Class Suit Against the Watchtower -- Anyone?

by Dogaradodya 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dogaradodya

    Hi, bobld!

    The whole world, especially the US, must now define what exactly is Freedom of Religion. It must be reworded to Freedom to Choose One's Religion, freedom being synonymous with right. But Freedom or Right of Religion as an organization is a different matter. If you give organized religion unfettered freedom, it will dictate on every aspect of one's life, subvert human rights, undermine the state, mislead people, etc. Freedom of organized religion cannot be constitutionalized because it is against the universally accepted law of the Separation of Church and State. Only individual freedom or right to choose one's religion can be enshrined in the Constitution.

    I'm not a lawyer, by the way. I'm just a "graduate" of religion.

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    I am with you on this!

    What I have come to see is that although Witnesses have fought for 'freedom of speech', ironically, there is no freedom of speech within the Kingdom Hall.

    Just as the day came when the Catholic Church lost its stranglehold over its adherents, the day will come when the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society will become irrelevant. I believe we are in a period of mass awakening, so that a 'class action suit' may become a real possibility. Consciousness of the Watchtower's dark side is dawning on a lot of us and some of us are just starting to get ANGRY!

  • journey-on
    Just as the day came when the Catholic Church lost its stranglehold over its adherents, the day will come when the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society will become irrelevant. I believe we are in a period of mass awakening, so that a 'class action suit' may become a real possibility. Consciousness of the Watchtower's dark side is dawning on a lot of us and some of us are just starting to get ANGRY!

    Meeting Junkie No More hit the nail on the head here....A NEW DAY IS DAWINING !!!

  • Dogaradodya

    Hi, tula!

    The terms "Armageddon", "Jehovah", "new system of things" and almost every word of the JW's lingo are tools for hypnotism.

  • Dogaradodya

    To: freedomfighter ; Junction-Guy ; notyetx ; VoidEater ; sammielee24 ; sammieswife; Meeting Junkie No More ; journey-on; and all of you out there who are with me

    Thank you so much! Hope to hear more from you.

    Please listen to my suggested Sound-track for tonight: Beethoven Triple Concerto for Violin, Cello and Piano as performed by Itzhak Perlman, Yo-Yo Ma and Daniel Barenboim with the Berlin Philharmonic on YouTube

  • Dogaradodya

    To: freedomfighter ; Junction-Guy ; notyetx ; VoidEater ; sammielee24 ; sammieswife; Meeting Junkie No More ; journey-on; and all of you out there who are with me

    Thank you so much! Hope to hear more from you.

    Please listen to the suggested sound-track for tonight: Beethoven Triple Concerto for Violin, Cello and Piano as performed by Itzhak Perlman, Yo-Yo Ma and Daniel Barenboim with the Berlin Philharmonic on YouTube

  • Bryan

    Tula said:

    in United States v. Lee 455 U.S. 252, 257-258 (1982), the California Supreme Court found that "when a person is subjected to coercive persuasion without his knowledge or consent... [he may] develop serious and sometimes irreversible physical and psychiatric disorders, up to and including schizophrenia, self-mutilation, and suicide."

    If you look at the definition. I believe the coercive persuasion without his knowledge could be proved.

    Coercive persuasion comprises social influences capable of producing substantial behavior and attitude change through the use of coercive tactics and persuasion, via interpersonal and group-based influences.

    Coercion is the practice of compelling a person to behave in an involuntary way (whether through action or inaction)by use of threats, intimidation or some other form of pressure or force. Coercion may typically involve the actual infliction of physical or psychological harm in order to enhance the credibility of a threat. The threat of further harm may then lead to the cooperation or obedience of the person being coerced.

    The threat would be if you don't conform to our teachings you will die (Jehovah will destroy you). For ones like me whom were born into the Tower and were brainwashed from infancy, this psychological harm is very real.

    If you could find a lawyer to take in on in contengency I think you might have a chance. If a lawyer believed in it that much, there may be something to it.


  • Dogaradodya

    Thank you, Bryan! We're almost the same age and probably suffered more or less the same degree of damage from the WB&TS.

  • Fisherman

    In the US, the issues that you mention have already been decided by the Courts in my opinion in favor of the wts. Those decisions are "case law". It is a waste of time and money to bring such like cases before the Courts again. You can try and you can perhaps find a lawyer that with hesitation will take your money? but not on contingency I bet. You will have to put out a sweet retainer.

  • Junction-Guy

    The constitution is full of loopholes and every group just about has wormed their way around those loopholes. Right to bear arms? That too has been abridged in certain jurisdictions. Freedom of speech---There have been limits set to that.

    Even the Mormons had their religious freedom abridged when the US government outlawed polygamy.

    There are plenty of loopholes that we could get the Watchtower on, however it takes determined people willing to go the extra mile to fight this cult.

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