What's the worst dish your mother ever made you eat?

by mrsjones5 96 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sparkplug
    You know, this thread is making me a little sad. A number of you are grossing out over my favorites.

    Same here....hmmmmmmmmm..........

  • misspeaches

    It wasn't my mum, it was my dad.

    He used to get tongue and mince it all up mix it with herbs and stuff and then cook it up like a meatloaf. We'd get tongue sandwiches to take to school... Ewwww!

  • Sparkplug

    Hey again peaches.

    We'd get tongue sandwiches to take to school... Ewwww!

    I had to do that too. Really! That is too freaky.

  • TresHappy

    beets, horrible purple juicy beets!

  • IP_SEC

    Sorry GF, I saw mole and stopped reading. I just assumed it was on your "worst" list If I realized you liked it I would not have been so vocal about my dislike of it

  • Virgochik

    Nasty, hot, cooked carrots. I was slipping them under the table to the dog, till she yipped for some more. I got busted and forced to eat them, Got sick at the table and sent to my room. To this day, I do not do carrots!

  • free2beme

    My mother used to make "Spam and steamed cabbage" and thought it was great and thought everyone loved it. We hated it with a passion! Who wouldn't? After she divorced my father and remarried. The man she remarried was at our house one time, and my sister and I asked if she made it for him yet. My mother spoke up that she did and he loved it, to which he laughed and said nothing. She saw this and asked, "did you not like it?" He replied that he did not like it and only ate it to make her happy. So after that, the plague of Spam and cabbage finally met it's end and never will be passed on to another generation.

  • AudeSapere

    There was a period of time when my parents would make us drink a glass of powdered milk everynight. Most of the time it wasn't chilled and was just foul.

    One of my chores was to clean the kitchen each night and my younger brother was supposed to help by clearing the table and drying the dishes. I used to get him to drink my milk in exchange for me doing the entire kitchen by myself.

    Sometimes we'd get caught and a fresh glass would be poured and my dad would stand there and make sure I drank the whole thing. GROSS!

    On another thread I was reminded of the brewer's yeast that for some reason I was supposed to drink in the morning. (The powdered milk was worse.)

    Then there was the time my mom thought she'd make a treat for my dad: Stewed Rhubarb. She bought fresh rhubarb and cooked it down and added a little sugar, i think. Also, since the leaves looked nice and fresh she threw them in, too. Us kids hated it. But it was mandatory dessert for about a week (there was ALOT of it.) We griped and complained and requested to be excused from dessert. We also suggested that since the adults seemed to like it so much, we would let them have it. No Go. We were made to eat it everynight for a full week.

    Six months later in a Watchtower study, someone made a comment about Jehovah's diverse creations and just because he made it doesn't mean its all good for us --- Like rhubarb leaves, for example. They are poisonous.


  • Thegoodgirl

    Elsewhere, you beat me to it. The spiritual food!

  • Leolaia

    Liver is okay in liverwurst, but not in a main dish. My dad made liver casserole with Durkee fried onion toppings one night, and considering that I detest both, it was inedible. My dad swore up and down that it was regular beef, not liver, but my sister went to trash and pulled out the package that said "liver" on it. That was the night my sister turned vegetarian.

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