The Sigh Thread

by Farkel 156 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Dave, remember.....Randy was a Bethel boy. Of course he'd know his recipes!

  • Vinny

    Seven006 said:...""He and his wife “Alan F’s Ho Julie” are vacationing here in Oregon and for the past week"..

    **** Is Alan F's wife, "Ho Julie", Hilary_Step?

    That would make sense.

  • Vinny

    Sorry Ferkle.

  • minimus

    So far this thread's been viewed at least 980 times!!!!!

    See, Farkel, you ARE viable.

  • restrangled

    Farkel, I'm going to give you some advice....the same advice you gave me.....when I read it, I thought you might be yelling at yourself, but just to make sure you get the it is!

    Are you a vegetable? Do you have the use of your arms, legs and torso? Are you dying of some horrible cancer and in constant pain? Do you have food to eat? Shelter over your head? Clothes to wear? Do you live through part of the day without pain? Can you still enjoy a full moon or a sunrise and sunset? Do you still think you might have a sense of humor? Can you still laugh?

    If you can say "no" to even half the stuff I mentioned, then fuck off. You don't even know what a bad life is, you big whiner.

    Try going without food for an entire week. Several times. I did. It made me appreciate virtually everything this life has to offer.


    Tough words, I took them into consideration, please apply to yourself.


  • snowbird

    Restrangled, .

    I was thinking of the same thing.


  • aligot ripounsous
    aligot ripounsous


    I'm one of those anonymous readers who enjoyed reading your best of on JWD, as you are famous even on this side. Now, if you think that your heyday is behind and you have yielded your best, just know that you're not the only one in this situation, great poet and troubadour Georges Brassens, not short of ideas as he was, would say that people, and himself for one, have one or two ideas and exploit them during the rest of their lifes, c'est la vie. Hang in there, we like you on JWD.

  • Dogpatch

    you could get all dressed up again, and apply at Bethel for a job.

    they have many BAs there!


  • Farkel

    Jeeeeez. I should whine more often! I've learned more from the comments on this thread than other people have learned from me!

    There was not one single comment so far that was not a valuable learning lesson for me. I mean this.

    Except for Dave Malone and that moron evil twin of his, Alan Feuerbacher, that is.

    Thanks for everything folks, including the heads-up criticisms. I've put "whine some more" on my January calendar.

    I agree with the poster who said all the research has been done. Apostates have won. There is nothing else left to do unless some other new WT scandal comes up.

    All I have left to do is whine and talk about ice cream. This is going to be easy from now on!


  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate

    Having read the responses thus far, I don't have much to add, but this.

    We are all brothers and sisters, all of us- JW, ex-JW, Catholic, whatever.

    Sometimes we feel overly self-important.

    Other times, we feel we are alone.

    It truly is a state of mind.

    Everything we "know" is merely what we think we "know".

    Accepting that we are just another human is humility.

    Enjoy every day as it comes.

    Expect miracles.

    Accept heartache.

    Attitude is everything.

    BA- Ah, but I am late to the thread.

    PS- Expect the unexpected.

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