AllTimeJeffs Story

by AllTimeJeff 116 Replies latest members private

  • whathappened

    I never knew this about AllTimeJeff. And he is lovingly still hanging around JWN on a regular basis, that is super wonderful!

    How is it going with your folks and your job?

  • AllTimeJeff

    Oh, a lot has changed and continues to change. I accept that life is an adventure, and mine has had its fair share already. As it is, my family is gone, either dead or shunning me, but I am successfully carving out my life on my terms. :)

  • whathappened

    You are young to have your parents gone already. Sorry to hear that. Some are shunning you...that really sucks.

    Thanks for updating us.

  • DNCall

    Thanks to Perfect1 for the "nump;" otherwise I may have missed your story, Jeff. You've been through so much, but from what I know of your other writing you have overcome beautifully and I'm sure you've helped more people than you can know. All best!

  • AllTimeJeff

    Much appreciated. I wish for all the same happiness I seek. :)

  • Scott77

    AllTimeJeff, great to hear from you. Man, hope yu are doing well


  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    Jeff, is your exwife still in the Borg? How did her life developed after you dumped her and all the toxic waste behind? It's impossible for anyone to think a Gilead Grad is capable of being so mean to her husband. High Five AllTimeJeff! You were in deep in the cult, are you still plagued by memories or regrets or is your car in overdrive heading forward? How old were you when the warning light went off?

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Good Evening AllTimeJeff,

    I must say, you have had quite the life. I was sorry to hear about your Brother.

    Through the decades, observing full-time Servants, I have often wondered about their love lives. Not having a place of their own, lack of privacy, must be a big concern. I have often wondered, at Gilead, if anything is mentioned. (One Gilead graduate friend of mine told me they discussed contraception, I don't mean that). Do they downplay sexual fulfillment between married couples as something not important, or base, and best left to the lowly R&F?

    I guess I am asking...if you have any passion, is it encouraged to use it for "bringing in the Sheep" and not with each other?

    I have seen way to many couples act like brother and sister with each other, rather than loving husbands & wives.

    Do you have any insights that you have noticed?

    Just Lois

  • AllTimeJeff

    AArabia, I heard a while back that she was still trying to land in a foreign country, but that ws years ago. Knowing her, I would not be the least surprised if she still is. In my view, being a missionary was more important to her than anything, including me. (Obviously) I started being suspicious about my ex after I was attacked and she went out in service the next day and left me home. That was sort of a big clue.

    Lois, while I don't talk about this too much, yeah, I have a very real problem with how this cult teaches about sex, and the mental and emotional tolls it brings on ones health. They will absolutely teach that sex should be put off for theocratic activities. It is very common for missionary couples to sleep in separate beds. We were asked if we wanted separate beds or a double bed in Cameroon. It took everything I had not to roll my eyes like a slot machine. It's to this cults advantage if they can get married couples to shelve their sex life so they can be leaders in cult activities. Some couples are so career oriented within the Borg that they stay sexless, because a kid is a one way ticket home. That drove me nuts. My ex really liked that idea however.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman


    Thank you for answering my question.

    Just Lois

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