A Mormon President?

by a Christian 66 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • mentalclearness

    Yup..definately putting a good christian into office like Bush has done the U.S. loads of good!! LOL!!!

  • hybridous

    I think that the greater political success Romney has, the more damaging it is to his cult religion.

    The one thing all cults fear is scrutiny. The more publicity Romney has, his religion of choice will also experience a corresponding amount of publicity and scrutiny.

    Think about it...an undecided voter hears Romney's name and maybe a few points from his platform. This voter looks a little deeper to see if this guy is someone worthy of consideration. Somewhere along the way, Mormonism is going to come up, and this voter actually wants to know what it means to be a Mormon.

    And now the cat is outta the bag...Mormonism, complete with it's shady history and nutty beliefs is now on the table for examination.

    This hypothetical individual might even like Mitt Romney and agree with his platform, but what is done cannot be undone. One more person knows about Mormonism and probably read material from Mormon 'Apostates'. Cults thrive on ignorance, and a cultist politician does the most harm by opening his religion up to examination.

    I'm a Republican, and I won't vote for Romney. It has nothing to do with religion. It's because he resembles a used-car salesman

  • Shawn10538

    I think a lot of you are missing the point here. MORMONS ARE CRAZY!!! END OF STORY. Anyone who can actually believe in their ridiculous religion, and it is MORE ridiculous BY FAR than JWs, they have no business being ANYTRHING of importance let alone president. I can't believe there are people on this board who would even consider defending a Mormon. Haven't we all been hurt by JWs enough to shy away from ALL CULTS including Mormons?

    I am not a Christian and could not care less whether a president is Christian or not, but MORMON? No fucking way. That totaly disqualifies him in my opinion.

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    YIKES!! That seems to close to a JW being President!!


    Lady Liberty

  • Gopher


    Thanks for sharing, Shawn. We understand that Mormons are very unorthodox. Got it!

    So did Romney ruin Massachusetts? He was its governor from 2002-2006. I'm not necessarily defending him, I don't know who I'll support yet for president. I'm just asking, based on his record of governing.

  • hybridous

    Hi Shawn,

    Yes, I believe that the Mormon religion is crazy. It's a particular brand of crazy that less harmful than the JW brand, in my opinion. The particular reasons for that have been pointed out already.

    By all means, if that alone disqualifies him, I would urge you to act on your opinion and find someone you'd be comfortable with.

  • a Christian
  • nvrgnbk
    It's a particular brand of crazy that less harmful than the JW brand, in my opinion. The particular reasons for that have been pointed out already.









    What does membership in any religion or cult do to qualify or disqualify a candidate?

    They're all different brands of crazy.

  • freyd

    And so when he takes the oath of office in his Mormon underwear and hand on the Bible but committed to the Book of Mormon, would that be any different than a Muslim wearing one of those things on their heads with their hand on the Bible and committed to the Koran? I suppose it doesn't matter as long as there have been no less than 17 US Presidents who have kneeled, blind-folded and with a rope around their necks before a Masonic altar and the god of the Masons, allah the moon god and taking one of those blood-curdling oaths to protect secrets of their satanic brethren under no less penalty than being torn limb from limb, 6 years after 9/11 with the borders still wide open to terrorists, no exit strategy from Iraq, the dollar headed into oblivion and oil headed for who knows where. http://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-a&rls=

  • Barbie Doll
    Barbie Doll

    You vote for the man that said, he is a Christian, don't you know they all lie, because they want your vote.

    Bush the "Christian" all he wants to do is Kill people, that don't think like him.

    Not just the Mormons are Crazy, all religions are Crazy and want to Kill people, that don't think like them.

    Look at the Bible and all the Killing, that goes on..

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