Class Suit Against the Watchtower -- Anyone?

by Dogaradodya 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dogaradodya

    Yes, I agree with you Jim TX and sweetface2233. I'm trying to move on with my life; that's for sure. But I still want the damage done to me compensated. There's nothing wrong with getting what's mine if I can prove to the courts that the Watchtower had wrought considerable damage to me. I'm out to teach the Governing Body a lesson for the whole world to know: That their teachings are dead wrong and dangerous. I only have one question to ask them: Do they really know what's in the mind of God?

  • flipper

    DOGARA- You certainly have noble motives , however as some have said , we all at one time made the conscious decision to be a Jehovah's Witness . Other people have joined other cults as well and after exiting did not get anything out of it except their freedom back. SWEETFACES advice is good ! You should probably put useful energy into getting counseling and therapy to move on with your life- than giving the witnesses undue power over your life and emotions still , in spite of being done with them. I got out 4 years ago at age 44. I was in it from birth and am now happy at age 48 ! So , you can have a productive life if you apply yourself to positive thinking and other productive ventures in your life.

    I am truly sorry you have suffered in your life from this. Many others too have suffered . The Watchtower society just settled out of court a lawsuit by child abuse victims , 16 of them . It seems to me that the best thing we can do is chip away at exposing continually the Watchtower societies errors by media coverage and freedom of speech. Our having a happy , successful life outside of the organization is the best payback we can do . You can certainly try a class action lawsuit, but to invest the years, time, money, to get the best attorneys to represent you and others ? There is a lot involved .Also, don't forget the Watchtower society has their own attorneys as well , who are very adept at being manipulative with the media , former members ,and are extremely deceptive in their tactics. So, it's up to you if you want to invest many years to this- as I'm afraid that's what you'd be looking at . And in the end- there are no guarantees you'd win . Courts might just say it was all of our decision to join , then you'd be even more frustrated for spending years on this. So, just think about it friend. I empathize , believe me, I know how you feel, but there may be other better options to make your points against the Watchtower society . Peace out to you, Mr. Flipper

  • Tuesday

    I was placed with my mother during a divorce, my father always says that I should sue the state for putting me in a dangerous environment. I don't think a class action suit against the witnesses would be very profitable, but I think that possibly I might have a case against the state. The problem is the proof, I don't think for a second that Elders won't lie in court. Maybe I should check with a lawyer about the suit. I'm 27 now though, I don't know if I've waited too long.

  • VoidEater

    I'm not familier with laws in all lands...and i apologize for raining on anyone's parade...but:

    If you were raied in a cult, you may have a cause of action against your parents. Your parents were responsible for your treatment as a child. If they permitted illegal treatment as your guardians, or perpetrated illegal treatment, you may find you have a cause of action against those guardians.

    If you experience illegal loss due to leaving the cult, you may have a cause of action against the cult. Sadly, in the US, such cases for unlawful loss of affection or familial ties (due to shunning) have not met with success.

    Unfortunately, the things listed read to me as actionable items, I don't see what laws were broken. Perhaps that just means better laws ae needed.

  • RubaDub

    Dog ...

    You failed to mention the psychological impact of the One Towel Rule on the members of the congregation.

    Rub a Dub

  • Dogaradodya

    I agree with you Jim TX, sweetface2233 and sammielee24. I'm moving on with my life. There's no doubt about that. But I still want the damage done to me compensated. There's nothing wrong with getting what's mine if I can prove to the courts that the Watchtower had done me considerable damage.

    My call is for those who are willing to file a class suit against the Watchtower. The class suit filed and waged by the Marcos victims of human rights bore fruit. Right there in the US.

    Okay, I'll sleep for now. It's 3:45 am here already. Thank you all out there! Don't worry Jim TX and sweetface2233, I have a sound mind.

  • Dogaradodya

    One last thing before I sleep. I'm not familiar with this board yet. So pardon me if I had duplicated one comment, I think.

    Remember the Marcos victims of human rights. They made it.

    Sound-track for tonight: Mozart Piano Concerto No. 9 "Jeunehomme" as performed by Mitsuko Uchida with the Mozarteum Orchestra conducted by Jeffrey Tate on YouTube

  • bobld

    Good luck,you can't win because in the good old USA we have "freedom of religion" and the ACL.However,what gets me, you have "FREEDOM" in every thing under the sun except when you join the CULT of the WBTS.Ex.if you hate your work you can get a different job.You are not living in a dictatorship.If you become a member of the WBTS and quit see what happens.

  • oompa

    I'm in, but I think the suit needs a very solid FRAUD!!!!!.......seriously.....oompa

  • tula
    in United States v. Lee 455 U.S. 252, 257-258 (1982), the California Supreme Court found that "when a person is subjected to coercive persuasion without his knowledge or consent... [he may] develop serious and sometimes irreversible physical and psychiatric disorders, up to and including schizophrenia, self-mutilation, and suicide."

    Now, if you can prove you were hypnotized or held captive ........

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