The Sigh Thread

by Farkel 156 Replies latest jw friends

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    I write (funding proposals) for a living

    Professional beggar?

  • BizzyBee
    Well put, Bizzy Bee

    Thank you, Watson.

  • BizzyBee

    I write (funding proposals) for a living

    Professional beggar?

    Hmm.....provide a needed more a beggar than we all are, one way or another.......

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    I like mint choc chip.

    Farkel, I believe everyone could be much more effective in raising awareness about the cultic ways of the JW's if we could raise a little cooperation. Unfortunately we are too feline and resistant to herding.

  • no more kool aid
    no more kool aid

    When I first stopped going to meetings, I spent every spare minute reading old posts and topics, especially more insightful ones. You were one of them. You can't measure how much you have helped others. Leaving my religion has been one of the most tumultuous intense experiences of my life, with a new revelation or challenge around every corner. You have all helped me more than I can say. However, sometimes it becomes so intense, I just want to talk about ice cream. Marshmallow with hot fudge and roasted salted pecans over chocolate soft serve.

  • Blueblades

    Doug! Alanf, Norm, Seeker, Tom. Research on the Watcher site. You and the others there have contributed so much and have helped so many to understand the truth about the Watchtower. I am indebted to you Farkel. I have always read your topics and post responses.

    I will be the one sighing if you stop posting. I will always continue to go to your pass writings which are never boring.


  • BurnTheShips


    It looks like you picked a convincing line of bullshit and stuck with it.



  • sir82


    Sounds like you're missing your "Glory Days", as in the old Bruce Springsteen song.

    I would contend your melancholy is a good thing. The battles have been fought and won. Since about 2002 or so, there have been no serious JW apologists who could present any reasonable argument for the WTBS. The WTBS has been proven, with abundant documentation, to be duplicitous, cruel, hypocritical, vindictive, [plug in your favorite negative adjective here].

    Blood transfusion inconsistencies. Associated with the UN-DPI as an NGO. Deceptive quotations. Money scandals, Pedophile scandals. Doctrinal flip-flops that cost lives. It's all out there.

    The basic framework is in place, on the net, preserved for eternity. If any honest-hearted (woops! JW-speak) JW spends just a few hours online, they'll see it.

    There's still a few details to be filled in, details on personalities, or history, or personal experiences, but I contend there is nothing new and earth-shattering to be done.

    The work on H2O, and the early days of this board, has been invaluable. But over the past 6 years or so, this board has turned more to fluff and "support" (as much as an anonymous discussion board can provide "support", anyway).

    At this point, rehashing those points ("Did you know the WTS position on blood transfusions is logically inconsistent?") isn't going to get the same attention it did 7 years ago. The regular posters here and elsewhere have read it, digested it, accepted it, and (for the most part) moved on from JW-dom.

    Even if the WTS performs some (other) incredibly bone-headed maneuver, it will merely add to the mountain of evidence already in place that the last thing they are is "God's organization".

    Lots of fluff on this board? Your serious writings generating less interest than a thread on "why I like sex"? You should be glad! You fought in the battle, and you won.

    The WTS, like any other large religious organization, is not going away any time soon. It fills a need among a large percentage of the population. There's always going to be brain-dead f-wits who, if they don't join the JWs, will join the Mormons or the Moonies or the Hare Krishnas or the Hale-Boppers or whatevers.

    The smart ones have ben inoculated, or at least have the information available. That's the best anybody will ever do, and it's been done.

  • magoo

    .....farkel...with all due respect, would you like some cheese with that whine?.............


  • LovesDubs

    I get that Fark....I do. After awhile its not enough to know that you have touched lives and planted seeds and made a difference in God knows how many JWs and EXs kinda need something you can SEE. Some actual measurable fruits of your labor. Pie charts and statistics would be nice :)

    I got on the internet in 1996. AOL had the most amazing annoying wild chat rooms going then and I was in there arguing and cajoling and pulling people out of the frey like a crazy woman. Then they started to "monitor" the damn chat rooms because the JWs were whining that we werent playing fair, and their idea of debate was to quash the opinions of others as "offensive" and so that medium died. Then there were discussion boards and those too got monitored out of usefulness.

    I too helped a lot of people out of the Borg as many before us have helped Randy W and Ray F and others. But now its like you put it out there and hope the people who need to read it do and are helped by it as was its intent.

    So I guess its of little consolation to you Fark, but we DO appreciate your input and we DO miss you when you arent posting here. And thank you for all your gifts.


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