What's the worst dish your mother ever made you eat?

by mrsjones5 96 Replies latest jw friends

  • PopeOfEruke

    I am so hungry now, I feel just like a big plate of creamed dried beef topped with a deep fried mole with a side order of wild horse on toast .


  • WildHorses

    LOL Pope, no, it is pronounced Moe Lay. It's not an animal either it is a sauce made with chocolate.

  • PopeOfEruke


    yes I just googled it and it sounds delicious. We ate recently at a Turkish restaurant and had some great Turkish bread with 4 different dipping salads - Eggplant and walnut, chili, yoghurt and cucumber, and 1 more, can't remember. Was yummy!


  • WildHorses

    You EAT little Puerto Rican boys? Nah, but I can't say the same about Mexican men.

  • Beachbender

    after reading these 5 pages I just thought of something else I couldn`t stomach either as a young one, my mom would make homemade chop suey, I hated it!!!! to salty for me and I hated the chunky, crunchy stuff!

  • lonelysheep

    SOS...I forgot about that!

    My dad would make pickled eggs.

  • lonelysheep

    double post

  • Beachbender

    lonelysheep oh man I completely forgot about pickled eggs!!!! I think I`ll go chuck my coffee right now!

  • dobbie

    although my dad had a butchers shop we had to have all the cheap meat faggots with peas and mash liver steak and kidney ready made pies ugh!I turned veggie when i was 12! I used to hate sprouts cabbage peas onions etc but love them now - sprouts with bread sauce yum!

  • damselfly

    My mom was a good cook, I still make some of her recipies from when I was a kid. That being said, some dishes were just vile!

    There was 7 layer dinner (7 layers of nastiness) it had ground beef, onions, peas, carrots and potatoes among other things. UGH!
    Then there were cabbage rolls, I couldn't stand these either, the cabbage would be all slimey and cabbagey. Blech!
    The dish that we all hated as kids we affectionally named "slop" (that didn't go over too well) it was ground beef, macaroni and canned tomatoes cooked into a big mushy mess on the stove. Utter vileness. Mom tried to convice us once that it tasted like pizza, she had a mini riot on her hands! LOL

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