The Sigh Thread

by Farkel 156 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    I'm makin' it 6 pages!

  • snowbird

    Y'all are just playin,' right?


  • SPAZnik

    I'm feeling torn. Maybe shoulda been this one.

  • sammielee24
    It is tough being me. I think I have so much to say, but I have such a small audience to say it to. Sometimes I feel I did something worthwhile, and that which I worked so hard to piece together gets buried in 30 minutes and goes 5 pages back in that amount of

    Hey! That's my song! My issues are not relegated to JWisms but to other concerns that have deeply affected me and you have summed up my feelings in a few shorts words. Thank you Farkel - sammieswife.

    PS..although I have different opinions than you on some subjects, I admit that when I first started reading JWD, your posts were one of the first that I went back over and read because I found your knowledge, arguments and writing skills on the issues, clear, concise and well directed.

  • sammielee24
    What is your favorite ice cream topping?


    Oh - I forgot.

    I always layer it - butterscotch or caramel, raspberry, peanuts and a cherry!


  • Jeremy C
    Jeremy C

    I just stumbled upon this thread. I was rather amused with what Farkel wrote:

    It is tough being me. I think I have so much to say, but I have such a small audience to say it to. Sometimes I feel I did something worthwhile, and that which I worked so hard to piece together gets buried in 30 minutes and goes 5 pages back in that amount of time. At the same time, someone else who writes something about a song or a movie or a "feeling" stays on the front of the board for days. I guess I understand what people like to see. I just don't have that to offer those folks.
    It has just tired me out, and I thought I was fearless in dealing with idiots, morons, apologists with no arguments and just plain stupid people.

    Well, Farkel here is how I see it - for whatever it’s worth. I know that I don’t know you personally, all I can go by is what I see in your posts. I have an inkling suspicion as to why your threads and posts don’t gain much traction. I have noticed that your posts are some of the most caustic and cantankerous outbursts of insults I have ever seen on this board.

    True, you are comical and clever at times, but I have noticed that you routinely resort to calling other posters "idiots, morons, and stupid people" when you don’t like what they post. This may just be me, but that is not very endearing to most civilized people. I have noticed many posters on here who are willing to engage in discussions (where there is fierce disagreement) without falling back on name calling and snappy insults. You would do well to follow their example. You may find that more people will warm up to you.

    All of us get frustrated and emotional at times and post things we regret, but you have demonstrated a pattern of name calling toward posters even when they have not done so to you. After you do that enough times, people just get tired of it, and no longer want to enter your threads anymore. It reminds me of a school yard bully who begins to lament that none of the other kids want to play ball with him.

    Maybe you are so tired because of engaging with people in such a uncivil manner on the board. Perhaps trying to think up clever insults takes more mental energy than just being nice.

    Or then again, maybe you really are a victim, and I am just another one of those idiotic morons that you always write about.

  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate

    Kudos to JeremyC for taking the time putting into writing what all have seen to be the case with the originator of this thread.


  • undercover
    Sometimes I feel I did something worthwhile, and that which I worked so hard to piece together gets buried in 30 minutes and goes 5 pages back in that amount of time.

    Yet this shameless plug of self-pity has garnered 6 pages of replies and stays on top of the active topics page...

  • hemp lover
    hemp lover

    "Fark? Are you ok? Not only are you repeating yourself, you are replying to your own post from another thread. I was quoting you."

    Beksbks - priceless! LOL

  • sammielee24

    I think a lot of us get frustrated with any situation. It's like a marriage when you keep trying harder but you don't see the return. It's exhausting work and at some point you make a choice to throw in the towel or trudge along. Until that time comes, there are moments that arise where you just feel too tired to look at the issue any longer - I think that's just human emotion and I think Farkel has made the WTS his marriage of sorts.

    I can empathize with him on the emotional level and I don't think that's unusual nor abnormal.

    Everyone needs a pity party once in a while - even if its only among friends and short lived. sammieswife.

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