by compound complex 1320 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Howdy, Friends!

    It's definitely cooler these last 24 hours - in the 90s rather than the 100s. Hope all of you are staying cool, despite global warming/cooling/whatever!

    I've got a few house-sitting jobs in the offing. The big thing is watching the property - someone on the premises is important. Then there are the critters to feed and the garden to water. It's all in the neighborhood, so I can be back and forth to my all important forum assignment.

    Have a great day!


  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Hi all

    Glad it's cooler for you today CoCo! We're currently having more sunshine than showers but heavy rain and thunder is forecast for tonight.

    The house-sitting job sounds good, I think I'd enjoy doing something like that. How's your art comission doing too?

    I'm still feeling a bit down today, not helped by other peoples' reminiscences of their happy childhood memories at church this morning. I wonder if its because I unconciously begrudge their childhood happiness, that's very wrong.

    I stay silent, I wish someone would listen.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear SAD emo,

    We are listening! It's not unusual to feel a tinge of non-malicious envy when we observe what appears to be the unremitting sunshine in the life of another. Of course, he/she, too, has his/her figurative rainy days. As the day and its cheer floods into your own hum-drum daily routine [oh - you're 8 hours ahead in your day!], you'll regain your balance and perspective.
    The art commision is going well as I have completed the preliminary basic thematic outline and laying in of color on the large theatrical backdrop. This week I am conceiving and designing the props and characters that will inhabit the magical world that has been created - quelle joie pour moi!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Off shortly to check out the new housesitting job!

    Thanx Cheerful Emo!


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Friends,

    Wishing all a great week, I have to !!!EXCLAIM!!! how excited I am about all the wonderful recipes that came in yesterday. And I'm going to learn to bake bread! Naturally, we all benefit from the generous spirit of giving that lives here at JWD.
    I will eat like a king, though the budget don't know it!

    Love and thanks to all,


  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Good day all

    My spirits have lifted a little. I cried a lot last night and this morning - they say tears of sadness are healing tears, they have a different chemical composition to 'ordinary' or happy tears. CoCo, your talking about theatre took me back to thoughts of pantomime. I help with the lighting at a local panto each year. It lasts for one week - 9 performances - and for that week, it seems that real life is suspended - everyone is captivated by what I term as 'the spirit of pantomime'. When my counsellor asked me to describe exactly what that spirit was, I couldn't and I still can't - it's the whole package, the cameraderie, the storylines, everything - I know I need to try keep some of that that spirit all year round.

    I changed my avatar to the theatrical symbol to remind me of the spirit of pantomime. The happy mask always overlays the sad mask - a reminder that like you said, we all have rainy days and possibly hidden pain, we can't hide it all the time.

    Happy cooking and good luck with the breadmaking!!

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Wishing all a wonderful day!

    Dear Emo of the new avatar:

    While sorry to see the dear little fishies gone aswimming into the vast hold of the great blue sea, I was nevertheless elated to see your theatre masks. They have a very special meaning for me, vis-a-vis an old and very important friendship. I was reminded of happy days of yore; now I must needs satisfy my yearning spirit and hankering soul with all that remains available to me - memories. Do please feel better soon, but allow the momentary sadness as a part of life's lesson to us poor and helpless mortals.

    We shall prevail, shan't we?!?!?!?



  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    We shall indeed prevail (((CoCo)))!

    I'm glad my current turmoil has surfaced before I go on holiday rather than during or after, otherwise the break would be no benefit. It's been painful the last few days but I'm beginning to see the first glimmer of light at the end of the current tunnel. The support from friends here on JWD is second to none.

    The fishies will return sometime - but for now we'll have to work on 'Finding Nemo' once more! Glad my current avatar brought you joy - maybe some of the spirit of pantomime transferring to you too?!

    Have a good day

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Greetings all!

    Today, it feels like normal service has been resumed for me for now. This board is truly a blessed place.

    Relieved that Nvr is coming back too, I was seriously worried yesterday but the time difference means that I had to wait till this morning to read his post.

    If you read this journal Nvr - we love you :-)

    This morning I made an appointment to get my hair dyed again - blue with some bits of dark red in - letting my rebellious teenager loose again lol! Currently I'm sitting alone in my shop tucking into chilli and chips (fries!) for lunch - yum!

    Have a great and blessed day everyone


    happier emo

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Greetings to all!

    We're glad you're better today, Emo. Hills and valleys, sunshine and rain. Win and lose. OK, OK! Enough of the cute little catch phrases.
    I can understand the feelings expressed by Never, though I have yet to read all the posts. Board relationships are somewhat different from the flesh-and-blood sort [obviously!], though they certainly can be equally genuine. I think of it as electronic penpalling. That is surely a legitimate form of maintaining a relationship. We cannot all of us be with our friends and family in a literal sense.

    A good day to everyone,

    CoCo Lapin

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    CoCo Lapin

    Tell me your attacker's saliva didn't enter your bloodstream and now you are taking on the features of said creature!!

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