New Yearbook stats for 2007 now out!

by Dogpatch 111 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jwfacts
    Yes, those are some big jumps in August.

    Peak figures are unreliable due to how they are counted. When a JW puts their July and August report in at the end of August, the WTS does not update July, they count it as two publishers for August. As August is the last month of the service year, and the service overseer tries to get all the forgotten reports in for previous months, there is usually a spike in that month.

    Average reports are more reliable as the spikes are evened out. However, even these are suspect. For instance, a couple of years ago publishers could start reporting even if they only did 15 minutes in a month. We also know that many JWs that don't believe report just to keep the elders off their backs. Still, average stats will be at least somewhat more accurate than peak stats.

  • penny2

    That answers the question on why August figures are higher.

    I can imagine the study conductor ringing Bro Nonreporter, "I don't have a report for you for June or July. Didn't you do some FS in those months? Even 15 minutes?" So Bro Nonreporter could even be inclined to make up some numbers just to keep the study conductor happy - and so he doesn't get counted as irregular.

    Is that a stretch of my imagination or could that happen?

  • jwfacts

    Thats exactly what happens. The SO went to one of my friends when I was a teenager and said since he had not reported for 6 months he would be counted as inactive, so he put in 6 reports for the last 6 months, with 1 hour each. He had no idea whether he had been out each month or not. That counted as a 6 publishers in that month.

  • penny2

    Thanks jwfacts, it all makes sense now! It's quite funny really.

    Have you noticed that the stats on their website only show peak numbers? That's a bit dishonest.

  • donkey

    The numbers appear to be very questionable. Look at: 1. The number of hours spent / average number of publishers / 12 which gives the average number of hours per month per publisher. That number is rounds to 17.5 hours per month in field service per publisher. Complete drivel. 2. Has anyone put together a trending chart for the last 20 years showing the number of memorial partakers? More drivel... Cheers, Gravey

  • garybuss

    Interesting thread. Thanks for putting it up Randy.

    The Watch Tower Corporation's owners are fanatics but they're not stupid. That's what makes it so much fun to watch them scheme and manipulate.

    When I was a kid we had chickens in a pen outside the chicken coop. We knew the weasel would get in but we didn't know how. Would he dig under the fence again? Or would he squeeze under a loose board and get in the coop?

    My aunt and uncle had a farm and they didn't have any weasel killing chickens problems. Why not? They had lots more chickens than we did. The reason why was they didn't keep the chickens in a pen. They let them run loose. At night the chickens would roost in the trees. If the weasel came the chickens could get away.

    The reason the weasel could get the chickens at our place was because the chickens were trapped in the pen and they couldn't get away from the weasel. The pen we built to protect the chickens was our chicken's problem. The pen trapped the chickens, but the fence didn't keep the weasel out and the fence made it easy for us to catch the chickens ourselves for Sunday dinner. The pen wasn't for the benefit of the chickens. Same with the Witnesses.

    We know the weaknesses and strengths of the Society. One of their big strengths now is their guaranteed market. Imagine being a writer and have every book you write sell a million copies. How about 7 million? Or 14 million . . no matter what you write in it?

    The cow's in the barn, now they just have to milk it. Think these guys are smart enough to make money off of over 100,000 offices and seven million customers? I'd have to think yes to that. The doctrinal change stuff is just an excuse to keep printing up new product. The changes create the market.

    The ministry has changed. Instead of the Society printing material for the public with the Witnesses distributing it, now the Society's focus is on printing material for the Witnesses. They're one small step from discontinuing door to door soliciting. I expect in time they'll just have a membership list like most other churches and then watch the numbers go up.

    There are 7 million Witnesses and 17 million at the yearly memorial meeting. If it were my business, I'd be figuring out how cash in on the 10 million memorial attenders not already working for me. Now the Society is running their company like a publishing and door to door sales company. If they'd start running it more like a well run church and less like a secular sales business, they'd see cash receipts and membership numbers both dramatically increase.

    The Witness's admire the Catholic Church, they'd do well to take a few pages from their book. The Catholic Church does well without sound cars and huge printing businesses. The Witnesses dumped the sound cars when the sound cars weren't needed any more. It's time to dump the printing business.

    The Society's yearly report needs to show how many children were fed, how many widows helped, and how all donated funds were spent to benefit humanity and the planet.

    The Watch Tower's current report is self centered, self serving, selfish, and offensive. It wouldn't be any more offensive to me if they just reported how many trees were chopped down to make the paper to print the literature that the report focuses on.

  • observador


  • robdawg

    been lurking here for a few weeks, but I digress. excellent post garybuss

  • jwfacts
    It wouldn't be any more offensive to me if they just reported how many trees were chopped down to make the paper to print the literature that the report focuses on.

    Great post Gary, and that is a great line.

    Robdawg, welcome, I look forward to you starting a thread with your story.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    216,410 New Publishers is just average...back in the 1990's every 3 to 4 years 1 million!! No growth except in poor countries like Mongolia Madagascar, Azabizan etc. This is the same old stuff....running out of puff....and Japan 0% AGAIN...what happened to our golden example? 12 Years of loss.

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