Who wants to see this year's DC invitation?

by sir82 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • BizzyBee

    Is it just me, or does the drama "character" in the blue robe look like he's trying to stifle a guffaw? Can you blame him?


  • sandy

    WTF! They're selling labels now? Or are they just giving instructions on how to obtain labels? LOL "What's really going on?"

  • kwintestal

    I can picture the mid afternoon announcements now ... "This assembly was brought to you by, Office Max, Ford, and Jack Daniels."

    I can't believe they're giving out invitiations. I'm 40 miles from where the DC is going to be held, do you think anyone in the city who isn't a JW is going to go? Come to think of it, I don't recall ever seeing anyone at a DC just show up.


  • MeneMene

    This is for free2beme - an explanation of why Jesus looks so American -

    1898 "God .. evidently has been a respecter of races, and has specially blessed and favored certain branches of the Aryan race in Europe and America.. the white race has been more abundantly blessed with the light of the Gospel than others .. the elect Church will probably be composed chiefly of the highly favored white race.." - The Bible versus The Evolution Theory (EVOL 30-1)

  • AlmostAtheist

    >>"fast-moving" symposium--right!

    Precisely what I thought when I read that, Blondie! Gawd, nothing made me bored to tears more than one of those seemingly-16-hour-long symposiums. "And now, with yet another view of the same damned topic, is Brother Bland, who will drone on for 20 minutes on the theme 'Obadiah -- Verse By Verse'."


  • Alligator Wisdom
    Alligator Wisdom
    That location on the back looks familiar.

    Long Beach Convention Center, Long Beach, California U.S.A. (30 minutes south of Los Angeles by freeway). I've noticed that the WTS uses snapshots of this location in several publications when depicting a convention scene. Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)

  • RichieRich

    I'm so doctoring this when as soon as I get back from lunch....

    but tuesday is pizza day, so for now I've got to "Follow the Slice".

  • mkr32208

    I wonder how many people would have to request this "free" book to bankrupt the SOB's?

    Can you order it online at the "official" WT site? Maybe I'll write a bot to just go and order a couple hundred thousand to made up addresses every single day for a couple months!

  • truthseeker

    My response to the tract is based on the Bible:

    "If anyone says to you, 'Look, here is the Christ! or 'There He is! do not believe it."

    Matthew 24:23-26

  • abbagail

    Great post, thanks for the DC tract pics and BOE info.


    Say, what is that thing sticking out from behind Jesus' left hand?

    The guy in the black robe is standing next to Jesus, and you would think it should be the right-hand of the guy in the black robe, but it isn't. So what is it?

    Also, is that a "scroll' of some sort in Jesus' right hand?


    So true the comments about the "Americanized Jesus." Remember how the WT always said because he was a "perfect man" that they figured he would at least be of the handsome sort? (Hence, their very "handsome-Americanized" Jesus pics). But if you read Isaiah chapter 53, it basically says he would be so UNcomely and unattractive that he would be barely noticed at all (looks-wise).
    BTW, great quote from that old Evolution book.


    Re: the switching of the Drama and Public Talk, from morning to afternoon and vice-versa: The only thing I can think of as to why they would do this is maybe they think the public would be more attracted to a "drama" than having to LISTEN to a "public talk." It's such a "visual world" these days, nobody wants to READ, LISTEN, TAKE NOTES, etc. but give them a "movie of sorts," and maybe they would come.


    And lastly, for "conspiracy nuts" ONLY: yaddayadda had said, in part:

    "Using the words 'the Christ' instead of just Jesus or Christ is very suspicious..."

    I agree but for different reasons, since the occult societies use "THE CHRIST" to refer to THEIR version of the "world savior". I wrote about it previously, maybe posted the info here at JWD somewhere, but I can't find it if I did. But the various and specific quotes about this, taken from the House of Theosophy and Lucis Trust websites, and other occult sources about "THE CHRIST" is here (posted 12/23/06):



    'We should be particularly wary when someone refers to Jesus Christ as 'the Christ.'"
    --Norman Geisler -- (Who is Norman Geisler?): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norman_Geisler
    His specific quote from: http://www.chick.com/information/bibleversions/articles/copyright.asp+%22the+Christ%22+occult+Bible+Versions&hl=en&gl=us&ct=clnk&cd=3


    FWIW, the WT uses "THE CHRIST" in its NWT 155 times. Only Young's translation equals that number. The KJV only uses "the Christ" 19 times, as a comparison. (A list of a dozen Bible versions and how often they use "the Christ" is found at that same link: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TO_JEHOVAHs_WITNESSES_with_LOVE/message/57


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