Class Suit Against the Watchtower -- Anyone?

by Dogaradodya 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    why won't this thread die?

  • Junction-Guy

    Why should it, unless of course you enjoy the JW cult and wish to see it prosper. I dont, I hope they are sued into oblivion.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    So if I think it's a stupid idea now I love the WT? That is more like WT thinking.

    Anyone that has seen the results of the pedophile issue can clearly see that the WT has a habit of slowing the judicial process to a standstill. If anyone wants to throw their money away on a lawsuit with absolutly no basis then go right ahead.

    I still take offense to the accusation that I enjoy the JW cult and want to see it prosper. Keep your mindless accusations to your JW friends who obviously think like u do

  • Junction-Guy

    I dont have any JW friends, Im a Baptist.

    I try to seek out the positive in the situation, and view the glass as half full, therefore Im always looking for ways to succesfully win against the Watchtower and see it crumble.

    Being critical of someones plan is one thing, being critical of someone even having a plan is a whole other ballgame.

    I will do whatver it takes, use any legal means possible, look for every loophole to see this cult buried in history.

  • journey-on
    If anyone wants to throw their money away on a lawsuit

    Class action lawsuits are usually handled on a contingency out of pocket payment till the suit is won.

    I still think a visionary who knows this cult and their mind control/brainwashing/manipulative ways

    could find the "in" to sue and win! (I made a rhyme...tee hee)

  • Junction-Guy

    Exactly journey-on, but it will take determined people, people who actually want to see it happen, not people who try to hinder it.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    positive spin? LOL that is funny.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    My opinion hardly hinders it. Go ahead with your dream chasing the turds known as the WTB&TS and make them pay. I'll hold my breath while u find an attorney

  • Junction-Guy

    Do as you wish, it is a free country. But why do you feel the need to rain on other people's parades? If you didnt like the topic, why not just ignore it? Why try to hinder other people?

  • journey-on

    It's going to happen one of these'll see. Some savvy attorney is going to see the potential and understand

    that the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, Inc. is nothing but a very wealthy publishing business that has used gullible

    people to push their agenda, not to mention their product, and pass themselves off as a religion to avoid taxes and make

    profit for a handful of men. They will eventually be sued to the hilt and lose big time if they don't crumble from within meantime.

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