The Sigh Thread

by Farkel 156 Replies latest jw friends

  • stillajwexelder

    What is your favorite ice cream topping?

    Chopped salted peanuts

  • Farkel

    deleted. redundant.

  • Farkel


    :I would imagine it is tough being you, but excruciating being someone who has to live with you. Quite possibly your audience is so small, because you are your biggest fan.

    Of COURSE I am my biggest fan, you twit. And YES it is tough being me.

    If you are not your biggest fan, then you don't care a whit about yourself, but you let others define you. No one else cares more about you than you, so should your "biggest fan" be anyone else but you? And if someone should care more about you than you care about yourself, then please explain to we dummies why another human could possibly care more about you that you care about you.

    My audience may be "small" but I have helped hundreds of JWs out of Watchtower bondage. I'm sure you have done the same, haven't you?


  • beksbks

    Sounds good Farkel.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    I'm a great admirer of your writings and posts Farkel you put a lot effort into them and they contain a lot insightful

    information in their content.

    You have the ability to reveal the real truth on " The Truth " which I think is a valuable importance to everyone.

    You bring a lot to JWD and speaking for myself as well as others we really appreciate your efforts.

  • halcyon

    Pretty much every forum I post to, mine are not the popular posts; in fact I seem to be a thread killer much of the time.

    It's taken me years to realize it, but I finally saw that I'm a thread killer because I have the ability to sum up a topic so precisely that there's not much to say after me. I'm not bragging, it's just a skill that has been pointed out to me over and over until I finally "got it."

    That's not the case here though, because I can't sum things up precisely here. I'm still lost and swimming through what I think I feel. But I can say that for at least 5 years, I've been putting off an important conversation with a loved one about why I left. Since finding this place and being here only three months, I finally have the confidence to sit down and talk to them. I'm quite certain some of your posts have contributed to my new state of clear-headedness.

    Perhaps you are investing too much energy into estimating the impact of what you write. You should write because you're passionate about the subject, and let that be enough. Then just release your words and let them do their own work. You can't possibly guess their impact based on other people's replies. No one (probably not even you!) regularly replies to posts with "great reply! A lot to think about, thanks!" When a post makes someone think deeply, they just go off and think. They don't take the time to announce it. In fact, the most profound of posts usually come back to the reader much later, often the next day.

    Can you put Dusty Road toppings on ice cream?

  • BizzyBee

    Ahhhh....Heavy lies the crown...........some just rocket this stuff out off the top of the old bean, without much thought......and rack up 5-10 pages of responses. I start a thread I believe to be rich with nuggets of wisdom to be mined in mutual exploration and it fizzles after 7 posts....3 of which are mine own.........or one sends a heartfelt PM in a moment of perceived shared camaraderie, and it is not even acknowledged.

    We all think our own stuff is great and pearlescent. I write (funding proposals) for a living, so my stuff seems like a gift to the great unwashed - no charge. Guess what? They wipe their arses on it just as readily as the fluffy, misspelled, ungrammatical, ill-conceived tissue of ice cream toppings, films, music. etc. If I'm not doing this for my very own amusement and gratification then I should retreat into my cave. And so should you.

    Get over yourself and I will, too.

  • Scully

    When I get as old as Farkel, I won't have mastered anything musical, or written the great Canadian novel, or even danced a decent jig.

    My aspirations are simple: To keep my children out of the clutches of cults. To practice my profession to the best of my ability with passion and compassion. To keep my body in good working order. To be a good citizen. To cast my ballot in elections and gripe about the government and taxes and how the system is full of crap when my candidate doesn't get elected to public office. To make lasagna once a month and know that everyone in my family enjoys it immensely.

    And then, when I'm old like Farkel, I'll get to be the cranky old woman who sits on a park bench with her knitting and feeding the pigeons and complaining about how "kids these days have no respect" and all the pigeon droppings in the park.

  • Hope4Others

    I love butterscotch....

    But I like your threads too, I just don't always feel I have anything good to say

    to them at times...not that I don't want to...its time to come over

    and try out Jws


  • watson

    Well put, Bizzy Bee

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