A Mormon President?

by a Christian 66 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Junction-Guy

    I would have a hard time supporting a Mormon for President, Republican or not !!.

    I personally dont feel the Mormon religion is as bad as the JW's, yes it is a cult, but no it isnt as destructive as the JW's, but nevertheless it still is a cult.

    If it came down to Clinton vs.Romney I would probably skip that election and not even vote.

    I dont know much about Huckabee, but from what I hear he sounds good. I hope he does well.

    As for Fred Thompson, I really want to vote for him, but something seems amiss with him. If he is conservative, then why did Pat Robertson not support him. It sounds like something big is going on under the surface. There is something fishy about it.

  • naruto@postate

    Romney didn't ruin MA at all, he also didn't help much either. He had a rough term with his view on gay marriage.MA is the bluest state in USA, and he is a very red candidate. Unless you listen to talk radio, the media here is overwhelmingly to the left, focused more on the democratic primary, and Romneys Mormanism is not an issue, as it shouldn't be. My best guess is Rudy vs Hill in the end.

  • Gopher

    Thanks, naruto.

    You said:

    MA is the bluest state in USA, and he is a very red candidate.

    There must have been some reason Romney won the election for governor in 2002. It did say "R" or "Republican" next to his name on the ballot, right?

  • Junction-Guy

    Well if Im not mistaken, Romney changed his view on gay marriage (conveniently) in order to win in Mass. Now he is back to being pro-family again.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    MA is the bluest state in USA, and he is a very red candidate.

    There must have been some reason Romney won the election for governor in 2002. It did say "R" or "Republican" next to his name on the ballot, right?

    Please don't use the argument of "common sense".... it will put some people on this board on total overload. Ok, board, resume your "holier-then-thou" prejudices.

  • nvrgnbk
    "holier-then-thou" prejudices

    You mean like yours, Double Edge?

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    "holier-then-thou" prejudices

    You mean like yours, Double Edge?

    Specifically what do you mean, NVRGNBK?

  • naruto@postate

    Romney is the last of a long line of republican govs in MA. I have no idea why this is. New England tends to be a very diverse place, so Mormanism was no biggie.He did in the begining say he would not get involved with the matter of same-sex marriage, but he merely skirted the issue until the justices made their vote. It was after pressure from conservative interest groups where he pushed for legislation to have "the people" vote on the matter. I am sure many thought he didn't dig same-sex marriage cuz of his Mormanism, but the man is a politician and businessman, and he had to appeal to the conservative base.

  • nvrgnbk
    Specifically what do you mean, NVRGNBK?

    Easy friend, just messin with ya.

    I apologize.

  • Gopher
    It was after pressure from conservative interest groups where he pushed for legislation to have "the people" vote on the matter.

    There's more on this matter here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Same-sex_marriage_in_Massachusetts

    We're a nation that constitutionally protects its minority citizens against repression by the majority. IMHO it is Un-American for a "majority" to vote against equal protection for a minority.

    That's why we in America are a republic, or a representative democracy. The founders of our nation didn't intend for the people to vote on every contentious public issue, but to have the representatives hash it out.

    This is especially true when it comes to the interests of a minority group. Massachusetts currently has a proposed amendment to its ballot initiative process (where voters make law instead of the representatives). Here's what the Wikipedia entry said on this point:

    Currently, the legislature is considering whether to submit a question to the voters that, if passed, would amend the state constitution to prohibit ballot initiatives dealing with the curtailment of "civil rights" or "matters of equal protection." [16]

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