A Mormon President?

by a Christian 66 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • naruto@postate

    I am in full agreement with your opinion gopher. Having the majority vote on the rights of a minority is not appropriate. Gay marriage is here to stay in MA, and most people feel that Romney used the state as next step towards his presidential run. His mormanism only made the news when he told the papers they were gonna celebrate his gubenatorial victory by drinking chocolate milk instead of champagne.

  • dogisgod

    A really great read is "Under the Banner of Heaven" by Jon Krackower(sp?)

  • Robert K Stock
    Robert K Stock

    When running for governor Mitt Romney supported abortion rights calling himself more liberal than Ted Kennedy. Now he is opposed to abortion.

    Since Mitt Romney changes what he believes to get elected, don't worry about his religion.

    He doesn't take it seriously so why should we?

  • Superfine Apostate
    Superfine Apostate

    is there a problem with being both pro gay marriage and pro family? i don't get it... "un-american": un-word of the century.

  • Junction-Guy

    Robert K.Stock, you make the best point yet. My only concern is that Romney as president will only lend legitimacy to the cults. People regularly associate JW's and Mormons as if they are interchangeable. A Mormon president would only make people more receptive to cults, and that is why Im against it.

    This upcoming presidential election is gonna be very tough for me, I will definitely do alot of research, alot of soul searching, and alot of praying. I wont vote for Hillary, but I darn sure dont want to vote a cult member in for president either.

  • Robert K Stock
    Robert K Stock


    Since you are undecided about who to support, have you considered Ron Paul?

    He is the closest Republican to Ronald Reagan's and Barry Goldwater's way of thinking and he raising enough money to be a contender in Iowa and New Hampshire.

  • Qcmbr

    Nothing like focussing on the insignificant stuff in the middle of a critical election - no wonder you got Bush.

    Which twit said the Mormons wouldn't like publicity?.. you are freakin nuts - the LDS church sends goons like me out to tell people about the church, Romney's run, while sidetracked by the US obsession with distraction, doesn't hurt the LDS at all - no publicity is bad publicity blah blah.

    Back to Romney:

    Let's see what is the US' major issues?
    Your economy is screwed in comparison to where it could be.
    Your at war with half the Islamic world and in debt to the rest.
    You are seen by the rest of the world as war mongering, morally bankrupt, torture condoning loose cannons (despite the overwhelming good you do - you feed and keep alive more people than your bombs ever kill.)

    So you need a supreme administrator, someone who can organise your government, someone who can finish the mess you started in Iraq and finally someone who can stand up in public and not spend half his time grinning like a baboon and the rest creating humorous gaffes. In short you need someone like Romney. Someone who might keep your ars* in a job and food on your table.

    The irony of it all is is that when I watch the debates people seem to care more about fringe ideas than real issues (Oh my gosh he believes Jesus is Satan's brother, he made the dog ride on the roof, he once pursued a policy that he no longer supports flip flop me let's vote for someone else.)

    I've said before that I think Romney would have internal problems as President from a purely theoretical standpoint but in reality he seems fairly spot on (of course if anyone was novel enough to actually mention a policy they disagree with I might have more respect and time to discuss but in the meantime please continue your discussion on magic underwear or whatever tickles your cult udders - its far more interesting than discussing sane politics :)

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    So you need a supreme administrator, someone who can organise your government

    YES ! .. that is what the voters SHOULD be focusing on, instead of the media "circus" on petty issues. There are a few candidates with the experience to fit the bill (from both parties). The voters should be looking at those people and asking the questions pertaining to the real issues. Another point... the voters shouldn't vote for the party - what a waste of time - vote for the candidate who will run the government for the PEOPLE and not the illusion of working for the people with idle words.

  • Cheetos

    Well, it is much better than having one of the GB as the leader of the good old US of A heaven forbid.

    I am voting for Hillery Clinton, than we can have a good nation wide health insurance policy.

  • Junction-Guy

    Robert K.Stock, to answer your question, I have considered Ron Paul and I seem to agree with alot he believes in, or at least what I think he believes in, however there is still much I dont know about him, so Im a little reluctant to give him whole hearted support.

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