So non-creationist - what do you think of those who still accept creation?

by AK - Jeff 66 Replies latest jw experiences

  • lonelysheep
    The universe and everything in it is just too awesome to believe all this happened by chance.

    "Chance" as in not from 'God', you mean? I think that's pretty sad. Sorry, that may sound offensive-it's not personal to you or anyone. I thought that way as a jw study.

    I also think it's SO awesome that this beautiful universe did happen on its own. The appreciation is like nothing I ever felt as a creationist.

  • daystar
    The universe and everything in it is just too awesome to believe all this happened by chance.

    Why not? I am just as amazed as the next person by the wonders of this Universe we are a part of. But that alone is not, to me, good enough reason to believe the bible version of what happened at face value.

  • Backed away
    Backed away
    I'm with Warlock, when I SEE something evolve, then I will change my mind. A bird having a shorter or longer beak is not a bird changing into a man. I wish someone could offer a better modern day example....

    Ok, how about a Skeleton wearing a cape holding a scroll or a dog wearing a helmet and sunglasses? Just kidding... I am also waiting, for proof there is a God, beyond books and others non verifiable personal experiences. With evolution, birds turn into men, with religion, men turn into robots.

  • gumby


    when I SEE something evolve, then I will change my mind.

    That's like saying " when I see a piece of wood become petrified, then I'll believe it was wood at onetime". The word "Evolution" comes from the word "evolve" needless to say. That being the case, how could anyone expect a monkey to walk out of the woods and say " i was a man just a minute ago".

    I too believe in a maker and believing in evolution doesn't contradict that. If I wasn't so damn dumb I'd study evolution but as it is....I'm a dumb bastard. In a way, I'm glad I am since the thought of their being no real purpose to life scares the hell out of me.


  • Warlock
    That's like saying " when I see a piece of wood become petrified, then I'll believe it was wood at onetime". The word "Evolution" comes from the word "evolve" needless to say. That being the case, how could anyone expect a monkey to walk out of the woods and say " i was a man just a minute ago".


    The evolutionists want "proof" for everything. They want those who believe in God to "prove" it. They want believers to either present God to them on a platter, or in a jar.

    All I'm asking for, is the same "proof".

    SHOW ME!!!


  • lonelysheep
    In a way, I'm glad I am since the thought of their being no real purpose to life scares the hell out of me.

    I appreciate your honesty.

    The evolutionists want "proof" for everything. They want those who believe in God to "prove" it. They want believers to either present God to them on a platter, or in a jar.

    All I'm asking for, is the same "proof".

    The 'proof' of evolution is a process over many years. 'Godproof' is something different, and ought to be a "BAM! In your face" thing. (I'm smiling)



  • Warlock

    The 'proof' of evolution is a process over many years. 'Godproof' is something different, and ought to be a "BAM! In your face" thing. (I'm smiling)



    Sorry sheepy, it's not good enough for me. I need to see that higher form of monkey. (two for you).


  • LtCmd.Lore

    I don't think they're stupid... just misinformed. Intentionally misinformed by their leaders.

    Take this for example:

    I will just say that the type of evolution that I was taught in school, namely, the belief that men come from monkeys I will never believe until I have proof.

    No 'type' of evolution that I'm aware of teaches this. In fact it states that humans and monkeys have a common ancestor. We did not come from monkeys. That's like saying that I came from my cousin. I didn't come from my cousin, but we share a common ancestor.

    So either you went to a really weird school, your information is outdated (In which case you have no basis for rejected the modern theory of evolution.) or you didn't do your homework in that school.

    The proof that I want is to see a man walk out of the jungle saying "I was a monkey and have just evolved into a man".

    This also shows a horrible lack of knowledge about evolution. At no point in time did a fish suddenly morph into a frog. My parents didn't suddenly turn into me. They had a child that was slightly different then they are.

    That's like saying that you'll never accept the modern theories of how babies are born because you've never seen an adult turn into an infant... ?

    No monkey early humaniod ever turned into a modern man, instead it had a child that was a little different and a little better than it was, then one of its decendants eventually did the same thing... and so on and so on untill eventually you have a modern human. If somebody walks out of the jungle and says that he was just a monkey and turned into a man, then you probably have good evidence for the paranormal, and against evolution.

    when I SEE something evolve, then I will change my mind.

    But since the theory of evolution says that it takes MILLIONS of years for a change like this to take place, then if a fish had a frog as offspring, then there's something very strange going on, but not evolution.

    With evolution, birds turn into men

    No they don't. Evolution doesn't say that.

    Compare: and

    It says that dinosaurs turn into birds, but not that birds turn into men. How do you think that we came from monkeys AND birds AND frogs AND whatever else pops into your head? The worst part about our supposed multiple origins, is that none of you have it right!

    But with creationism, dirt turns into men. (Hey! Man and monkeys DO have a common ancestor: Dirt!!!)

    ALL of this, shows what an erronious concept of evolution creationists have. They believe it's insane because they don't understand, as is evident by the comments above and millions of others all over the internet. Statements like those above only come from people who have no idea what they're talking about.

    They think evolution meens that men came from monkeys... not only that, but a single monkey MORPHED into a man in one generation. Men also came from birds, who MORPHED into humans also in only a few years.

    They're not stupid, they just don't WANT to learn. Why would they, when their belief feels so good?


  • Warlock


    I want proof, not a jawbone.


  • RunningMan
    when I SEE something evolve, then I will change my mind.

    No problem. Check out the SARS virus or many other viruses:

    Viruses evolve rapidly and constantly, changing within a lineage and splitting off to form new lineages. As they evolve, they accumulate small changes in the sequences of their genomes. Based on these genetic differences, biologists can reconstruct the evolutionary relationships of different viral strains, building an evolutionary tree that reveals which strains evolved from which strains and in what order they evolved.

    Will you be changing your mind now?

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