one, you’ll regret it! Only for spicy fiends like us grownups.

  • seven006


    Thanks for recipe.

    I know I’m getting old when my guy friends (aka buddies) quit talking about shapely chickie butts and begin swapping their favorite dinner recipes over the internet.

    THE END IS NEAR!!!!!!!

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